![]() Mind - Body, A ConversationA Poem by BLBrown![]() A humorous look at what a mind - body conversation might be like. Warning: Copious use of colorful language.![]()
Mind: Well, I guess you heard.
(British accent) Body: Yep (American Southern accent) Mind: Frankly I’m in shock about it. Body: Yep Mind: I mean, we hardly have cancer in our family. Body: Yep Mind: I just never saw Leukemia coming, you know? Body: Yep Mind: Is that all you can say, “yep?” Body: Well, until you can give me something to react to,
then “yep.” Mind: You’re kidding right? Give YOU something to
react to? That’s all you do is react. That’s why we’re in this
boat. Body: Now hold on there, Tonto. You know that’s my
job. You think, I react. Mind: No, I think, you ignore. Body: The fact that you’ve been falling down on the job
lately because of your psycho mumbo-jumbo is not my fault. Mind: Hey, it’s not mumbo-jumbo, it’s for real...I'm
really hurting in here. Body: Oh boo-hoo for you, all warm and safe in your skull
house. You know, all that anxiety boogity boogity has not been good for
me. Mind: Hey, wait a minute. Just because my stress is
a little high doesn’t mean you have to go postal with you’re white cells. Body: “A little high?” You have got to be
kidding. Your stress has been out the roof and I’ve been the one hurting
from it. I mean, again, I’m just reacting, dude. Rain it in a
little, would you? Mind: “Rein it in she says,”…you don’t even
know how to spell the word…I even have to do that for
you. Seriously, you are an idiot. I’m embarrassed to
have you for a body. Body: If I’m the idiot then why do you have the IQ?
You’re the idiot. You’re supposed to be controlling me. Mind: F**k you. Body: Fuuuuuuck you. Mind: No seriously, f**k you. Body: No really, fuuuuuck you. Mind: I’d like to beat the s**t out of you right now! Body: Now who’s the idiot? You’d be beating
yourself, you dumbass. Mind: You see? You see?! Body: You see? Of course I see, I’m the one with the
eyes aren’t I? Mind: No, I mean, we’re in this fix because you NEVER listen
to me. Body: Well, give me a call when you get back from charm
school and maybe you’ll have something interesting to say. Mind: We have Leukemia you imbecile, Leukemia. Do
you even know what that is? Let me spell that for you.
“Lu-f*****g-ke-f*****g-mi-f*****g"uh.” Body: My, my. Run out of descriptive words have we? Mind: You drive me insane, I swear. Body: So what's new? Look, it’s cancer of the
blood. Every...body knows that. Mind: And do you know WHY we have Leukemia? Body: Actually, no. You haven’t told me yet. Mind: Because you invited those damned ugly white cells
into your bone marrow. Body: It’s called hospitality, dude. I was just
trying to be nice. They said they needed a place to stay. Mind: Nice…right, so these few ugly cells get a bedroom
and then all of the sudden they start pro-creating, babies, grandbabies. Body: Yeah well, never saw that coming. You should
have been more vigilant. Mind: You can’t put this off on me!! Now they are to
the point that they are now killing off the good cells. All because of
your so called “hospitality.” Body: Okay, so you have a point. But you know I
didn’t actually invite them in, I was just chill about it. Mind: Chill about it, right. Body: Really, the gene that produces those cells was just
activated for some reason. I don’t know why. Mind: Yeah, why would you control them when you
can’t even control yourself. Oh right, now they are a part of
“yourself.” Now they are part of us. Thanks for that. Body: Well, I admit it, I had a few drinks with them and,
probably got a little too friendly. You know I'm a friendly drunk.
But they seemed nice enough. And you know how sensitive I can be. Mind: Look, I’m the sensitive one here! I need for
you to LISTEN with those Dumbo ears of yours every now and then. Body: You never give me any attention! Why should I
give you attention? Mind: Fine, you do something right and I’ll pat your back,
or rather direct your arm and hand to do so. Body: Whatever. I can make due on my own. Mind: No you can’t. You couldn’t walk your two feet
two feet unless I told you to. Body: OKAY fine! You’re the boss and I’m just a
slave. Mind: Exxxxaaaacccctly. Body: Just work on the anxiety would you, it’s really
doing a number on my heartburn. Mind: You’re always putting these things off on me. Body: What, now I’m in charge of anxiety and stress?
That’s not in my job description, dude. Mind: We’re not getting anywhere with this. I’m
going to take a nap. Body: Me too. I’m exhausted from all your ranting
and raving. Mind: Ah, screw you. Body: Screw you, dude. Mind: No seriously, screw you and the horse you rode in
on. Body: No, screw you and
that...that...that...uh...horse...uh...yo Mama! Mind: Ummm, you do know we have the same mother, right? Knock, Knock Spirit: Hellooooooooo! It's meeeee, your conscience. (in
soprano voice) Mind and Body: Ah, s**t. © 2012 BLBrownAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() BLBrownVAAboutHello, my name is Barbara. Writing is my calling in life. It took me awhile but I've finally answered. I will write anything, poetry, ditties, short stories, and am currently also working on a .. more..Writing
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