Chapter one

Chapter one

A Chapter by beautifulnorm

Whispers and mumbling I heard as I walked down the hall of Central City High School. As I clinched my 4 books of English and math together to my chest while reaching for my school locked locker, number 32. I struggled to open it as I always did, but yet as I pushed down the lock for it to come open I was rushed with a swarm of overbearing tampons that hadn’t been used. Someone obviously was playing a horrible prank on me. But it was nothing that I hadn’t experienced before. And yet I was immediately swarmed with overbearing laughs of my peers. As I looked at each one of their faces with sadness as I always did when I was tormented. While bending down to pick up the humiliation that had fallen out of my locker I was suddenly offered a helping hand. As I peeked to see whom it was with one eye as my other eye was hidden with my long shade of mixed black hair.

“Here, let me help you with that.” a deep slight voice said.

When I had peeked slightly more upward while also being careful that my scar didn’t show on the left side of my face, I was extravagantly nervous of realizing that it was Derrick Roman. In secretsee my all time crush, he was the guy that every girl dreamed of having in high school.

“No. It’s okay I can manage.” I replied as I felt my anxiety rising from my chest.

He shook his head and gave me slight smirk.

“No I insist.” he said whole walking to the nearest trash can down the hall then back to me. “Here you go.” he said while handing me all four of my books that had fallen along with the tampons that flew out of my locker.

“Thank you.” I said while looking a little slightly up at him while taking the books in hand, but still being slightly nervous.

He managed to close my locker for me.

“I never see you around here much. Are you new here?” he asked.

I had completely blacked out in my mind at what he was asking me, it was as if his lips where moving and I could not hear a voice. But I felt my hearing come back in to play. And yet suddenly Derrick was not alone.

“Are you death at hearing? I’ve been calling you for 5 minutes down the hall?” a sweet but sharp angelic voice said. As she also wrapped her arms around Derricks neck. And soon after she noticed me, as she gave me a jabbing look with her eyes. “Well if it isn’t the dirty skank.” she looked at me and said, while laughing a devious laugh.

While Derrick annoyingly rolled his eyes at her remark.

“Jasmine not today.” he said, with his face read annoyed.

"Why not?" she smerked with an even more devious laugh. "I mean just look at her, she looks like a pest with those low down hammy down shoes, her shabby clothes, and that devious ugly ridiculous hidious scar." she said as she rudely but quickly paraded my hair into her fingers.

And I looked away quickly ashamed and terrified. While look on Derricks face was confuesd by her remark. But yet I was saved by the bell when the bell had rung to go to class. And she quickly took Derrick in hand as they two walked to class together, and yet I caught him starring back still with that confised look on his face with out her even noticing. I started to walk the opposite direction to class as I could feel myself almost being knocked at the shoulder by another student that was by passing me as my four books had been stumbled on the floor again. With not even nothering to look back and say sorry. And yet I felt a since of hoplessness, a wave of unbeauty of not being beautiful had shook my mind. And yet that memory of hatred and scared devotion had taken over my brain.

