Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by beautifulnorm

There I was trying to insert my 10 inch vibrator into the depths of my wet p***y. As I laid there in my king size bed with only a pair of lavender lingerie panties and bra that I had got from Victoria secret. I pressed the tip of my vibrator to the wet juices of my wet p***y. While lying back as I began closing my eyes while feeling the indulged sexual buzzed feeling go in and out of my c**t softly but yet hard, I started to moan when I was suddenly deeply interrupted when the buzzing had stopped. I quickly became alarmed while taking the vibrator out of me and I began forcelly tapping it with the palms of my hands trying to get it to come back on. But when that didn’t work I became agitated at the thought of not being able to get it off tonight. D****t! I screamed to myself while also throwing the vibrator across the wall as it slid down to floor I realized it needed more batteries but I was in no mood to run all the way to the store to pick up triple A batteries for a vibrator. Surely my hands where just gonna have to come in handy. And surely as I began to do so my cell phone began to ring, with the caller ID reading Jason D. I sighed heavily with almost hesitating to answer but I did so anyway.

“Speak.” I said speaking threw the receiver, my way of saying hello.

Jason hissed on the other line of the phone.

“Can I come through?” he asked.

Jason and I were sex buddies. He was cocky, light skinned 5'9, had a go T, and had a banging body. Though with all of it he was in a committed relationship, just every now and then on different occasions he would sweep by my place and give me the business since he claimed my c**t was the best out of every other woman he had slept with. Even his girlfriend’s, he said her c**t was not even as close to being the best as mine, as if to say she didn't know how to put it down like I could. I wouldn't be surprised if I heard that, I mean I must admit I had game. Though there were moments I'd get frustrated at the fact of not having Jason to myself. Okay, so what we were sleeping together I had feelings to. Deep on the inside I was tired of being left alone and not having a man by my side, but on another note I liked the little fun that Jason and I were having. He was my pleasure and I was his little secret.

"Not tonight Jason I'm kind of in the middle of something." I lied, only trying to get him to plead more on the other end of the phone.

"Not even a quickie?" he asked as I bit my lip sexually at the thought of it. But yet also began to think back to all the few times he had stood me up.

I then grew a little frustration.

“How am I suppose to know your actually gonna show up this time?” I asked defensively.

He laughed deviously.

“Because if I don’t you can tell my girl we’ve been f****n for the past 7 straight months and that your c**t is way better than hers.” he said almost jokingly on the other line of the phone.

I smiled deviously.

“You’re on.”

“I’ll be there in 15.” he said as afterwards I hung up the phone.

20 minutes later the door bell rang. Without me even bothering to look out the peek hole to see whom it was knowing that I already knew who it was I didn’t even hesitate as I opened the door to see Jason’s face, as I begin searching him up and down at his every feature, while pulling him in into my atmosphere our lips suddenly collapsed together as he took me into his hands and picked me up as the door closed behind him with him leaning against. My legs laid at his sides as our lips still locked together as he fiercely sat me on the counter of my kitchen. His kisses became deliciously deeper they began to trail down to the luscious skin of my neck while this turned me on even more and yet I wanted more than just this. Suddenly I aggressively pushed his lips off of me while stepping slightly down from the counter top, while looking into his eyes and touching his already erected dick that had grew slightly bigger than his normal size. I gave him one last kiss before bending at my knees but being careful not to bend all the way, I slowly started to unbuckle the zipper of his Calvin Klein jeans as I ran my hands across his erection once more before revealing his hard swollen dick. The temptation I had within as suddenly now his erection was revealed. I deeply began to take his dick inside the palms of hands as I slowly motioned with my hands back and forth massaging it, while then after I begin to grip deeper at his dick while still with the palms of my hands as now I found myself began to lick the head of his dick as it slowly glided into my mouth as I began sucking forwards and backwards. At first I didn’t know if I was hitting the spot or not but soon after he began to gasp with slight deep moans. I started to release his dick from my lips and I began to lick the pre-cum that had already came out of his erection. I was looking forward to making him cum all the way when he suddenly aggressively picked me up and started kissing me again, he carried me to the bedroom lying me on my back on my king size bed while also releasing the straps from my lavender bra off of my shoulders. He didn’t even bother taking me all the way undone until now I could feel my panties being taken from under me.

