Death Wish

Death Wish

A Poem by Nyx

When I wrote this, this was what I was feeling.


I hold the blade in my hand,

So beautiful when covered in the bright red liquid of life.

I love when the shiny blade

Gets dirtied by the one thing holding me to the Earth.

I make a quick slice,

Not even looking twice.

I grin as the blood drips down.

After all this time,

I can't feel the pain

My heart has hardened

To shut it all off.

I want so bad to end it all,

But I can't because I have a friend in need.

He might fall if I end this, my pain.

He surely will suffer,

I will have to just endure

All the pain that occurs.

Yes, I have a death wish,

But so does he.

The man I fell in love with,

I cannot leave him alone.

The person people see

On the outside is not true,

In crowds he is serious,

But around just me,

He is silly and hyper.

I want to heal him,

I just need some time,

To learn what to say,

To help him get by.

I have gone through hell,

And I know he has as well.

If only he could see that he is my Romeo,

And I want to be his Juliet.

I will die if he does,

I cannot let him think like me.

He will be healed,

Even if I still have my death wish.

I put the blade down,

I have no use for it now.

I have found someone I love,

And I have a reason to live.

I will eventually get rid of this,

My not-so-secret death wish.

I can get past the terrible times of my past,

Knowing that my friendship with him will last.

© 2013 Nyx

My Review

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The emotion in this poem is so real and fresh, I can feel the feelings described by the narrator, and it takes a very good writer to do that. Amazing job! :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

There is someone for everyone who will make them complete. Beautiful and tragic at the same time. Great piece Aurora.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This poem is amazing...
So emotional, so relatable and so true for a lot of people
Well done

Posted 10 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 11, 2013
Last Updated on December 12, 2013



Cocoa, FL

I am a huge fan of Batman, the Joker, and Nightmare Before Christmas, and I love reading horror stories. I write poems to express my feelings, whether I am feeling depressed, happy, or anything in bet.. more..

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