![]() Chapter One: The MemoriesA Story by Danny Rae![]() Should I write more? I'd like to know if I should continue. I think I will anyway, but it would be much appreciated! Thanks and enjoy!![]() The light was seeping through the boarded up windows, the house was lonely surrounded by empty houses. This house wasn't vacant like the others and the place was boarded up.
"What exactly are we hiding from again?" A young man looking about 17 questioned towards a former military commander about 34 years of age.
"We are trying to keep breathing, you step outside and you're as good as gone." The commanding officer protested. The house had five people breathing heavily and shaking with anticipation and suspension.
"What's happening..." A woman with a child about 12 said with her voice trembling as they could hear nothing from outside, nothing but silence.
"Just sit tight, ok? If I think this is what it is, then everything should be just fine." His assult rifle swung over his shoulder and hung off his back with the barrel facing down. I'm that 17 year old guy that asked the first question, I have no memory of what previously happened but I don't think I want to. I don't know anybody in here and I've taken a side with the commander, I'm trying to get on his good side so maybe if this isn't what he assumes I can be put to use.
"Danny... Danny? Is there anyone here named Danny?" A young woman about the same age as me questioned, as if she was getting her memory back, I looked at her.
"Yes, that's me..." I shrugged and stared at her as she rushed towards me.
"Do you remember me? This is so strange Danny... What's going on?!"
"First of all, I don't remember you and if you're getting your memory back... Tell me what you know.." The commander shoved me out of the way, his rifle empty, no bullets and no secondary weapon.
"Listen here, I need to know what you remember so I can remember. Ok? Then we could possibly find a solution to this fucked up situation." He had his hand on her shoulder.
"Watch your language! I don't care how old you are or who you are in general. She's only twelve, I'd advise you watch your mouth." The woman being younger than him but he nodded with respect and understanding the situation. He then began towards the girl again.
"Ma'am, if you could remember anything about any of us in this room, could you inform us?" He had a slightly more understanding look upon his rough face.
"I don't remember much besides Danny, and... Being taken away from him, being held down and people putting needles in my arms.. I don't really remember the place, all I could see was white and... Doctors? Preparing for surgery on me.. Then I don't remember anything past that, sir." I looked at her shockingly, I don't remember her I feel like I've never seen her before in my entire life... Gosh, my head is starting to ache.
"Does anyone else remember anything? Anything... Give me something!" The commander shouted towards the group, he contained himself then sat himself down on a leather couch --for the end of the world as I presume-- everything is in good condition still. Though I haven't seen daylight for three days straight and we are running out of food, we are going to have to leave sooner or later.
"Danny, I know you I remember screaming 'I love you' to you... You screamed it back as they took me away from you... I was wondering that if I told you that you'd... Remember something.." She moved her short auburn hair from her forehead, "My bangs are long.. Sometimes it gets hard to look past them..." Her eyes a nice shade of brown, her skin tone, brown and her lips plushy with lip gloss on. She's quite a slender build compared to me, I hide my short light brown hair under a toque. My eyes blue and around the pupil is yellow, but the colour changes from hazel, green, grey, light blue, orange, or yellow as it is now. My build isn't so skinny but I'm not chubby either, blue jeans that I wear have a tear in the knee. I place my hand over it and then get a flashback of how it happened.
"NO! Keep running! Go!" I shouted to the girl who was talking to me, her name being Tali.
"I won't leave you! C'mon! Hurry!" She shouted at the house we're in now and she had the door opened. I remember running from something and only hearing my heartbeat, I could feel my pulse all over my body. I kept running even though my body felt numb and it's like I lost all my breath. I tripped on my knee, scraped it and tore my jeans.
"Hey, Danny... Are you ok? I just wanted to mention that I'm Tali, nice to meet you." She held out her hand for a handshake with a cute little smile on her face. I took her hand and shook it then I began to reminis back into a flashback of me and her. Looking into her face, watching her speak to me I then remember me and her having passionate moments where our bare bodies collied, my hands gliding up and down her body as I kissed her lucious lips. Her body pressed against mine as I pushed mine into hers. I couldn't hear her voice as she was talking to me, I just kept reminising of our moments. Entering her body, kissing her all over, hearing the sounds she produced while I touched her was... Arousing and seemed so perfect... "Danny? Are you listening?" She giggled at me as she said "I remember stuff." I looked down and saw that I was still holding her hand but she gripped it in a more romantic way.
"I-... What do you remember Tali?" She looked at me then squinted her eyes trying to figure me out.
"I just remembered something... I remembered going to school in my car, you were in it too, then.. We got into an extreme collision. I can... remember people getting out of the vehicle that hit us, you were out cold but they came to us and removed us from my car... Put us in there van and... I don't remember much from the accident but I do remember the place. I got to roam around... More like run away, I viewed a room with screens, watching rooms and roads." She widened her eyes. "Commander!!" She got up and ran towards him.
"What is it, you remember something about me?" He cockily asked.
"No, wow... Ok, no." She went in close and whispered to him about the camera's. Shockingly he scoped around and started searching for them. He found one and tore it from the cables attached to it.
"Listen up, we are in an unknown area and a few people have gained memory." He paused then began remembering gunshots in the sky, he stood there blankly as we stared at him.
"Listen soldiers! We've got to eliminate the enemy and quick you hear! Don't f**k this up now boys!" He readied his assult rifle in his palms and started sprinting to the given destination. His men followed and understood his word. Taking down the enemy quite quickly but reinforcements came to the enemies aid and took out his squad. He was now a one man show. He punctured the enemy with strength from his rifle but he was soon out of ammunition.