Minutes later he began to press the head of his 10 inch dick inside the lips of my p***y as he began to slowly grind inside the walls of my wet p***y, I moaned a little with also wanting to take things my way and I just wasn’t in for this missionary position tonight. So I quickly and aggressively traded sides with him with being on top and with him being on the bottom, because all I wanted to do was be in charge, while I also to began to let my lavender bra come undone while throwing it to the other side of the room while you could see nothing but my 32 C bare breast with also leaving the rising of my bubble yet juicy a*s, I was flawless no man could resist this body. I smiled deviously inside myself at the thought of that as it made me laugh inside. As I continued to kiss Jason while continuing to ride his c**k like the pro I was as I begin going deeper and deeper with his dick inside me, he couldn’t resist laying his hands at the cheeks of my a*s as he tapped one cheek that turned me on even more as I begin to moan even more, and when I felt myself about to climax I released myself from his dick while I only squirted a little while he on the other hand came all the way.

For a moment I still laid there, while after a second he gave me a kiss to the cheek then existed my bedroom and into the restroom. Still naked I started to bundle up under my lavender covers as I became yet exhausted and I had dosed off a little. A second later I felt a kiss being pressed at my cheeks knowing that it was Jason’s.

“I’ll call you later.” he said while putting his shirt back on.

I nodded while he closed my bedroom door half way, and had let himself out of the front door.

For the rest of that moment I didn’t go back to sleep, I decided to stay up and think to myself. Even though Jason and I were just f**k buddies and that our sex meant totally nothing there was somewhere on the inside of me that it did mean something. Deep down inside and in the back of my head I had known for a while that I had started to develop feelings for Jason, but yet I kept telling myself he was already in a committed relationship. That would be a secret I wouldn't tell anyone not even he would know.

The next morning I decided to have brunch with Gabby. It was short for Gabriel. We didn't go way back but she was cool peoples to talk to. One the thing about her I could say was she was never afraid to voice her opinion, if she had something to say she came right out and said it. We met at the pancake house, it was obvious that I was late when I saw that she had already found us seats. She waved me over to where she was sitting.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” she said as she started to pull out a cigarette and light it.

I quickly struck her with a sharp confused look.

“Gabby what are you doing? You can’t smoke in here.” I said snatching the cigarette from her mouth as she gave me an annoying glare.

“Mia will you chill out, this is the smoking section its allowed.” she said as I started to see another person light a cigarette and I handed hers back to her.

She took it back while laughing inside herself before lighting it up.

“My bad.”

“It’s okay, so what’s been goin on? I’m sorry I haven’t been calling you as much. It’s just with this court date and me trying to win custody over the kids.” Gabby explained.

“How is that coming along exactly?” I asked as she took a puff from her cigarette.

She shook her head with dismay.

“I don’t know Mia, I want my kids to live with me in my home not with Andrew and his trifelan a*s wife. But sometimes I fear he’s gonna win.” she said looking away while taking two passes from her cigarette.

“Just stay positive Gabby and have faith, everything’s going to be okay I have faith in you. I’m rooting for you on the inside.”

“Thank you Mia and thanks for instilling confidence inside of me.”

“Anytime.” I replied.

My cell phone began to vibrate while I looked at the caller ID it was Jason. I hesitated to answer the phone while this time I didn’t answer.

“Who was that?” Gabby asked as she started to look at the Menu.

I shook my head.

“It’s no one, no one important.”

She looked at me while grinning as if she didn’t believe me.

“Don’t tell me that’s Jason.” she said looking at me disturbed.

I didn’t answer for a moment.

“And if it was.” I said slightly offended.

Gabby shook her head even more.

“Don’t tell me you two are still messing around.” she said as her facial expression read pleading. While I on the other hand looked guilty. “Mia he’s in a relationship, for goodness sake you’ve got to let that go.” Gabby expressed a little pleadingly.

I shook my head unremorsefully.

“I can’t just let it go Gab, we’ve been at it for 7 months now and to be honest I’m starting to catch feelings.”

“Are you insane?!”

I shook my head.

“No I’m not Gab, I’ve known for weeks now. But I’m not gonna tell him because I know that we’re nothing but sex buddies and that we could never be nothing more than that.” I explained.

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt Mia, just be careful.” she said while taking in my hand and holding it assuringly.

After a while we ordered our breakfast. We both ordered the same thing cinnamon pancakes with a dash of whip cream on the top, scrambled eggs and two slices of bacon with orange juice. Gabby and I weren’t as close as we had used to be but she sure was a great friend. Surely I hoped that everything worked out for her and her children. Lord forbid if she got them tooken away, she loved them too much and I feared for her.

