![]() Chapter 4 and 5, ElementalsA Chapter by Brandon![]() If you've read this far, you must be intrigued.![]() He could make out voices, but not words. He knew they were arguing it was pretty obvious. A man’s voice boomed like thunder, and a woman’s fierce belief burned like a flame. He could feel the coldness in the gaze of another man, and the purity of another woman’s thoughts. There was four of them in all, he could just make out their shapes enough to tell the difference in gender. His sight got clearer, and he was able to make out the features of the four strange people. Lightning crackled around one man ripped with muscles, his anger obviously being known. Another woman’s entire being shimmered with the light of the world showing her radiant features, and taking in every word that was spoken. Though one woman had smoke above her head like a fire blazing across a forest, she was beautiful in a harsh and dangerous way. Then there was the intense blue aura surrounding a single man in the room, one bat from his eye filled the room with intense hostility. He silenced the bickering of the other two and explained slowly, “This is not in our hands, so there is no reason to fight about it. The enemy is not within us, but within the Darks.” His voice had a commanding tone in it, and the other two shut up fast. Finally the other man spoke up, “ Aureas, we cannot let humans chosen at random to fight the Darks! They will be obliterated, and the Darks will feed on the power bestowed upon them!” The room heated up as the woman took her turn, “Nonsense! They will learn to master their powers, and grow strong enough to aid us in the fight of the Darks.” Thunder boomed across the room, “Never! I will not let thirteen-year old kids hold our fate! I say we should go and wipe out the Darks right now!” The room grew cold, and the commanding aura returned. “ Flamira, and Electros, calm down. Electros, you know very well we cannot return to the human world and relinquish the darks. By doing so, we would upset Naturia’s domain. This would then cast the Earth into peril, causing then the storms to go out of control. This would cast all of the Elements into terror. Flamira, your point is valid. They must learn to master their newfound powers if they are to succeed. If they do not however, it will end terribly for all of us. If we have to go and finish the darks ourselves, it could take a long time for the Earth to recover. The woman who had kept quiet throughout the argument finally spoke,” We should test them, we should put their entire beings to the test. Thus, unleashing their true potential much faster. In ancient times, this was a method used frequently when problems arose.” Aureas thought about this for a moment, “ Yes, yes that seems like an idea we could use.” Electros crackled,” We should act now! If the Darks get hold of the power of those kids, they will be very hard to stop.” Flamira then spoke, “ That is a risk that must be taken.” Aureas’ voice and intense hostility filled the room, “ Enough, it is decided. We will test them and bring their full powers out earlier. We will not discuss this again. We must each give them a test befitting our Elements. Naturia, you may go first.” The woman nodded, “Thank you Aureas.” The vision got hazy again, and soon he could not see anything at all. He didn’t know what to make of this, but he knew he was not meant to know. He decided somewhere deep inside himself, that he would not share this information with the others. It would benefit them well. He was then jolted awake by a large object crashing down onto his tent. He was just barely able to turn and see what it was without getting crushed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw glowing yellow eyes staring at him with deadly intent. The object rooted itself and the moonlight shined upon it. He now knew what it was, and who Naturia was. She was the Element of the Earth, and the object was part of the Earth itself bent on killing them.
We didn’t have time to discuss battle strategies, or even show each other what we could do with our Elements. Earth was upon us, and we each had to defend it separately. I froze the tree that landed on my tent solid, and went to go look for the others. I heard their battle cries everywhere, which hopefully meant we were winning. A group of trees broke root and headed for me with amazing speed. I froze two but the third one knocked me at least twenty feet back. I laid their dazed for a moment, until Allie came over and helped me back up. “ Come on! We need ya!” I nodded, “Thanks” and then she disappeared. The two trees left that approached me were closing in on me. I summoned a large amount of my strength and ran at the two remaining trees. They immediately rooted down and prepared to attack me. This was what I was hoping for, I launched a supercharged icicle that also froze anything it touched. They were unable to get out of the way and were both frozen and in pieces on the ground seconds after I launched my attack. Seeing no more enemies, I looked around for the others. I saw Michael having trouble with three trees that resisted his attacks against them. I immediately launched to ice bolts right when he was able to return one of the trees to its original state. They were frozen and Michael finished them off by breaking them into millions of icy pieces. He mouthed a thanks and we both set off to find the others. We found Allie and Buster just finishing off a group of the trees. We caught up with them and I asked, “ What the heck are these things?” Michael was the one who spoke up. “They’re Treants, symbols of Naturia. I don’t know why she would send them to attack us.” The others shifted at this and he quickly replied, “ B-but I’m sure it’s for a good cause!” Buster huffed,” Yeah, trying to kill us in the middle of the night sure is good.” Then Allie spoke up,” Hey where’s Lucas?” We all looked at each other, and burst off running and shouting Lucas as loud as we could. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, and saw blazing lights and intense heat coming from my direct right. I ran up and saw Allie watching quietly from a bush, she motioned to stay quiet and look forward. Ahead I saw a vast amount of trees, and I mean a ton. They had Lucas circled, I started to run in and help him but Allie stopped me. Something in her eyes told me I should stay out of this. Lucas was breathing heavy, but he still assumed his cool attitude. The Treants surrounding him didn’t move, but there was growls and groans coming from them. The second largest treant in the group stepped up to Lucas and rooted itself down. Lucas was still recovering from his last attacks, and the treant had the advantage. It extended its branches and slapped him relentlessly, he just stood there and took it unable to resist. I couldn’t stand to watch this anymore and rose again to assist him. Again, Allie stopped him and motioned for him to look forward. He glanced forward and saw Lucas fall to the ground unconscious. Or he thought he was unconscious, because then Lucas started to glow and I mean glow. He slowly got to his feet and looked straight at the treant, and continued to glow a bright orange. The treant was stupid enough to hit attempt to hit him again. Just as the branch was going to hit him in the face, his arm shot up faster than the eye could see and caught the branch mid-air. He looked up at the treant, and immediately burst into fire. His whole body was burning, yet he wasn’t getting hurt. He was actually healing, his cuts and bruises faded away from his body. The treant was immediately reduced to ashes as soon as he burst into fire. He was quite the sight, his normal yellow hair was standing straight up. His eyes were burning with an intense flame, and he stood there with his whole body still on fire waiting for the treants. Then they attacked, and they attacked all at once. He stood calmly, still infused with fire. He pointed his finger at the nearest treant and it burst into fire. He summoned fire on his hand and threw it at another treant. Then he bent down, obviously struggling to do something. My eyes widened, I barely had enough time to yell” RUN!” The clearing was incinerated, and we barely made it out of the way in time. After the flames had died down, we peeked out from behind a boulder and saw Lucas lying in the middle of the crater. Allie and I ran to him, relieved to see he was unharmed. He opened one eye and said “I think I just mastered my Element guys,” and fell into unconsciousness. © 2011 Brandon |
Added on February 10, 2011 Last Updated on February 10, 2011 Author![]() BrandonPlace, NYAboutI enjoy writing about fictional characters and stories, I'm also a big gamer. more..Writing