"F**K! Boys! I need more ammo! You hear me?!" He started shooting his last round at the enemy then hid behind cover again, looking back seeing his men have fallen and failed to come to his aid. He tried comunication to his army but there was only static. He screamed at the top of his lungs but before he knew it there was a enemy behind his cover and he shot him in the shoulder, the commander fell on his side and couldn't move as if the he had bit shot with a trenquilizer. He was out cold, but before his eyes closed to endure deep slumber he saw men with masks pick him up and carry him away.
"Commander?" I asked softly knowing that he was receiving memories.
"Don't you dare call me that, I'm not your commander. The name is Davis, Davis Tedlow." He sighed and took a seat.
"Davis, do you remember anything?" the woman asked, her child sitting right next to her.
"What I was remembering is none of your concern or anything to anyone. Not even me. So if anyone else remembers anything, tell someone. Maybe they will gain memory from yours." He muttered as he looked at all the faces in the room as we took our eyes off him.
"Ok, well... Tali, I guess this would be a good time to tell you what I remember..." I blushed and put my hand on her knee.
"What do you remember, Danny?" She asked softly, staring down at my hand placed on her knee.
"Well," I thought to myself for a moment and decided not to share the whole sex thing yet. "I remember running to the house with you, I told you to leave me be since I was the last one to catch up but you said no. You denied my request to be left behind and you... Waited for me to get here, where we are now." I played with the rip in my pants on my knee. "That's also how I got a whole on my knee, I tripped." I removed my hand from her knee and she nodded.
"I remember quite more that I'd like to of my past. I remember you being there with me, you were my best friend but you loved me. I remember you falling for me hard and then when I broke up with Nate, your other best friend. You waited a month for me to recover then asked me to be yours. I said yes, obviously. Thing is, I remember... Having a sexual incounter with Nate then coming to see you. I called you babe and whatnot so my assumption is that I cheated on you... I'm sorry Danny..." I became silent, decided that the fact that she probably cheated on me that I shouldn't bother with what I required in memory. I kept silence and thought of Nate but I couldn't remember him. I stayed still until someone screamed in the distance. I stood up fast and looked at the door, everyone waited for a while until we could hear her footsteps rapid against the pavement and banging on the door to the house beside the one we're in. I rushed towards the door and ripped off the wooden planks attached to the door and opened it ragingly.
"Over here! Hey!!" She was even more beautiful than Tali was. She rushed over to the house and in panic she hugged me and held me, scared she just needed some embrace to feel safe. I held her in my arms then managed to close the door with my foot. I sat her down and she still hung onto me like a security blanket. "Are you ok?" I tried. She didn't reply, she burried her face into my chest and I could feel her fear as her body shook and her breathing was finally slowing down. After a while, she slowly let go of me and looked at me.
"You're handsome..." She impulsively said as she blushed then rammed her face into my chest again. Her hair was long and red, a dark red. It was beautiful, her eyes, hazel. Her skin, pale. She's beautiful...
"You're beautiful." I said, trying to even out the embarrassment. She again looked at me and apologised, I smiled and shook my head, "Best news I've had all day.. Thanks." Still holding her in my arms I rested my cheek on the top of her head. I felt at ease and comfortable with her, it's like... I know her. Maybe I do, my memory is just fucked up right now.
"I might know you but my memory is kind of... Gone." She said as she removed herself from my embrace and looked me in the eye. I could feel Tali's eyes pierce my skin in anger. I ignored it after all I wouldn't doubt that she cheated on me.
"It's ok, mine too! It's nice to meet you though, my name is Danny." I sent a warm and welcoming smile towards her.
"You're cute... I'm Aurora." She blushed. "Sorry.. I'm a little bit impulsive..."
"It's ok, I don't mind. You're cute too Aurora. I like your name it's unique, but it's a tongue twister!" I chuckled as did she as she nodded.
"Hi, I'm Tali. Danny's girlfriend." She said, I could tell she was jealous that I was talking to an attractive woman. "Nice to meet you." She held out her hand towards Aurora expecting her to shake it.
"We're not dating. For all we know you're my greatest enemy." I glared at Tali as she hissed back. "Aurora, I swear I know you. It's crazy to say anything at this point in time... But do you remember anything?"
"I remember Tali." She glared at Tali until Tali looked at her, then she looked back at me and spoke some more. "Come here." She leaned in and started whispering "She was my friend, until she stole you from me. That's all I remember, going to school with you two and when you two started dating I broke. Mentally and physically, I don't really remember what me and you were together, I think we were close friends if not best friends. Tali shouldn't be considered either of our friends anymore, nor Nate." I nodded in agreement to her arguement, it was like that moment that she spoke in my ear and her lip slightly touched my ear I was falling. I wonder if she felt the same.
"I understand... Can you tell me if you seen anything outside?" I questioned.
"Back off Danny boy," Davis interupted "Miss, mind me asking a few questions?" He sat beside her. Aurora whispered in my ear again.
"I don't feel comfortable talking to him... I... Remembered something about him that I really do not want to remember, if we could go somewhere private to talk about it... I would appreciate it..." She held my hand and then pulled away, looking at him I could tell she was upset. © 2013 Danny Rae
Added on October 8, 2013 Last Updated on October 9, 2013 AuthorDanny RaeNew York, NY, CanadaAboutIn highschool, seventeen. Male, yes, I love Dallas Green. No I'm not gay, I like girls. Thanks, but enjoy my poetry and perhaps a short story here and there? Thanks! I'm in love with the young woman i.. more..Writing