![]() Chapter 4A Chapter by Bethany Cusick![]() I hope you continue to enjoy Hlao's adventures, please look back at my other submissions for the story so far, and let me know what you think!![]() Chapter
Four “Welcome to Syldraga” The black hounds
continued their slow and steady advance, yellowed fangs dripping with saliva,
eyes burning. Hlao crouched in fear, shielding Colin with her body. But the
fiends were abruptly halted in their tracks, heads darting to the side as the
underbrush erupted once more. Hlao only caught a glimpse of flashing silver as
whatever their rescuer was hurtled like a bolt at the demonic wolves. “Flame
and freeeedoooom!” There was a clash of fangs, claws,
and brightly flashing metal before the tangle disengaged, allowing Hlao and
Colin their first glimpse of their rescuer, a tall figure dressed in finely
worked silver armor and holding a fabulous sword before him. “What
are you waiting for? Run! I’ll hold them off,” a male voice shouted at them
from within the decorated helm. Hlao needed no further encouragement. She
grabbed Colin’s hand, hauled him to his feet, and the pair of them took off
running through the thick tangle of the forest, keeping the white city in front
of them as they ran. Colin stumbled several times on thick protruding roots,
and Hlao had to haul him bodily along. After what seemed like an age, with her
lungs aching for breath, Hlao burst through the trees. She gave a glad cry when
she saw the white walls of Wyrenguard looming not a hundred yards away across a
field of waving grasses. But her cry quickly changed to one of dismay. Coming around in a
pincer from both sides were frightful lizard-like creatures with broad
reptilian snouts, lethal claws, deep green scales and black armor. But these
lizards stood on their hind legs. Hlao was under no illusion that they were
friends. Their black swords were drawn, ready for the kill. Hlao turned to
retreat back into the forest, hoping to lose them in the thick tangle, but
there were still more lizards were closing in from behind. And the lizard
solders weren’t armed with just swords. They carried strange black staffs with
one rounded end. Some sort of stone was set into the rounded end. Hlao wondered
what these were for, but she didn’t have long to wait to find out. Hlao and Colin
both ducked down with screams of terror as a sharp blast rent the air, and a
branch to their right exploded into splinters. Hlao felt the biting sting of a
splinter of wood hitting her cheek. Looking up she saw a jagged hole right
through the sturdy trunk of the tree. “Wayoooooolay!
Darkblight, Darkblight! Long live the King of Shadows!” “What was that?”
Hlao screamed. The stones on the
ends glowed, and several blasts of purple light hit the trees around them.
These weapons were obviously some sort of long distance weapon, like the rifles
back on Earth, only much more powerful. And they made a deafening racket. Seeing that they
had their prey pinned down, the lizards spread out and quickly surrounded Hlao
and Collin. The lizard
soldiers swung their swords in slow circles, opening their mouths and letting
out sibilant hisses, razor sharp teeth dripping saliva. Collin gripped
Hlao’s sleeve tightly, burying his head against her arm. He was shaking all
over in terror, never before having been faced with cold drawn steel. First one, then
all of the lizard soldiers uttered a strange gurgling, croaking sound. It took
a second for Hlao to realize what it was, and the realization made her blood
run cold. They were
laughing. One of the lizards folded his arms across his
chest with an evil smirk. “Ssshasssa, zel
kree nissssae!” he hissed. But strangely, the words rearranged themselves on
the way to Hlao’s brain and she heard, “Seize
the girl!” Several things
happened at once. Two of the soldiers moved to pull Collin away from Hlao. “No!” Hlao
shouted, and leaped foreword to pull her brother back, only to be pushed back
by one of the other soldiers. Undaunted, Hlao
aimed a sharp kick at her assailant’s legs, catching him on the shin. Spitting
curses, the lizard hopped about for a moment before drawing his dagger, eyes
focused on Hlao with cold fury. But before he
could strike, a small object came whistling through the air, striking him right
on the back of the skull. The lizard stood stock still for a moment, then
slowly his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed in a heap. “Krisssek! Chelga
minloth drec! I smell only one! You two
bring that Syldragan scum to me,” the commander of the group ordered,
pointing a claw at two of his remaining men, who saluted and loped off into the
trees. Hlao heard a brief scuffle, a sharp cry, and the two lizards came
crashing back into sight, hauling a familiar armored figure between them. Hlao
gasped in dismay, realizing it was the same warrior who had saved them from the
black hounds. The lizard commander swaggered up to the warrior, who stood
limply between his captors, head bowed in shame. With a sibilant hiss, the
commander yanked the helmet off his head, and Hlao finally got a look at their
would-be rescuer’s face. Hlao gave a slight
start of surprise to note that he was only a boy, maybe a year or two older
than her, at most. He had incredibly fair features for a boy, with almond
shaped emerald green eyes, set at a slight slant and longish deep silver hair.
