

A Story by beautifulgenius

  Its weird how everyday i think of something new, i wonder how it would help me in life and how it could benefit our universe. Sometimes i tire of it because i just want to live my life as a normal teenage girl without all these thoughts in my head. Even when im mad, i think about what would happen if i do this or not. I think before i act, which is good but makes me mad at times, sometimes im so mad its insane how mad i get and i look at the mirror in the bathroom and i want to punch it but just as im about to , 500 questions pop in my head. whats going to happen to my hand? I need to clean up and buy a new mirror? I have to call the shop? i have to go to the hospital to get the glass out of my hand?.....its to much sometimes i want to scream. I hate being responsible all the time, i want to be free.

© 2010 beautifulgenius

Author's Note

ignore grammer problems

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Added on February 11, 2010
Last Updated on February 11, 2010