I was dancing alone in my room to my iPod that my father had just brought me for my birthday. With not giving a care about how I looked in the mirror I just kept on grooving. But I was suddenly aroused and alerted by a huge booming sound, and I had released my ear buds from my ears to see what all the loud commotion was about. When I had opened my bedroom door I could see and feel nothing but hot smoke. But I couldn’t sense or see where it was coming from. I motioned my way through the smoke while calling for my mom and calling for my dad, as I could suddenly hear them both screaming from their bedroom. I went to open their door but the door to their bedroom was sealed shut, and was drivenly hard to open as my hands twisted and twisted I called out to my parents as I heard nothing but screams. I was horrified inside myself as I tried even harder to get the door open even more but nothing had been accomplished once the smoke from the fire had started coming at my face even more. I coughed harder and harder while fanning the smoke with my hands to move it out of the way. As I looked for a way out I saw no clear passage of any door of our building apartment to get out. And I felt myself trapped as I went back into my room, and it seemed that my bedroom window was the only way out. I began to sob and cry while looking down at the neighbors and people that were staring up at the burning apartment building of mine. Suddenly I heard a loud boom and a gush of fire had swarmed the walls of my room. I looked at the window, up and then down as I struggled to open and release the handles of my window so that it would come open. But it didn’t. I sighed heavily as I stepped back away from the window while still crying all that I could cry. I counted to three in my head as when I got to three I rushed to the window closing my eyes and aimed my face and head first as I jumped out the window of my room. While I could hear the glass shatter at my ears I could feel the thickness of shattered glass run like blades through my caramel skin as I fell to the ground from the fourth floor. I was immediately rushed to the hospital. They did stitches on the left side of my face in which pieces of glass had torn through. And I was luckily to have survived a fractured arm. But that even with the stitches of my face it would still leave a scar. For the days to come I cried, I cried like a baby as I would have tremendous back to back nightmares of the fire. Later on I was put into foster care, as I had no real family members to really take me in as their own. It wasn’t until a year I was adopted by a white couple. Jake and Natalie, and older couple in their mid 30’s I should suppose. From the first moment they looked at me they made it known that they didn’t care about my dreadful scar that I was just as normal as any other child. They took me in as I had been their own, only I was African American but they didn’t care. They loved me just the same, and just as I had a father and mother Jake and Natalie preferred that I call them mom and dad. It wasn’t a since of them trying to replace my deceased parents but that they were just trying to make me feel more comfortable and loved.

I continued walking to class as I found myself late as I entered the classroom. As I walked in my algebra teacher Mrs. Norberry barely noticed my tardiness as I found myself taking a seat in the last desk available in the middle of the classroom, after a whole she began passing around last week’s final papers. It seemed spoofed that everyone was not settled with their grades that they received from the expressions on their face I saw and the side remarks that they would make. I was expecting the same when Mrs. Norberry laid my paper at my desk.

“Nice work Adrian.” she said to me while smiling and returned to her desk. I looked down at my paper as I had received and A+. I smiled in return while still looking down at my paper while hoping that none of my peers saw my happiness. When class was over I was headed out of the door when Mrs. Norberry had stopped me at her desk. “Adrian I just wanted to say tremendous well done on your final paper. You truly are an A+ student, and I just wanted say keep up the good work and you will go far.” She said to me while smiling.

“Thank you so much Mrs. Norberry. And I will continue to keep up the good work and continue to be a great student.” I replied.

She nodded.

“Well enjoy the rest of your day Adrian.” she said.

“You too Mrs. Norberry.” I said.

After school on my way home I walked by the football field while becoming interested of the teams playing as my fingers clinched threw the fence of the yard. And there then I suddenly noticed Derrick again. I was immediately flustered with excitement while fixing my hair but making sure that my scar was covered. And for once I was gageing to introduce myself aside from earlier, but I was suddenly interrupted and slightly disappointed as Jasmine rushed to his side and planted a kiss at his lips. I closed my eyes while trying to erase the image out of my head, and yet I decided to walk away and think nothing of it.

As I entered the door of my home I found my parents at their usual . Watching back to back episodes of The Cosby Show. Now your probaly thinking what white married couple watches The cosby show? even i cant answer that. Just for the longest ive known them, they've always seemed to like urban cultural things such as the never ending tastes of urban soul food, the never ending episodes of good times. with the Cosby show included, and urban music. I'd laugh sometimes about it, but i couldnt blame them for loving it.

"Hi mom, hi dad." I said as they both looked up to see me.

"Adrian i thought that was you. You sounded so silent when you came in." said Natalie as she looked up to see me now, as her skin and her burgundy colored hair in a bun shined from the sun that brought light from the window behind her. "How was school?" she asked as I took a seat beside her on the couch.

"It was great. I mean besides the torment that I usually get from my peers, it was great. I got an A on my final paper." I explained.

"An A or an A+?" asked Jake.

I sighed while smiliing.

"An A+ dad." I said.