I had begin brushing my teeth with also washing my face which left me with also glaring at my light brown eyes, and  my high cheek bones, with my slightly slanted eye brows followed by my indie hair that was pushed into a slight bun, with me only wearing my lavender silk rope with nothing underneath. I was off to bed until I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I looked out the peek hole at seeing who it was, with realizing that it was Jason. I rolled my eyes annoyingly with not wanting to open it.

“What do want?” I asked a little sarcastically.

“I just need to talk.” he said a little stressed.

“About what Jason?” I asked still annoyed but hearing a little stress in his voice.

“Just let me in Mia I promise all I wanna do is talk.” he said as his voice was pleading.

I nodded a little. I sighed to myself while minutes later I opened the door. We both began to sit on the couch as he rested his head on it also.

“What is it that you’re wanting to talk about?”

“I think Adrian might be leaving me.” he said.

“What for?” I asked trying to sound as if I cared a little.

He shook his head.

“She says I don’t make enough money, that I’m too busy that I don’t have time for her. Or that when I am making money that 9 grand ain’t enough, or that when I’m not too busy and making time for her she complains that I never want to do the things that she wants to do and its driving me crazy inside.” he explained still lying his head back on the couch.

While on the inside I was laughing deviously thinking to myself this was the perfect time for him to leave her and be with me. At least I wouldn’t complain and I would love to be with a man that was all about his paper. But deep down I knew that he wouldn’t he loved her too much he had expressed it too many times to me I just didn’t want to admit.

“So what are you gonna do?” I asked while massaging the left side of his pupils.

He looked at me with slight estrangement with a yet a little sadsum, with also lifting himself up from the couch.

“I don’t know Mia that’s what hunts me the most about the situation. I want to fix it but at the same time I don’t want to stress about it and besides I really need to get my mind off of it.” he said as he started to tilt my chin up to kiss me with also spreading my legs in between with his hands.

“Jason you said you just wanted to talk.” I said while pressing my hand at his chest while his lips slightly came away from mines.

“And I’ve done that, now I want you.” he said beginning to press kisses at my neck as it began to turn me on a little.

“Jason-j.” I stuttered with yet his seductive haze taking me in.

“Just relax.” he said whispering while he also continued to press kisses down to my neck followed by him taking me undone from my lavender robe.

Afterwards I had fallen asleep on the couch with my robe still yet undone. While waking up alone as always, I had looked at the digital clock placed on my 24 inch plasma TV that had read 9:00 a.m.. The glory of another early Saturday morning, I thought to myself. With also realizing that it was my father’s birthday, he had died when I was only 12 years old. He had dealt with his kidneys failing for a long time. A kind man he was, bold, reluctant, fearless and never was afraid to speak his mind and I loved him for that. And every year of his birthday I had made it known to place flowers on his grave with still acknowledging his death.

There after I had slipped on some active wear and decided to take my early jog around my neighborhood park as I usually did on Saturday mornings, this was my way of keeping myself in shape. Not that I had anything to get in shape for, I just every now and then preferred it. For a couple of hours I continued to jog around the track with being careful not to lose that much energy until suddenly I felt my shoulder barge at someone else also I went stumbling to the ground.

“Oh my gosh are you alright?” the voice asked without me even looking up to see whom it was while they extended a hand out to help me.

I reached for it with also standing to my feet.

“I think so.” I said as now I was catching a glance of their face. 

While being shockingly happy but yet feeling a rush bad memories flood my head.

“Mia?” the woman asked with sudden shock but yet happiness in her voice. While I showed a guilty grin yet smile upon my face. 

“Mia oh my goodness how have you been?” the woman embarrassed me with a shockingly overly whelming hug that took me by surprise.

It was my long lost high school best friend Jasmine, whereas in my book we had been long from best friends any longer. Ever since the day she caught me cheating on her brother Alec with one of his best friends. We all got caught up going to this party that she was throwing it was our senior year at Overland high. Alec was downstairs playing a game of beer pong while I was on the other hand was half drunk with almost completely wasted from all the overloaded vodka shots that I kept rambling down my throat. I wanted to take a rest from it all when I found myself taking a breather upstairs in Jasmines room, but I was yet not alone when I saw a guy coming out of jasmines bathroom not knowing that it was Alec’s best friend with yet throw up that had imprinted on his shirt and clothes. And yet with my drunkenness we begin kissing with me almost not even wanting to stop until we were yet interrupted but shockingly caught by Alec. I had no words or remorse for that night, only that I was sorry. But it would never forget the rage that Alec wore on his face.

