A Drovers life

A Drovers life

A Poem by B.J

A living history for those who have traveled across the long paddock. Part of history a romance but a hard life for many. Especially the woman left behind for many months with a young family


A Drovers life

Across the Long Paddock
Is part of a living history
Unique to living history
Of  a Drovers Life

There is a romance to the life of a drover
He's sat around campfires
And watched many a sunset
Sometimes there is a silence
As drovers sit, tired
After a day on the trail
But there can be chatter
Around the campfire
After a day on the trail

A drover on night watch
Can be heard singing
With the moon above
As he rides around the heard
There is a glow about the night
As he gently sings, giving him pleasure

Share a damper with a drover
Share a mug of billy tea
Sit with a drover, and listen
To their stories of life, and how life used to be

Those stories, tell of many changes
A drover has seen changes come and go
A drover tells that drovings had its day
A drover really knows

Replaced by stock trains
Men that have lived along the Long Paddock
Days of Billied tea and Damper
For a Drover will never come again

Experience the history of the Long Paddock
The Long Paddock
Is part of a living history
Unique to living history
Of Australia

Of the men that helped build Australia

© 2014 B.J

Author's Note

I tried to create the image of a time gone by

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Nostalgic... as I find myself slipping into that generation I swore I'd never become, I hear myself criticizing the way "they" do things these days. The days of getting it done with your bare hands are long gone (and when I say "with your hands" I don't mean using them to program a robot to do it for you). Thanks for taking me back.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 9, 2014
Last Updated on January 9, 2014



South Australia, Rural, Australia

I live in rural South Australia, among the best wine district in the state. I enjoy dabbling with words, seeing what I can create. I appreciate creative reviews. more..

Friendship Friendship

A Poem by B.J