Chapter 9~ Home At Last

Chapter 9~ Home At Last

A Chapter by Art Lover/Love Writing

all bad memories make her deperasted and shows her inner shyness come back because last time the only thing that drived her to use was her Dad.


              I took a deep breath and walked among the stone path with the familiar purple flowers lining the side. The grass looked unkept and messy (I would take care of that). I felt something settle on my chest. I looked up at my house. It looked back at me with a lonely sadness, that I knew to well. It's small windows with the red drapes pulled forward. The white one story house gave a small crooked smile back. With a somewhat familiar warmth. The warmth was missing something though. I did'nt even need to guess what was missing. 

             We walked into the kitchen. On the table there was still my breakfast from the last time I was here. I slowly walked over and wiped the food into the trash. And put the dish in the sink. I walked down the hall to my room and did my laundry. I finally went to my Dad's room I cleaned out his stuff and put it in to storage.

           It's now Dean's room. But before I could give it to him I curled up into a ball on his bed. And broke into sobs. Dean came in a pulled me into his strong caring arms. I leaned my head into his shoulder letting my tears soak his shirt.  I did'nt stop sobbing until I was asleep in his tear streaked arms. I awoke in his arms. My throat was acheing, but I just could'nt move or I'd break into sobs. My eyes were so puffy and dried I couldnt even keep them open. I just layed there with my eyes closed.

            I turned towards Dean and  looked into his eyes. I whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be", he said. I slowly got up and went to get a cup of water. When I came back he was sitting and he had a different shirt on."S'ry 'bout ya shirt", I mumbled. He pulled me into his lap and whispered into my ear, "stop saying sorry, your supposed to be sad after what has happened."

"I know", I whispered back, "But I can't there are things that need to be taken care of".

"Like what", he said surprise writen all over his face. I looked up and said, "You know". His face hardened and he automatically said, "No." I pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him. I put my face only inches from his and said, "It's okay, I can do this."

"This is'nt fair", he whispered, "Your cheating".

               Then he gave in and his hands wrapped around my lower back and he pushed his face forward. His lips met mine. Heat rushed up into my face. He rubbed circles into my back and I angled my face so we could kiss better. This made my memory of everything fade, except for his hands running up and down my hips and his lips against mine. Finally we broke apart. Panting he gave me a kiss on my cheek. I got off of him and just sat there letting all the pain come and settle back on my chest. Though the memory of tht kiss will never leave me. It held passion and love. Reliving what had just happened in my mind made me blush.  

             " The awnser is still no though", he said.

"That's okay I have time to prove to you I can do this", I said confidently.  Even though I had my doubts. Next thing I heard the door bell ring we both looked at each other. Before he could give it another thought I ran into the bath room and brushed my hair. And made my eyes look normal. And was have way down the stairs.

© 2012 Art Lover/Love Writing

Author's Note

Art Lover/Love Writing
I know its short sry I thought this would be a nice ending for the chapter even before I write the beginnign but all the details in the world wouldnt have made it as long as I wanted it.

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Who is at the door? Good cliff-hanger. Makes you want to read the next chapter. Which is what I'm going to do. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Art Lover/Love Writing

12 Years Ago

Good :)
Dark Rider

12 Years Ago

What does she want to do? Sleep with him?! Ahhh!!! Nice chapter:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Art Lover/Love Writing

12 Years Ago

no shes just getting the best of him so he cant say no
Keep on writing!!! :D Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Art Lover/Love Writing

12 Years Ago

ur suggestion will be in the next chapter
I've read all of the chapters and I love this so far! I love the plot and I can't wait to what happens next. ^^

I did notice some spelling and grammar errors throughout this, but it's no huge deal. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Art Lover/Love Writing

12 Years Ago

Thanks, Ill look at some spelling errors. Thanks I have'nt really got alot of comments about the plo.. read more
Felicity's Eve

12 Years Ago

Art Lover/Love Writing

12 Years Ago

I everyone I would just like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS have a wonderful christmas and keep everyone in your heart

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on December 8, 2012
Last Updated on December 9, 2012


Art Lover/Love Writing
Art Lover/Love Writing

Dream Clouds, TX

i love to sketch and read. My favorite color is purple. my favorite types of books are fiction, fantasy, adventure, and young adult books.i am also a pug lover(i also own one.) I also love the show yo.. more..