He nodded while smiling.

"Now that's more like it." he said.

 “And if it was an A?” said Natalie.


Jake shook his head and laughed a little.

“A’s are fine but a pluses are even better.” he said.

Natalie shook her head and smiled.

“Well, I still feel that even if it was an A it would still be great, better all of the above in my book.” said Natalie as she peered at me.

“Thanks mom.” I said as I embraced her with a side hug.

“Well u still think otherwise.” said Jake jokingly.

 Natalie and I laughed a little.

Afterwards I headed up to my room as I took my school clothes and put my hair into a pony tail as this was the only times my entire face showed, with including my masked scar on the left side of my face. This was the only time I would show it off. I felt it comfortable that way and almost a sense of satisfaction as I looked into the mirror but yet I saw no beauty or prettiness.

“Adrian dinners ready.” Natalie called up to me.

“I’ll be down in just a second mom.” I called down to her in hopes of that it was not any of her infamous meat loaf. I was dreading not to have any more of that again.

 “Pass the ball!” said one of Derrick’s basketball teammates, as I passed through the gymnasium with my books in hand as they practiced for an upcoming basketball tournament that was coming up in a week or two.

I stood there helplessly while trying to keep walking and not look at Derrick but I couldn’t help but notice him. As I was mesmerized by his deep chocolate brown skin, his dimpled smile that melted me inside, and his faded hair cut that fitted him so well. I could not stop myself from glancing as I found myself in a daze. I was not alerted as suddenly I felt a wind of heated air break at my face, as I fell to the floor, without barely conscious. When I had opened my eyes a little I saw nothing but blurry feet a blurry face.

“Oh it’s just her.” a voice mumbled as I felt it fading away.

“She is so not worth helping.” Another voice mumbled as they to faded away.

Until now I had opened my eyes up clearly and all I could see was Derricks face in front of mines. With him constantly asking me am I alright. With also me becoming again alerted of my scar, I nodded a little as he helped me to sit up. And I could now see clearly.

“Are you okay?” he asked concerned.

I was so focused at his lips that I was trying so hard not to black out again.

“What happened?” I asked him as I laid my hand at my head.

“One of my teammates fiercely was passing me the ball, I told him not to throw it so hard. And it accidently slipped through my fingers and instead you got hit in the head with the ball. And that’s how you ended up here.” he explained. I nodded my head a little. “Are you alright?” he asked.

“I think so.” I replied by saying as Derrick helped me to my feet.

“Are you sure?” he asked once more.

I sighed with a smile.

“Yes I’m fine.” I said.

He then looked at me with an unassuring look on his face.

“How many fingers am I holding up?” he asked as he held up two fingers.

I sighed and laughed a little.

“Two fingers.” I said.

He nodded.

“Okay, what’s two times two?” he asked.

I sighed and laughed and smiled even more.

“Two times two is four. Why are you asking me this?” I asked yet shyly.

“I’m just trying to make sure your okay.” he said reassured while saying. I nodded in an okay manner. “And I didn’t quite catch your name.” he said.

“My name is Adrian.” I said.

“Adrian.” he said so delightfully. “Well it’s nice to meet you Adrian.” He said as he continued to hold the basketball in the balls of his hand a little.

“Likewise.” I said.

“And also about the other day I just wanted to say I’m really sorry about my girlfriend. She can be a real b***h at times, and I swear she tries to insightfully tic me off like she’s the queen and she runs everything.” he said a bit annoyed.

So why are you with her? I asked in my mind.

“Don’t apologize. It’s nothing I’ve never heard before, and it’s not the first torment moment I’ve had.” I said a little sadly.

A confused smirk crept across his face. He hadn’t had a clue what I meant by that.

“Torment? What do you mean by torment?” he asked as he waited hesitantly for an answer.


I was deeply being cut off when I heard the blow of a whistle going off to end the practice of the game. Derrick closed his eyes impatiently, as id slightly he didn’t want the conversation to end. And in my mind I was thinking the same but I just wasn’t in for answering that question at the moment. He looked back at his teammates then returned his eyes to me.