Jasmine began to no longer embrace me in her arms as I started to put that memory from so long in the back of my head as now I yet smiled.

“Jasmine, I didn’t expect to see you running down here.” I said grinning with also a little enthused.

“Well to be perfectly up front I just moved back here just a couple of months ago.”


“Yeah, I just got married in California and then him and I decided to move back here since this is his home town to.” she said.

I nodded with understanding.

“Nice, well congratulations and I wish you a happy marriage.”

She nodded.

“And you? How’s everything?” she asked while taking a sip from her canteen.

“Everything is good. And well, life is just life.” I said.

“Well that’s good and good to know that you’ve been doing okay.”

I hesitated before asking my next question.

“What about Alec how has he been?” I asked a little nervously without knowing what her answer would be.

She sighed a little.

“He’s been great Mia, just great. I’m pretty surprised you’d ask about him.” she said looking a little shocked.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have asked. I apologize besides maybe it wasn’t my place to speak of him so soon after all the hurt I’ve caused him and you.” I said feeling ashamed now.

Jasmine shook her head with disbelief.

“Mia come on don’t go there, you don’t owe me or Alec an apology. Okay so yea you fucked his best friend, he was drunk and you were drunk but that was college Mia, old memories die hard, it’s in the past.” Jasmine explained while seemingly trying to make me feel a little better.

I smiled a little.

“I guess you’re right, I can’t continue to stay and dwell in the past over something horrible that I still at moments blame myself for, I have to move on.”

Jasmine nodded her head with understanding.

While afterwards we continued to do a couple of more jogs together around the track of the park and lastly when we said our goodbyes we exchanged numbers with giving the notification that we should catch up some time.

On my way home from the park I decided to stop at the florist shop and pick up some tulips and afterwards I visited my mother in the nursing home. Maria was her name, I hadn’t gotten a chance to visit her in a couple of weeks and if felt that I owed her that much with visiting her today. With the money left over from my fathers death and with half going to me and half going to my older brother Travis he had made agreements for her to be put into a nursing home. With being that she was already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It wasn’t a decision made by both of us but that my brother felt that it be best that she be put there. With entering her room at the nursing home she sat in a rocking chair while also with holding two needles and yarn while in the entire time she looked down with only focusing on her sewing, with not even hearing me come in the door.

“Hey mama,” I said gently but still she didn’t notice me there, “I bought you some flowers, some tulips, I know that their favorite,” I said while also placing the flowers at her bed. Yet she still didn’t notice me so I decided to sit next to her.

I put my hand at her hand as I began to massage the back of it until she had stopped sewing now. She started to look upon my face now with her mocha skin complexion followed by her high cheek bones and her indie black hair that was pressed back into croissant bun with a little bit of grey streaks at the top.

“You come to take me home?” she asked smiling with estrangement.

I sighed as a feeling of sadness started to pour inside of me.

“No mama it’s me, me Mia, your daughter.” I assured her as I begin to hold her hand even tighter while giving it slight stroke.

She smiled as if she didn’t know what to say next as she also began to hum a song in the depths of herself, and yet she started to sew again while rocking back and forth. A strangement of sadness began to well up over me as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. With feeling that my own mother didn’t know who I was it was as if to say she didn’t even know she had a daughter, that her memory had completely vanished, and her memory was deeply completely gone. I wiped my tears away as she continued to hum her song.

“I love you mom.” I said whispering in her ear while also giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I walked down the hall of my apartment building as I could see that Jason was sitting at my door step. It was obvious that he had been drinking as he continued to take to sips of his bottle of gen. I shook my head unbelievably.

“Jason what are you doing?” I asked as he took an even deeper sip of his bottle of gen.

“I need a place to crash for the night. Adrian and I got into it and I just need some space.” he said drunkly.

I shook my head while waving off his response in my mind.

“And so you thought crashing at my place would do you some good?” I asked as he grew a sharp attitude on his face.

“Mia come on don’t sweat me ight. I’m just trying to get some space away, I just wanna crash I promise all I want to do it just that.” he said still sounding drunk.

I sighed before speaking.

“Okay but on one condition, your sleeping on the couch.” I said opening the door to my apartment.

“Got it.” he said drunkly.

