She Won't Go

She Won't Go

A Chapter by Bea

Rena smirked against Mariah's skin, her teeth grazing the heated flesh. Her hands slid down to rest on Ria's hips, her thumbs rubbing small circles on the other girl's smooth skin. The red head pressed light kisses along the length of Ria's neck, running her hands down her thighs. 'Rena...' Ria murmured, causing Rena to smirk again. The ginger girl bit her lover's neck gently, before swiping her tongue over the faint red mark. Ria gasped and bucked her hips up into Rena's, causing Rena to press against the smaller girl, crashing her lips onto Ria's with a fierce desperation.


Rena rolled out of bed and fell straight onto the floor. The red head groaned and lifted her head briefly before letting it flop back to rest against the dark blue carpet. She closed her eyes again, ignoring the calls of her mum and little sister. Tessa wanted feeding, her mum was telling her to get up for school...wait. School. School equalled Mariah. Mariah equalled fun. Rena jumped up and promptly fell over her duvet again, which had fallen onto the floor with her. Swearing under her breath, the sixteen year old scrambled over the pile of junk residing on the bedroom floor and hurriedly shucked on her uniform.


Rena pelted downstairs, pulling on her shoes at the bottom and hopping through to the kitchen. She slid into a chair at the table and grabbed a slice of toast off the stack Tessa was calmly working her way through, shovelling it in. Behind her, her mother rolled her eyes and picked up a hairbrush, running it through Rena's tangled locks with the well practised ease of a mother whose sole devotion is to her children.


"T'ans," Rena said, her voice muffled by the mouthful of toast. She swallowed, and spoke again, her voice clearer this time.


"I mean, thanks Mum." Rena grabbed another piece of buttered toast and stood up abruptly, before running to the front door. She grabbed her bag and legged it out of the house, slamming the door behind her with a loud 'Bye!'


Rena ran halfway to school before slowing to a walk in order to catch her breath. She planned to talk to Mariah today, and she did not want to do that looking like a lobster. Rena ran a hand through her hair absent-mindedly and she walked up the hill quickly, her bag banging against her hip. She stopped at the gates and checked the time on her phone. Fifteen minutes earlier than normal. That should be enough time to catch Mariah. Rena leant against the wall by the gates and went to pull out a cigarette before thinking twice. Mariah probably wouldn't like the smoking thing. Sighing, she tucked the packet of cigarettes back into her inside blazer pocket and waited. 



Mariah was very nearly late for school again. She had slept peacefully for once, undisturbed by dreams, and had missed her alarm. She hurried down the hill, keeping her head down, until she reached the school gates, where she stopped. That red haired girl who had been there yesterday was there again. Mariah tilted her head slightly, looking at the girl curiously. Who was she? Mariah didn't much pay attention to the people around her, and they did the same to her. As a result, she didn't know the names of most of the people at her school. Mariah did recognise her though; they probably shared a class or two. Shrugging, Mariah walked past her, her face hidden by her hair.


Rena smiled when she saw Mariah hurry into school. Quickly, the red head walked forwards, catching up with the shorter girl. God, she was cute. 

"Hey there," Rena said gently, leaning into Mariah slightly. Her plans were to be gentle with the girl, get Mariah to trust her. She didn't want to scare her off like she did with most people. Mariah jumped slightly and looked up, biting her lip.

"Um, hi," The brunette girl murmured, her voice just above a whisper. Her heart started pounding, her mind racing. What was this beautiful girl doing, talking to her? Rena couldn't help but smirk slightly, looking at Mariah.

"I'm Serena Blake, but you can call me Rena," The red head introduced herself, flashing a grin at Mariah.

"It's Mariah, right?" Mariah nodded in confirmation, still utterly confused. Rena smiled warmly at her.

“You can say something, you know.” Her voice held a teasing tone to it, in an attempt to relax Mariah.

"I know," Mariah answered quietly, leaning away from Rena slightly. Rena frowned slightly when she noticed this. "Yes, it is Mariah, Mariah Hamilton, and it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm sure," The brunette continued, her voice still quiet and shy. it was the most she had said to a total stranger in a very long time. Rena smiled and slung an arm around Mariah’s shoulders, causing the younger girl to flinch away slightly. Rena frowned again and dropped her arm from around those slender shoulders, where, for a brief moment, she had felt like it belonged. Mariah realised what she had done and offered Rena a small smile in apology. The red head smiled back but made no motion to resume her earlier position.

"So, um, what did you want me for?" Mariah asked quietly, still feeling slightly befuddled. Rena shrugged.

"You looked lonely." Rena answered simply and honestly. Mariah blinked slightly in shock. It was the first time anyone had really noticed her. Besides, she wasn't lonely...was she? She didn't feel it. Rena smirked and leant in to murmur in Mariah's ear,

"And I want to know why you're so f*****g quiet." Mariah recoiled slightly and made a conscious decision to stay away from Rena. Her parents certainly would not approve of a girl who used such foul language.

“I’m quiet because I choose to be,” Mariah answered vaguely, wondering how long it would be before she could move away from Rena. But there was a part of her that wanted to stay so, so badly; stay and experience Rena’s life and escape from the constrictions of her own, even if it was only for a little while. Rena shrugged.

“Fair ‘nuff,” She replied, her mind whirring. Who would choose to be quiet in this day and age? She didn’t get it. It had to be something that had been ingrained into her, by her family or by some event in her past. That was the only way it would make sense, surely?

Rena jammed her hands into her blazer pockets, walking alongside Mariah as the pair walked into school, Mariah with her head down and Rena with her head help high, hips swaying seductively. Mariah made sure to put some distance between them as they walked, uncomfortable with Rena’s over-familiarity. As they reached the main entrance, Rena flashed a smile at Mariah.

“So, I’ll see you later then?” Mariah nodded mutely, moving away before Rena could come any closer. Rena grinned and turned towards the locker room, leaving a very shocked Mariah in her wake. The brunette girl shook her head and walked away, towards her form room. She was sure that eventually, Rena would grow tired and forget about her. Hopefully by the end of the day.

Little did she know how wrong she was.

© 2011 Bea

Author's Note

A little shorter than chapter one, but what did you think?

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Added on July 15, 2011
Last Updated on October 7, 2011



United Kingdom

I'm a blonde teenager living in England. Writing's all I want to do with my life. more..

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