Day light streams into the room,
but the gleam of the sun is missing...
... almost incomplete, somehow
The scattered clouds make felt their presence,
light and dark, tossed about...
... like a fruit salad, of sorts.
She leans against the podium,
Resting her chin on her fist...
...silent, lost in thought...
Serenely, she works with her head bowed,
the light falls weakly across her form..
... yet her eyes glitter like a thousand diamonds.
The heavily mascara-ed eyes go well with the cherry red she's
as do the lips crimson stained..
...but the crystalline liquid eyes have an aura of their own.
The upswept mass of shaded wavy brown,
add to the plain of surfaces matt and muted..
..only the eyes glimmer like a fruity tinted gloss.
She looks like she's been weeping,
the lower lids are swollen so...
... but an upward flickering glance shows the tickery of light
beams, a sillhouette of stiff curled lashes most alluring.
And atlast she smiles, and the eyes deepen,
Awake, alive, and warm..
...Sparkling and twinkling with dreams submerged,
like tumblers of sparkling cider winking in the sun.
9 15 am
psych class