Hlao had never seen a color quite like it before. The colors seemed to shift,
like shadows beneath the trees. As he was shoved
foreword to stand with his fellow prisoners, Hlao gave him a shy smile
whispering, “What’s your name?” She felt positively awful for getting him into
this. “Tristan Layolen.
And yours?” “I’m Hlao, and
this is my br- Collin. Thank you for saving us back there. I’m sorry we ended
up in such a mess.” Tristan surprised
Hlao by giving her hand a light squeeze of reassurance, though he kept his face
carefully blank. “Don’t worry,
everything will be fine. The patrol I was with should be along any moment. Just
be ready to run,” he whispered to them out of the side of his mouth. Hlao was
perfectly content to wait patiently for rescue, but the lizards had different
ideas “Warssssa
nif thermak, shakassss sleek kri! We have
our orders, we only need the girl. Kill the others!” the commander hissed
to gleeful gurgles from his men. The one who had been about to zap Collin a few
moments ago eagerly drew his weapon again and reached out a claw for the
terrified boy and began to drag him away. “Hlao help me, Hlao!” Tears were coursing
down Collin’s cheeks. He began to struggle against the lizard’s grip, but to no
avail One of the lizards
holding him reached down to his belt for a strange metal stick with a pronged
end. Hlao didn’t need to know what it was to know that she didn’t want it
anywhere near Collin. The lizard drew this latest weapon from his belt and the
pronged end crackled with what Hlao perceived to be tiny lightning bolts. He
was obviously going to use this to subdue Collin. In that moment,
something inside of Hlao snapped. She couldn’t explain what happened next, only
that it happened. One second she feared for her life, but seeing Collin about
to be dragged away to his death made her completely forget about being afraid
as her full fury come boiling up. Nobody but nobody was going to hurt her
little brother. But this anger was
different. It was almost like a current she could feel roiling inside her. Hlao
distinctly heard the angry blaring of trumpets, and the crash of drums. As
suddenly as it came, Hlao felt it leap out through her feet and into the
ground. That was the only way she could describe it, as if the anger had been
physically channeled into the ground. At almost that
exact moment, a low rumble started up somewhere in the ground beneath Hlao’s
feet. Next thing any of them knew, a massive shockwave spread out as if someone
had just thrown a large rock into a still pond. Make that a boulder. At its
center was Hlao. The wave of energy
hit the nine remaining lizards surrounding Hlao, Tristan and Collin and they
instantly fell to the ground and didn’t get up. Stranger still, Tristan and
Collin didn’t seem to have been affected at all. The shock wave had just passed
right through them, as if it knew they weren’t its target. “By the four
winds, what did you do?” Tristan asked her, his emerald eyes filled with awe.
Hlao had been holding her breath this whole time, too shocked by what happened
to remember to breathe. She let it out in a startled gasp, staring at the
fallen lizards with a horrified expression. “I- I don’t know,”
she replied in a shaky voice, unable to tear her gaze away from the soldiers.
She forgot for a moment that Skylar was the enemy. For now, they were back on
the same side. “Merciful mother, did I kill
them?” Tristan knelt down
by fallen commander, and pressed two fingers to the side of his neck, quickly
withdrawing with a grimace when he felt a faint beat against his fingertips. “No, they’re just
unconscious.” Hlao sagged in
relief, suddenly even more exhausted than she had been. She didn’t know what
she would have thought of herself if she had killed those soldiers. The world
began to spin, and her legs gave way underneath her. Everything went black. Tristan quickly
caught her, gently lowering her to the ground and folding himself under her so
that her head rested on his lap. Far from being alarmed, he had been expecting
this to happen. He just watched her intently, knowing she’d come back around in
a minute or two. Collin on the other hand was very alarmed. He snapped out of
his terrified stupor and rushed to Hlao’s side, kneeling down and grasping
frantically at Hlao’s sleeve. “Sis, wake up!” “Hlao, can you
hear me? Are you alright?” Tristan asked when, sure enough, she stirred a
minute later. Hlao’s eyes
fluttered open to see Collin and Tristan looking down at her anxiously. At
least, she assumed it was them. Everything was still kind of fuzzy. “What h-happened?”