Minutes later I took off my sports bra and sports shorts and started to relax myself with a hot shower, afterwards I ringed out my hair with only leaving it damp and also slipped on just a wife beater. Jason had laid on the couch he was not yet asleep but had decided to watch television on my plasma TV.

“Well I’m off to bed now, there’s an extra bar of axe body soap in the cabinet, and towels and an extra tooth brush are in the lower drawer to your right.” I said to him.

He nodded with understanding while glancing at me.

“Axe body soap? What do you need that for?” he asked curiously.

“I just figured it might come in handy some day.”

“Ight well goodnight.” he said as he took his glare off of me and back to the TV.

“Night Jason.”

As I lie my head at my silk lavender pillows my mind begin to flow back into thoughts of what it would be like to have someone special in my life, at what would the feeling of love actually feel like, at yet me wanting to feel love instead of lust and for once not be afraid of commitment that someday I would have that indulged partner I could call my own. My eyes were still yet closed in that moment as I suddenly heard Jason entering my room with only a pair of Calvin Klein boxers on as he also started to hug me from behind while I sighed a little and opened my eyes and aggressively released his hands from around my waist.

“I thought I told you to sleep on the couch.” I said to him annoyed.

“I’m lonely and I’m cold, and besides its freezing on that couch.” he said wrapping me from behind again.

“Well I’m sorry you feel that way but my bed is off limits.” I said snatching his hands from off of my waist again.

He sighed heavily.

“Mia come on don’t be like that.” he said lifting my black indie hair from behind as he gave me a kiss at the back of my neck.

“Okay alright you can stay just stay on your side of the bed.” I said he once again wrapped his arms at my waist as I could feel him breathe him playfully the scent of my hair.

I let go of the feeling of not wanting to be held and in my mind I embraced the feeling of being held my Jason from behind. I had to admit this feeling felt great, to have a man hold me in a place that I had always wanted to be caressed but was always hidden and afraid to say so.

The next day was followed by me enjoying back to back episodes of Being Mary Jane while being snuggled up on the couch while eating a whole bowl of Ben& Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream. My all time favorite ice cream since I was a kid. Un alertedly my cell phone began ring with an unknown number popping up at the screen. But yet I answered it anyway.

“Hello.” I spoke into the receiver.

“Hey is this Mia?” the voice asked on the other end of the phone, while I yet grew a confused look on my face.

“Yea, who is this?”

“Jasmine? From the park the other day, we ran into each other jogging.”

“Oh yea, hey.” I said sounding a little swayed from realizing whom it was, while she giggled on the other end of the phone.

“I was just calling to see what you were up to.”

“Nothing really for filling just catching up on some back to back episodes of Being Mary Jane.”

“Really?!” she said excitedly, “I live for that show.”

I laughed jokingly as she expressed her memoirs about the show.

“I can say I’m the same way like without a night of that show I’m completely filled with boredom.” That and other things, I thought in my head.

“Completely I understand, but I was hoping that if you weren’t busy later on tonight you could stop by for dinner.”

I paused on the other end of the phone before answering.

“Definitely, just give me a time and a place.”

Moments later she gave me a time meet her for dinner and directions to her house. A couple of hours later it had come time to meet Jasmine for dinner which the time she gave me was at 7 o’clock. I slightly rushed to put on something not to revealing but yet classy, and I was yet finally on my way. With finally reaching her home I put my car at a standstill by being yet taken by and astonished by the size of her mansion, or seemingly it was I suppose. On the outside the color was of white vanilla brick with a somewhat rounded elegant fountain at the entrance and yet I could only imagine what the inside looked liked. I rang the door bell while awaiting for it to be answered. With minutes later the door was being opened with Jasmine answering it as she greeted me with an open hug as yet I also began to glance more at the inside of the mansion.

“Your house is really something.” I almost bragged.

“Oh thank you,” she said smiling, “That’s honestly actually the first big comment I’ve received on the house, since most people I know think it’s a bit much,” she said with we two taking a seat at her decked out bar near the kitchen. While also yet she began to pour herself a glass of Vodka on the rocks.

“How so?”

“Well take my mother for instance she thinks me living in a mansion such as this one isn’t worth it since she feels their too much space, ridiculously she always feels like somehow I’d get lost in it, and thirdly bills bill’s bill’s.” she expressed.

I shook my head laughing a little.

“That shouldn’t be an excuse for you to not live in a nice house like this because surely if I had the chance to live in a decked out house like this one I would most definitely take advantage of it.”