“Another time?” he asked as he dribbled the ball once in his hand.

In my mind I was weirded by that question. But I was hopelessly smiling inside.

“Sure.” I nodded.

As we said our good-byes he walked away as I starred after him thinking to myself how could a guy like that be interested in having a conversation with a girl like me. My looks where hauntingly ugly, or so I told myself and felt about myself. I was in no eager or form to hold a conversation with the most popular guy in school, he knew nothing totally at all about my deformed scar. It was a dreary scene that even I could not dismiss from seeing or looking at in the mirror. Somehow I just wanted it to disappear but even my parents knew that that wasn’t possible. 

I stood there in my all over one piece swimsuit next to the tip of the 1.2 rectangle square pool of my P.E. class. As I hugged myself at my shoulders I was terrified of the water. And not only was I terrified I couldn’t swim. God I hated this class. I looked down at the water as I could see a clear reflection of my face with yet my scar being hidden. Coach Porter only wanted us to swim 5 laps across the water. But I had no intentions of doing so. I just was not in for it. I suddenly heard giggles in the back of me, as I was questionably alerted, while still holding myself at a posture and turning slightly around to see whom it was.

Jasmine. Derrick’s girlfriend, another reason why I dreaded this class, her torment and her humiliation towards me. She hissed at me as she saw me catch a glare at her and the other two girls that sat aside from her while I yet also turned back around to face the pool.

“She definitely needs a makeover.” I heard one of the girls mumbling in the back of me.

“Yea she needs a deep make over, I mean why does she dress like that anyway. Like where on earth does she get her clothes?” another girl mumbled and asked.

They all laughed now.

“Oh that’s easy, the hammy down store. Maybe she’s just too bummed to go to the mall and buy real clothes.” said Jasmine as she laughed jokingly while the other girls followed in behind her. there grew a pain of anger inside of me as I gave Jasmine a snapping look on my face, while also hurtful feelings weld up in my throat. Once she saw my face she looked at me with a devious smile. “Oh I’m sorry, did I strike a nerve?” she asked sarcastically. Foolishly I nodded a little. She looked at me with an even more devious smile. “Well that’s just too bad.” she said while beginning to flicker at my hair, as I resisted by shaking it off a little as it accidently caused me to tip and fall backwards into the pool.

Immediately I panicked as I was fighting for the surface of the water, I begin to feel myself going underneath until I could no longer feel myself to have the strength to fight any longer. Minutes later I felt myself being lifted from the pool as I was laid at the side.

“Okay everyone step back. Give her some air give her some room.” I heard Coach Porter say. I lay there still slightly away from the pool while waiting to breathe again as suddenly coach Porter began to blow air in to my mouth. At first she had accomplished nothing. So once more she breathed in my mouth as suddenly I coughed up the water that had almost caused me to drown, and I was suddenly breathing clearly again, and she helped me to my feet. “Are you going to be okay? For a moment there I thought you were a goner.” she said a little jokingly.

I smiled and nodded a little.

“Yea I’ll be okay coach Porter. Just I’ve never really been a fan of swimming. It’s just never been my cup of tea.” I said.

She nodded.

“Phobias and fears, yea it’s natural to have those when swimming or learning how to swim. But I promise you it’s nothing to it.” she said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Really Really. I’ll tell you what, after school every day I teach swim classes from 4 to 7. If your interested your welcome to join. This way it will help you to get over your phobias and fears.” she said reassuringly.

I smiled thoughtfully.

“I’ll take your offer up on that.” I said.

“Okay great. Don’t forget 4:00.” she said.

I smiled.

I won’t. I replied.