Hlao asked blearily, still trying to get her eyes to focus. Her head throbbed
horribly, and she felt so weak and exhausted that she had a pretty good inkling
what it must feel like to be a hundred years old. She lurched
unsteadily away from him, trying to regain her feet. She was overcome by a wave
of dizziness, and she had to lean her palms against the ground to keep herself
from falling over. Her stomach turned, and she felt almost ready to retch, but
she forcefully fought it back. “Easy there Hlao,
don’t overexert yourself,” Tristan said, supporting her under the arm with one
hand, while the other made soothing circles across her back. She heard him
chant something under his breath, and surprisingly she her stomach started to
feel better. “Thank you. Now
what just happened?” Hlao asked, finally able to rise to her feet. Tristan gave her a
strange, searching look, until Hlao flinched and demanded, “What?” “Has anything
strange ever happened to you? Anything inexplicable?” Hlao automatically
opened her mouth to say no, that was ridiculous she was very normal thank you,
but closed it again as several strange instances came to mind. But the one
thing her brain kept settling on was the strange incident with the chain last
night, how it had just melted away in her hands, and the odd dreams she’d had. Tristan took her
silence as all the confirmation he needed. “Hlao, you just
performed earth magic, of a level I haven’t seen except for a master of the
tower. You have Elvish heritage by the look of you.” Hlao gave a slight
start of surprise. “Why, yes, I’m half Elf on my mother’s side. But how did
you…” Tristan smiled at
her, saying, “Only Elves have pointed ears like yours. I’m Elvish myself.” He
drew his hair back a little, proving that he really did have pointed ears just
like Hlao. “Now, what village are you from? You have a very strange accent. You
should have been searched years ago, as soon as you showed signs of magic.” Hlao bit her lip,
unsure whether or not she should tell him the truth. But his gentle, kind eyes
settled the question for her. She didn’t feel right keeping it from him when he
had risked his life for her. “I-I didn’t grow
up in an Elvish village. In fact, I didn’t grow up here on Syldraga at all. Up
until last night, I lived in the “You’re Celandria
and Tressor’s child! I’ve grown up hearing the story of their heroism that
night, but I never really thought they were true! My parents knew your parents,
Hlao. They all grew up in Ruenwind, the elvin capital. I joined the Wyrenguard
army to honor their memory. And may I say it is an honor to meet you, my lady.”
Tristan bowed, gently taking her hand and raising it to his lips. Hlao sighed
in exasperation and snatched her hand away. “I’m no lady, so
you can just cut that out right now Tristan. I’m dressed in naught but my
shift, for heaven’s sake!” Tristan looked her
up and down, seeming to take in her lack of proper dress for the first time. He
flushed, but was saved from stammering out a reply by the arrival of twelve
soldiers from out of the trees. They all had various animals loping along
beside them, or perched on their shoulders. One of these animals broke from the
group, dashing over to Tristan, leaping athletically onto his shoulder, and
crooning anxiously. “You stupid boy,
you could have been killed going after those blood banes like that! Praise the
grower, but I’m glad you’re alright,” it said in a high, squeaky voice. It
looked a bit like a cross between a squirrel and a cat, with a small pink nose,
slightly long thin muzzle, long whiskers, and large olive green eyes. Its body
was cat-like but its paws looked more like a squirrel’s, great for climbing.
Deep sable fur covered its body, dappled with irridescent jade green spots, like
a leopard’s. A ridge of green fur stuck out along its back. Its tail was long
and bushy and constantly flicked back and forth. Tristan reached up
and stroked the little creature’s tail with undisguised fondness. “Pippin, you great
worrier. I’d like you to meet Hlao.” Hlao stared at
Pippin with eyes as round as saucers. She must be imagining things. Perhaps
whatever had she had done to those soldiers had done something to her head. “Did- did that
thing just talk?” “Hmph, she’s not
very polite,” Pippin sniffed with an indignant flip of her long tail. “Hush, Pip. She’s
an outlander. I’ve heard tell that animals don’t talk on the sister planet.
