They lay
enjoying each others company
not a word uttered between them
a cool breeze whisks by
she moves closer
he holds her firmly
not wanting to move
to let the moment slip away
The coco steaming in the dim light
sipping it warmed even the soul
the silence broken with her sweet words.
Remember how we began?
he remembered
how silly they had acted countless times
not caring who was watching
the never-ending hours they spent together
the time had been priceless
he thought of how lucky he was to find her
She leaned back further lightly resting on his fist chest
and at no more than a whisper said, "I love you"
he whispered back into her ear, "I love you too, with all my heart"
she giggled ever so slightly and a small smile rolled across his face.
They were at total unbelievable peace.