As I walked home from school again I caught yet another glance at Derrick as he practiced for another football game. As I clenched my hands at the fence of the field I starred after him as he seemingly looked like a good player. I sighed hopelessly admiring his look’s, I could not yet resist as I yet found myself heading to the outside bleachers of the field. And began to take a seat and watch him play. He looked up from the field as now he noticed me surprisingly as also he had suddenly been tackled down by another team player. It looked like it hurted so awfully or so I told my brain as I continued to ponder at the scene. But he was suddenly back at his feet again as if that tackled had never happened. In that moment I was just amazed at how strong he looked and how he was. 20 minutes later practice was over, and everyone that had come to watch had suddenly started to relieve the bleachers by leaving, and I was in following.

“I didn’t know that you were a fan of football.” said Derrick while catching up with me as I began to walk off.

I was stunned to see him walking there next to me, while trying to hold in my shyness the best way that I could.

“I’m not.” I said smiling. “I just thought I’d sit and watch the team play.” I lied.

He laughed a little. His dimples were so deep I could literally melt inside with seeing them.

“The team?” he laughed. “Okay I’ll take your word on that.” he said.

“I take it you don’t believe me.” I said.

He sighed.

“Well it’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that most girls at school are always coming to watch for the other reason.” he asked,

“And what’s the other reason?” I asked.

“Well most girls that I know don’t just come to watch the team play, most girls come to watch certain guys play because they either like dating guys that are on the football team or they either just find us really attractive and would like to maybe try and date one of us.” he explained.

I nodded with a little guilt inside me, as if in secretsee I was one of those girls. Yet the truth just seemingly hadn’t been brought out yet.

“Wow a sense of ignorance.” I replied and said.

He nodded while agreeing with me.

“So where are you off too?” he asked.

“I’m just walking home.” I replied.

“You mind if I walk with you?” he asked.

I paused before speaking while feeling a sense of excitement in my brain, but yet not showing it on my face.

“Yea sure, I don’t see why not.” I said and smiled.

“Great.” he said and nodded.

“So how long have you been playing football, with it also engaging with basketball?” I sort of asked.

“Well basketball is just a sport, and football has always been my lifelong dream.” he said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah no doubt, I just have never been able to get it out of my system. And as for as basketball goes I’m thinking about quitting the team.” he said.

“Quitting the team? Why?” I asked.

He shook head.

“Well because basketball has never really been as important to me as football is, basketball to me is just a sport that I see myself just releasing my stress off of, or when I wanna just get away from things u know.” he said.

“But you’re good at it. I’ve seen you play.” I said.

He shook his head.

“I appreciate the compliment buts it’s just another dead piece of weight I need to let go of.” he said. If you say so, in my head I thought. “What about you Adrian? Do you have any passions you want to have or that you just can’t let go of?” he asked wondering.

 Passions I said in my head. The only passion I had or that I knew of that I wanted was to be that one word beautiful. I had been hunting for it ever since the day of the fire, and ever since I was 12 years old. So no, my passion was not a materialistic thing but it was yet built on within me. And yet I didn’t know how to accomplish that passion or that goal for the matter that I had not found my beauty or prettiness. I felt a sense of hopelessness on that topic, that there was no way out for me.


“This is my stop.” I said to him as we both came to a halt at the front of my house.

He sighed and nodded.

“So how bout it?” he asked curiously.

“How about what?” I asked.

“You’re passion. You never did give me an answer.” he said. Oh right that, I thought in my head. “It’s okay you don’t have to answer it. It’s none of my business.” he said.

“No no I want to its just-

“It’s alright its okay. You don’t have to stress and tell me anything that you don’t want to tell me. I won’t force you.” he said and smiled.

I nodded by smiling also.

“Okay.” I said.

“So I’ll see you at school?” he said.

I nodded with answering while also watching him walk off.

In my mind I suddenly became sad at not wanting him to leave, that somehow I still wanted to linger on with a conversation even if I happened to say nothing because of my shyness I would still have the chance of glancing at his cuteness and just being mesmerized by his charming looks.

“Hey mom hi dad.” I called allowed. But there was no response to be heard after. That’s strange I said to myself. “Mom? Dad?” I called out once more.

