![]() GolemA Chapter by barda421Jason was a little tired because of the who is stronger at a hand-to-hand duel with Derek. The best thing about it was they had an entire city to battle on, but they also had to go to a War god’s class the next morning too, so their training was short. Around four o’clock Jason reached his bed and he closed his eyes for a second before the alarm clock rang and his eyes shot open. He looked at the time and it showed six o’clock. Wait a second, when did he get an alarm clock? He moved Angel off him so he could move and take a shower and do his new morning routine. After everyone left the apartment, Jason ordered some lotus chips from Mite and then headed to the north of the island. It took thirty minutes but they reached a forest of Giant Redwood Trees were students were gathering. There was one thing that Jason noticed, everyone around him was making glances and muttering to one another saying things like, that’s the one who blew up Hecate class yesterday or He couldn’t even conjure up a basic defence or offence spell followed by a few snickers in the crowd. But that stuff never really bothered him because that always happened to him even in the world he use to live in. People in his old school would call him a freak of nature because they thought he was superhuman. But as he was lost in thought a Irish voice pulled him out of it. “Welcome to Hell!” said the guy in front of the class “My name is Ares the God of War also your combat teacher, but you should know that because…” The guy wore a black suit that was probably designed by Ralph Lauren or Anderson & Sheppard. He also had a black tie and silver watch to match it. “Why is your voice Irish?” Derek interrupted “I mean you are from Greece right?” “You know it’s rude to interrupt young lad!” Ares said “As for my voice it’s because God’s and Goddesses are immortal yes, but we do have multiple personalities. So we divide ourselves up among the world of mortals while our strongest part lives in the Forgotten World, that’s just putting it simply.” “There are those words again!” Derek said “What is the Forgotten World?” “The Forgotten World, lad is a world that is tripled in size of earth, it’s main cities are what you would call Olympus or Asgard or even Heaven, it is a world where all God's, Monster’s, Demi-mortals, and even regular mortals live.” Ares explained “Now before you ask, the mortals are there because of their ancestors that use to live there.” “Okay, so next question who’s the chick with the clipboard?” Derek asked “I’m Eris, Goddess of Strife, Ares assistant,” Eris said as she reached in her pocket “Want an apple?” “No thanks, I’m allergic to Discord.” Derek said sarcastically “Eris this isn't the time to cause war right now, so control yourself and let me remind you, we are under strict orders to train these kids at any means necessary, these two lad’s especially” Ares said as he pointed to Derek and I “Now Listen up Maggots!,” Ares said as his tone changed into more of a Military General “We may need to control our temper, but we are under strict orders to get you combat ready so you don’t die. I will have different rooms, but each room will have two people training in them. Your mentors will be either Usagi or Spartus, or on the rare occasion me. Bast will teach you to be quick on your feet, but I will put those teachings to the test.” “What’s an Usagi?” Jason asked “An Usagi is a warrior that knows many fighting styles that wears a white rabbit mask.” Ares explained “Okay, where’s the house?” Derek asked “Didn’t you pay any attention to class yesterday lad?” Ares asked “I will use one of my powers which is the Dimensional class. I already have the rooms ready, so when class starts no one will be disturbed when they train. Now are you ready, because this might feel a bit weird for first timers!” Everyone muttered something “I’ll take that as a yes!” Ares said as he threw a red marble in the air and Jason saw the world start spinning like a top riding the wall. After a few seconds of a swirling mash of red, Jason found himself lying face first on the ground. “Ow, that hurt!” Jason said as he got up and held his nose Jason looked around and saw that he was sitting on a stone arena that was rose about seven or eight feet from the ground. The arena was maybe about sixty feet in diameter and on the outer edge it seemed like there was some type of green and purple moss growing from the cracks. “Why such a hard landing?” Derek asked “Sorry about that, you’ll get use to it after awhile,” Ares said with a grin “But before I let the Spartus and Usagi on you two, I would like to test your strength myself!” “Let me get this straight,” Jason asked “You want to fight us?” “Bingo, you're not as dumb as I thought!” Ares said with a chuckle “No offence.” “None taken.” Jason said with a sign “You’re a God, Not to Mention a War God,” Derek said “How are we supposed to fight you?” “Oh, don’t worry” Ares exclaimed as he started to take off his tie “I’ll only use about three percent of my power, so you two might have a fighting chance!” “Might, ohh that makes me feel much better!” Derek said as he threw his hands up in exaggeration “Calm it Derek, if he wants to fight,” Jason said as he glared at Ares “Let’s give him a show, think of it as us fighting Brandon and his