Isn’t that right Hlao?” Hlao could only
shake her head mutely. She was still trying to wrap her brain around the idea
of talking cat-squirrels. “How
perfectly awful. Well, may we start again? Nice to meet you, Hlao of Terrador.” “How do you do,”
Hlao curtsied, finding her voice once more. Pippin regarded Hlao for a long
moment, long whiskers twitching. Then with a springing leap, the little
creature leapt from Tristan’s shoulder onto Hlao’s. Hlao kept very
still as Pippin took one of her locks in her deft little paws, rubbing the soft
strands against her cheek. “It’s okay, Hlao. Leaf Sprites may have sharp
teeth, but they’re very sweet,” Tristan chuckled. “I won’t bite, I
promise,” Pippin chittered in agreement. Tentatively
reaching up, Hlao stroked the leaf sprite’s cheek like she used to do with the
barn cats back in Fairnesse. Pippin uttered a charming sound, somewhere between
a purr and a chitter. Hlao smiled, totally captivated by Pippin’s velvety fur. “You are a sweet little thing aren’t you?” Pippin chirred in prim agreement, and promptly
burrowed her nose in Hlao’s hair. “Ooh, lovely, nice and soft” the
little Leaf Sprite squeaked, settling down and curling her tail around her
nose. “I think I’ll ride here for a while Tris. I’m beginning to like this new
girl already.” “Well I’ll be. She normally doesn’t take to
people so quickly. If you’ve got her seal of approval, then you’re alright by
me,” Tristan said, giving Hlao a grin. Hlao found herself blushing, and quickly
looked away from his piercing emerald eyes. By this time, the
rest of the patrol had reached them, ranging themselves around the three
children. They lowered their shields in a defensive stance, drawing their
weapons when they saw the unconscious lizards on the ground. “I don’t think
you’ll have any trouble from these blighters, they’ll be out for a good long
spell,” Hlao reassured them, holding up her hands to show that she was unarmed.
The soldiers relaxed a little at this news, holding their weapons loosely at
their sides. “You all right
there?” one of them asked. Hlao and Collin nodded gratefully, thanking the
soldiers profusely. It felt good to know that they were finally safe. “There’ll be more where they came from, you
can count on that. We should get into the city quickly. But before we leave we
need to take care of these blighters,” the soldier who had spoken before
replied, giving a signal to the other soldiers. Before Hlao could
protest, ten of the soldiers took their swords and rammed them home between the
lizards’ ribs. Hlao covered her mouth to stifle a scream, eyes wide in horror.
She tried valiantly not to be sick. She’d never seen anyone killed in cold
blood before. It just didn’t seem right. The lizard soldiers had been
completely defenseless! The logical part of her brain said that they hadn’t
been about to show her, Colin and Tristan any mercy a few minutes ago, but that
didn’t mean that they should die. Couldn’t the Wyrenguard soldiers have just
taken them prisoner or something? “D-did you really
have to do that?” “We’re at war.
What exactly did you expect us to do? We couldn’t very well let them go,” the
commander replied matter-of-factly. “That would be the
Shadow War that started the night you were sent away. These are soldiers of the
demon Rosairus, leader of the Shadow Legion. We’ve been at war for the past
thirteen years, though they’ve never been so bold as to come here since their
defeat at the beginning of the war,” Tristan whispered an explanation to her. Hlao shook her
head sadly, but didn’t say anything. She couldn’t argue with the man’s logic,
no matter how unfair it seemed. Hlao’s stomach finally stopped doing
summersaults enough to take her hands away from her mouth. “The Shadow- the
Traveler mentioned something about that. These soldiers must have been drawn
here by my using the Worldbook. She warned us about something like this,” Hlao
murmured more to herself than to Tristan.