“Up here honey?” I heard my mom say from upstairs. I begin to walk up the stairs while entering their room, noticing that they both were dressed up for what I occasion I did not know. “Mom dad? Why are you two all fancy looking?” I asked curiously as my mom began to put on the last touch ups of her mascara and earrings. She looked at me and smiled.

“We are all going out to dinner.” she said.

“Dinner? What’s wrong with dinner at home?” I asked.

“Well I just thought I’d take a break from cooking tonight, and we all as a family of three go out for dinner instead. So go change and put on something more elegant.” she said.

Elegant, as if I could possibly find that in my closet I thought in my brain, as I quickly ran to my room to open my closet and search for something nice to wear. But just as I thought, it was hopeless. My wardrobe looked like they were from the dumps of hell, sure I had decent clothes but in my eyes I just wouldn’t consider them as fashioned so I quickly slipped on a pair of nice jeans with a casual top as I too sat in the mirror beginning to fix my hair. I slowly begin to push my hair up as now my scar was fully showing. I was suddenly terrified to look at myself in the mirror as I quickly put my hair into a bun I quickly stepped away from the mirror while trying to imagine that my scar was not there.

When we had reached the restaurant, inside there was a long waiting list as we sat there at waited for our table to be free of use. I could not help but to catch the two children across the way stare at me so questionable while yet I smiled, but yet they did not smile back as one of them began to nudge their mother at her side while catching her undivided attention.

“Mommy what’s wrong with that lady’s face?” the child asked pointing her finger at me as her mother quickly grew an agonized grin.

My smile suddenly faded as also my parents heard it too. She then looked at me with an excuse me smile then back at the child and pulled his arm back down to his lap.

“Excuse me.” she said. “Mason that wasn’t very nice, you will be quiet as told or you get no desert after dinner.” she said.

“But but-

“I mean it Mason.” she said to him clearly.

“Okay okay.” he mumbled sadly.

I suddenly felt embarrassed as I tried to look over of what I would call a small ounce of torment except only it was coming from a child something I least expected.

at that moment I felt like I was never gonna get away from my torment, rather it was at school or in the public it just felt like at the moment I couldn't get away.

"Your table is ready." said the waiter as she showed us to our table.

Even as we began to take our seats I just couldn't shake that horrible embarrassing feeling I still had weld up in my stomache. Like suddenly my apitite had been demolished. 

"You know what your gonna order?" my dad asked me as I looked up at him as tears begin to swell up in my eyes. He suddenly looked at me with a concerned look on his face, as years began to flow from my eyes, I shook my head and disregarded myself from the table and ran to the bathroom. "Was it something I said?" he asked yet confused to Natalie.

She shook her head.

"I'll be right back." she said to Jake as she relieved herself and followed behind me into the restroom. I immediately locked myself in a stall. "Adrian, Adrian." Natalie called my name aloud. 

"Mom just leave me be." I cried sobbing. 

"Adrian come on, open up." she pleaded.

"No mom I just want to be left alone." I said as I cried even more.

"Well if u won't open the door, at least tell me what's wrong." she pleaded more.

I tried to suck up my crying before speaking. 

"I just hate the way I look, I'm tired of the criticism, I'm just tired of it, I'm tired of being tormented because of my image and my scar, it's hidden from my peers everyday at school. And even when I come out in public it's no better." I cried still.

"Wait a second did someone say something?" she asked concerned.

I shook my head, as tears still flowed down my face.

"It's nothing never mind now mom." I said trying to suck in my tears.

"Adrian stop it, ok. You are not what people and peers say you are. You are beautiful. From the moment that your father and i brought you home from the adoption agency you were different than any other child there. Adrian listen to me I love you your father loves you. Let people say what they want to say about you, because if they don't except you for you or your looks then you know your father and I do and that's all that matters. People are gonna talk, let them talk. But don't ever get discouraged because you are pretty on the inside and the out." she explained to me. 

Natalie always had a way of making me feel better or explaining things to me. She knew how to put a smile on my face when I felt down in the dumps, and she knew how to uplift me when I felt down. Her words of encouragement really felt heart warming inside.