“And without a doubt that is exactly what I’m trying to do,” she said taking a sip more of her vodka, “So with it how’s your love life been, has anyone special come along?”

I hesitated to answer.

“It’s pretty solid for right now per say. No one special has exactly permanently come my way. That chapter of my life is still being written.” I lied. Besides from all the numerous nights I’d spend freaking Jason in bed I thought to myself.

“Well don’t give up just yet Mia love will find you one way or another.” she expressed taking one last sip of her vodka while after walking into the kitchen.

Moments later I heard slight footsteps coming towards the kitchen while after a moment a man entered in.

“Hey bae I’m gonna head out, don’t bother to wait up for me since I probably won’t be back in till 3.” he spoke to Jasmine as he walked over to her as she was beginning to set the table for dinner.

She smiled at him as he pressed a kiss at her cheek.

“Well wait a minute, before you go I want you meet an old friend of mines,” she said to him as she looked at me while ushering me over with her eyes, I did so as I became further close to them I could smell the indulged scent of Calvin Klein cologne on his body with not yet trying to take the scent in so deeply, “Mia I want you to meet my lovely husband Eric, Eric this is my long lost best friend from college Mia.”

Inside my head I inhaled then moments after I exhaled as a sexual chill ran down my spine while being taken by Eric’s image. He was a streaked vanilla complexion with a faded cut to his head, with yet oval arched eye brows that enriched his greenish hazel eyes, followed by his go T mustache with also leaving his side burns pressed at the sides, and that even though his clothing was very discrete I could already since and tell the level of his body. And suddenly in my mind I had gained a little obsession.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” said Eric as he extended his hand out to me while I only took it in slightly with a slight grip.


Jasmine continued to set the table for dinner as now she began sitting out dishes that we were going to be having, while he also gave her kiss to the lips.

“Are you sure you can’t stay for dinner?” she pouted a little, “You know like you always do?” she questioned.

“Jasmine it’s not always easy for me to do that, and you should know that by now. You know I’d stay home if I could but I have a deadline. It’s very important that I get this done.” he stressed to her.

“Well alright. Don’t over work yourself and make sure to call me when you make it there.”

“Will do,” he said picking up his brief case while heading out the kitchen, 

“It was nice meeting you Mia.” he said smiling little.

“Nice meeting you too.” I said smiling taking my seat at the table.

Moments later Jasmine and I begin sitting at her dinner table with taking in the cooked meal that she had prepared.

“Do you prefer the beer or wine?” Jasmine asked holding up both bottles of alcohol.

“Wine would be just fine,” I said as she poured me a glass, “So how did you and Eric become to meet?”

“Through a mutual friend while staying in California. We didn’t at first hit it off so quickly since when we first met it was on a blind date. And it seemed that two weeks after that we were gonna become serious but then I found that he was still going through a divorce-

“Wait so he’s been married before?”

“Obviously,” she took a sip from her bottled beer. “Something about his divorce wasn’t completely final which gave me the ordasity to think that I had wasted my time and I was getting played. So I left him alone for a while.”

“Well did he ever come back?”

“Of course, they never give up.”

“And what happened then?” I asked taking a bite from my dinner.

She sighed slightly happiness.

“He did what any other man would do, send u flowers, buy you gifts, and leave you I’m sorry messages in your voicemail. He just wasn’t gonna take no for an answer.”

I laughed a little.

“Wow, seems like he just wasn’t gonna give up without a fight huh?”

“Nope,” Jasmine said smiling a little. “Though eventually I gave in to his admire rations and finally accepted his apology.”

“And his divorce?”

“His divorce became subsidel and a year after that we got married at the court house.”

I nodded with understanding.

“Well once again I wish you the best in your marriage, and congrats to you guys with being newlyweds.” I said taking a sip of my wine.

“Thank you so much Mia, and I’m sure your night and shining armor is just waiting to come and sweep you off your feet. So let’s toast to me being a newlywed and you finding true love someday.” she said as her bottle of beer clicked with my wine glass.

Yet after minutes later it left me with thoughts of questioning inside my head would I ever find love?




© 2014 beautifulnorm

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Added on July 17, 2014
Last Updated on July 29, 2014
Tags: love, secrets, betrayal



Saint Louis, MO

I'm new to posting my writings on here. Feel free to comment:) rather the comments or good, bad, great in between lol Idc the feedback could really help and motivate me to write more and write better:.. more..

Chapter one Chapter one

A Chapter by beautifulnorm

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by beautifulnorm