Suddenly, the
soldiers’ bodies began to shimmer. The blackish-green scales turned to an
iridescent sky blue. Their faces changed from square and blunt, to sleek and
graceful. They had a velvety crest that started at their foreheads and ran down
their backs. Looking at them, Hlao couldn’t help but marvel at how beautiful
they were. “The Quailee
weren’t always evil. They were once one of our greatest allies,” Tristan said
quietly, taking in her astonished expression. “What happened?” She asked, kneeling down to
remove one of the Quailee’s helmets and take a closer look at its face. She
smoothed back the crest, moved with pity. “When the Lord of
Shadows came here, the Quailee thought we should surrender. In their opinion,
we couldn’t win. It would prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths if we just
gave in quietly. No one else in the alliance agreed with them, so the Quailee
sent a delegation to the Lord of Shadows themselves in the hopes that he would
spare them if they capitulated. Rosairus spared them alright, but the Quailee
paid a high price. Darkness has poisoned them making them look like- well you
know.” Tristan gestured at the slain Quailee at their feet, a look of deep pity
in his eyes. Hlao felt a
stirring of outrage and anger. It was utterly cruel what the Lord of Shadows
had done to them. They had just been trying to do the right thing and save
countless lives, but this Lord of Shadows, whoever he was, had tricked them.
Something so lovely surely didn’t deserve a fate like this. “That’s-
horrible,” Hlao whispered and, after taking a moment to steel herself, she
gently closed the lizard’s eyelids in a sign of respect. She bowed her head in
a silent prayer. A heavy weight
descended on Hlao’s shoulder, and she looked up to see the soldier who had
given the order looking down at her with kind eyes. He flicked a nod at the
other soldiers, indicating that they too should show the Quailee the same
respect. “The girl’s got
the right idea. These warriors deserve honor in death. They were once one our
greatest allies. Let’s put them to a warrior’s rest.” All of the soldiers,
including the commander and Tristan, knelt down and bent their heads
respectfully before closing the Quailees’ eyelids. They placed the lizard’s
fallen weapons in their limp hands, folding their arms across their chests. The
commander stood up and hastily motioned to the others. “All right, our
job here is done. We’ve been out here too long as it is. You children come with
us now, you’ll be safe with us.” The soldiers
formed a circle around the siblings and raised their shields once more. And
none too soon. More whooping war cries echoed through the trees. With a sharp
gesture, the patrol moved out, Hlao and Collin doing their best to keep up with
the swiftly marching soldiers. As they moved
closer to the city, Hlao had the chance to fully take in the city of her birth.
What she saw made her halt involuntarily in awe. This walled city was spectacular,
made of a white stone that shimmered in the sunlight. It was grander than
anything Hlao had ever seen before.
Intricately beautiful carvings laced the stone. Every stone fit together
so tightly that not even a knife blade could slip between them. The sheer
immense size was enough to make anyone feel humbled. The
buildings and gardens spilled out all over the mountain’s face, going all the
way up to the craggy peak. There one of the largest buildings stood " a massive
dome capped structure. It seemed to look down over the city like some ancient
guardian. Two massive domes, one on either side of the mountain, branched out
to the side, supported by glittering struts that were so slender that Hlao
thought they surely couldn’t hold up the weight of the domes. Each one was so
huge, they could have fit the entire city of The girl shook her
head, silently chastising herself for letting the soldiers get ahead of her.
The patrol had already reached the wall and were making their way towards a
small gateway set into the stone. Hlao ran to catch up just as Tristan was
turning back in concern. His expression became alarmed, and he shouted to her,
“Faster, Hlao they’re coming!” Hlao didn’t have to ask who “they” were; the war
cries were closer now. She tucked her head down and ran as fast as her legs
would carry her. Tristan ran towards her, grabbing her hand and pulling her
along to the shelter of the wall. Without warning,
Tristan suddenly grabbed Hlao around the waist and yanked her swiftly to the
side. He had heard the hum of a bowstring before she knew what was happening.
“Hlao, look out!” Sssssthck- thud. But before she
could react, Tristan had yanked her back around a rocky spur and pressed her
back against the wall, using his body as a shield. He gasped when he pulled
back enough to see the black arrow protruding from his new friend’s shoulder.
Hlao’s hands went around the shaft, her lips parted in an o of surprise and
pain. Blood was blossoming on the front of her shift. The last thing Hlao
remembered before her world went black was Tristan scooping her up by the back
of her legs and carrying her along. From the shadow of
the tree line, two pairs of eyes watched the patrol march through the gate into
the city. “Dark take it, we
failed, my prince,” one voice growled. “Patience, old
friend,” another, smoother voice soothed. We’ll yet present the pretty one to
my father, if I have to capture her myself.” © 2014 Bethany Cusick |