I still say in the stall yet wiping my eyes from tears as now i opened the door to find Natalie standing there. She took me in her arms and hugged me, and then once more looked in to eyes, and wiped away the left over tears that I had shed.

"You really think I'm beautiful?" I asked still a little sad.

"Adrian yes of course. You are not unpretty. You are pretty, and don't you ever forget that."she said being proud.

I nodded with understanding, while we also walked back to our table.

"Everything alright?" Jake asked. 

Natalie and I both nodded. She looked at me and smiled.

"Yes everything's fine." Natalie said reassuring. 

We continued to order meal for dinner and enjoyed spending family time together. 

I began to start and open my locker again as this time I closed my eyes hoping for the worst again, but when it had came open there was nothing out of the un ordinary. I smiled a little, feeling relieved.

“Get your formal tickets folks! Buy your formal tickets now!” said the girl walking down the hall way as she held flyers in her hand. While passing them out to the students and posting them on the walls and lockers of the hallway.

On the flyer it had read in blue white and grey, the official colors of our school logo, “The formal of Elegance” With a shimmer of silver glitter that raced across the upper part of the paper. “Saturday September 18th @7pm. So find a date and don’t be lateJ” It read towards the ending of the flyer. I smiled a little while re-reading the flyer over and over again but yet as my eyes kept going across the word date I couldn’t help to become a little sad. Thinking to myself who would possibly want to ask me to formal.

“Thinking about going?” I heard a voice say as I could see that it was Derrick.

I smiled a little as he stood beside me now while shaking my head a little.

“Mmm I don’t know. It says you have to have a date.” I said to him. And besides who would want to take me I thought to myself.

“Mmm not nessacarilly. I mean having a date is preferable but it’s not really needed.” he said to me. 

“You really think so?” I asked.

“Yeah definitely. In fact I feel that there’s nothing wrong with going alone, nothing wrong with dancing by yourself.” he explained.

I nodded agreeing.

“How about you?” I asked.

He sighed.

“Guilty. Yes. Sadly I don’t want to. Somehow Jasmine got us tickets in advance to the dance. She’s so deeply excited about going because she feels like it will make her appearance at the dance look better.” he said a little dragged.

“You don’t sound too enthused about it.” I said.

“Honestly I’m really not it’s just not my scene.” he stressed.

“Well exactly what it’s your scene?” I asked.

“My scene is when the music is bumping and jumping, when I can just let loose and not give a damn who sees or who watches because I know that I’m having a good time. Unlike the music that their probably gonna have at the dance it’s just not my scene.” he said once again.

 I nodded.

“I understand, well there’s nothing wrong with that.” I said as I now peered to see Jasmine walking behind him from a far. Immediately I became panicked. “I have to go.” I said rushing with my words.

“Where are you going?” he asked wantingly.

 I shook my head.

“I just have to go, I’ll see you later.” I said quickly as I rushed off as in my mind I could feel that he was looking after me.

I just couldn’t stand there for another moment and except what was to come with Jasmines torment if she had any. I was just not in for any horrible surprises.

After school I thought back to what Coach Porter had told me about the swimming classes. So today was one of those days I decided to take her offer up on it, as I quickly changed into my bathing suit. After words I found myself continued with the rest of the people by the pool that were also taking swimming lessons. Everyone else seemed to be in the pool except me. Coach Porter suddenly noticed me as he gave me the clue to join her and the others in the pool. I did so as I began to motion my feet and legs into the far end of the 6ft of the pool I became nervous inside myself as I could feel the water beginning to rise at my upper stomach until I had reached Coach Porter and the others in the pool…TO BE CONTINUED…



© 2014 beautifulnorm

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Added on July 29, 2014
Last Updated on July 29, 2014



Saint Louis, MO

I'm new to posting my writings on here. Feel free to comment:) rather the comments or good, bad, great in between lol Idc the feedback could really help and motivate me to write more and write better:.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by beautifulnorm