gang of high school jocks, that’s all it is!” “They were HUMAN! HE”S A GOD!” Derek yelled but then smiled “I’ve already got my a*s kicked by Bast, but let’s make it getting my a*s kicked by a War god too, sounds fun.” “Now you’re getting it, Let's see how close we are to the power of a god?” Jason said as he got in position to attack Ares “What’s this?” Ares said as he raised an eyebrow as he took off his jacket and shirt “You two seem considerably calm, since you’re fighting a god, you two seem to have a lot of discipline if you're not shaking right now.” “Do you want me to assist you?” Eris asked “No that won’t be necessary, I want to fight this two bare handed because they sparked my attention even more!” Ares said as he handed his tie and shirt to Eris then clasped his fist together “Fine,” Eris huffed as she started to walk away “I’ll sit over here..” “On three we attack him together!” Jason said as he watched Ares “One...Two...THREE!” Jason yelled as he started to push himself forward As soon as he said that Ares disappeared, and a hand appeared in front of his face. “Watch out!” Derek said as he tackled Jason and hit the ground hard “Damn, He’s fast!” Derek exclaimed “What was that?” “Almost…” Ares said as he flexed his hand “You're pretty fast, lad. As for what I did it’s a technique called mollis pede, the English translation would be Light Foot.” “Let’s try it again.” Jason said as he charged Ares again and threw a right hook Every punch or kick Jason threw at him, he dodged them easily. Derek was trying to do the same thing on the other side, but he was having any luck either. “Come on, is that the best you two can do?” Ares asked while dodging “You, Derek seem to move a lot faster than Jason, So Jason tell me, what are your attributes?!” Jason and Derek kept trying to hit him but still no such luck. Until Derek somehow managed to kick his feet from under him, and gave Jason the perfect opportunity to punch him in the chest, but Ares crossed his arms and blocked his attack. But what surprised Jason the most was, Ares was pushed back a few feet. “I actually landed a blow!” Jason said as he started to breathe heavily “Ahh, I see,” Ares said as he brushed off some dirt as if it didn’t phase him “So you pack some power, nice, but sadly you two have a lot to learn before you can fight the likes of a God!” As soon as he said it, he disappeared again and a hand grabbed his and Derek’s face. Then it was just a rag doll effect, as Jason and Derek hit the ground and broke the stone making a crater. Every bone in Jason’s body seemed to be broken. He couldn’t move and it was starting to get hard to breathe. “Owww!” Derek said as he tried to move “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, all your ribs are broken, and your spines are cracked so if you move you will be paralyzed!” Ares said “I only did this to show you your limits, but don’t worry time flows differently here, Every minute in the real world is Seven days here, So you have plenty of time to heal, and then train.” As soon as he said that Jason saw a bunch of girls in gowns holding different baskets poofed into existence in the corner of his eye “Well, seems like we are getting some special treatment, and I'm enjoying the view!” Derek said as a few giggled “Ohh and one more thing you won’t age here...” Ares said “Well, that’s good…” Jason said as he passed out One Hour in the Real World “Wow, 420 days and didn’t even age a bit!” Derek said as he massaged his shoulder “What are you talking about?” Katlin asked “It’s only been an hour since we were in that marble.” “Well then, Ares had us on a special training course then?!” Derek said “Man, I hate taking extra credit.” “Yeah, yeah” Jason asked “So where do we accept jobs?” “Ohh, you’ve already been to the place we need to go!” Sarah said as she started to walk to the center of the city “So we can accept jobs here?” Derek asked as he stared at the Headmaster’s Office “Yep, and after you complete a few A to S ranked Jobs you can accept bounties.” Sarah said but then got quiet again “So Katlin can you help me find a job, while Derek, Sarah and Angel stay here.” Jason asked “Yeah, sure…” Katlin said but she looked confused “I’ll be back in a bit, just don’t move Angel.” “So Sarah, where is the job board?” Jason asked “The first left when you get inside.” Sarah said “Thanks!” Jason said as he started to climb the stairs and into the house Sarah just stared at the ground, while Derek was asking Angel questions. “So this is the Job board?” Jason asked He stared at the wall, the room had Fliers posted on every square inch of the walls. Each flier had different names on them and different prices for each job. This is how the fliers were created… Rank D Bakery Help $300 I need help in my bakery, and I’m too old to do it myself . So if one of you youngsters could help me out, it would be very much appreciated. Directions down Below “I thought it would be better.” Jason said puzzled “Well, what did you expect?” Katlin asked “A group of people welcoming you by saying Congratulations on accepting your first Job!” “Well, maybe…” Jason said “I just thought there would be a little more, I don’t know, POP! You know.” “Yeah, that’s what I thought the first time I heard about Jobs, but that was when I was a kid!” Katlin said with a smile “What’s your excuse?” “Overly excited!” Jason said with a laugh “What about this one?” Jason said as he looked at the board and saw a D ranked job giving $400 of payment. “No, we’ll need something that pays for the apartment, our food and extra things, so we’ll need to focus on something that gives us a lot of money that isn’t too high of a class, so probably a C or B ranked job should do it.” Katlin said “Okay, then how about this?” Jason said as he took off another flier “Woah, yeah I think this’ll do it.” Katlin said When Jason got outside, Derek was talking to Caster and another person but he didn’t recognize the other. He also saw Sarah glaring at the new guy “Well, we’re back!” Jason said as he walked down the stairs “What's up!, ah, Jason you already know Castor and this is Castor’s friend Damon.” Derek said as he wrapped his arms around both of them “Sup.” Jason said “Nice to meet you.” Katlin said Jason started noticing that Damon was shaking. “Well, I think we’ve got to go.” Castor said as if noticing Damon too “Where are you going?” Jason asked “Ohh, Damon and I are just going to accept some bountyjobs so we get a little bit of cash.” Castor said “But don’t you have to complete a few A and S ranked missions first, and aren’t you two new students like us?” Jason asked “Technically, the only new people who are new to magic are you and Derek.” Castor said “The rest of the students already know how to conjure up magic and or summon monsters. All they came here to do is sharpen their skills, so they can face what lies ahead in the Forgotten World.” “Wow, and here I thought we were special.” Derek said with a smile “Yeah, I’m quite surprised that you two haven’t left already, because this Academy is harder than you two make it out to be!” Castor said with a laugh “Nah, it’s just because we had a great teacher!” Derek said Jason noticed that Damon was itching is arm “Okay, well time to get going!” Castor said suddenly and grabbed “Let’s go Damon!” “Well, Okay then,” Derek said “Let’s talk again, I want to know more about Succubus!” “Yeah, no problem” Castor said as he pulled Damson up the stairs Right before Castor and Damson entered the house, Jason overheard Castor say “You said you could handle it…” then the door closed. “Well then, what’s the job?” Derek asked “Well, let’s just say we need to wear our sweatshirts and a few jackets!” Jason said as he walked passed him “Okay, so before we need to get to Jotunheim the city of ice giants, and the way to do that, means going through a warp called the Biro?” Derek asked “Yes, in Norse Mythology it would be called the Bifrost,” Sarah explained “Every Myth always wraps around one another, that's why people who try to study why monuments and pictures look almost exactly the same even though they were created thousands of years apart and across the ocean. The Gods have influenced the culture of humans until they were ready to expand on their own with minor help from the Gods, nowadays the Gods help behind the lines because if they showed up, all it would do is cause chaos and panic.” “Okay but wouldn’t the people of earth be able to see what we are doing if they passed the island, or used satellites to spy on us?” Derek asked “Before I answer that, where exactly are on the planet right now?” Sarah asked “I mean you did ride the cruise ship didn’t you?” “Well, we should be a few miles from Peru, or France, or was it Athens?” Derek asked Jason “To be honest every morning we appeared at a new place, one day we are at Athens, the next we would be in France, but now that I think about it, it did seem kind of strange that we didn’t know where the academy was.” Jason said “That’s the point the point, the Academy exist but it doesn’t at the same time.” Katlin said “Okay I think you lost me…” Derek said “Yeah, I’m with Derek on this one I’m not sure what you mean.” Jason said “Let me explain,” Sarah said “This Island is behind a Magical veil that was woven thousands of years ago by Creation itself. It’s sort of like a Border between Earth and the Forgotten World. You can’t cross without having permission, That’s why we have a portal that leads us to the Forgotten world. But there are other ways of getting between Earth, the Academy and the Forgotten world, Like Shadow traveling or warping through time and space using your own magic.” “You know, it’s like we are in a T.V. show, where the impossible becomes possible!” Derek said with a laugh “Well, let’s get going and get this job done because I’m way to excited for it.” Jason said as he and Sarah started walking “Okay, can you explain what we are doing again?” Derek asked as his head banged against the ceiling of the carriage “Damn, that hurt!” “A small town off of the City of Jotunheim that is having trouble with a Dire Wolf pack that keep stealing their cattle and killing their townsmen. So all we need to do is drive the wolves away, and we get paid.” Jason said “How are we supposed to do that?” Derek asked “Well, I asked Ares if he had any spare weapons, that we could borrow,” Jason said as he pulled the bag from under his feet “and he said he had plenty of weapons that would suit our characteristics for the moment.” “Okay, so what’s my weapon?” Derek asked “He called said they were called the butterfly swords.” Jason said as he started to pull out the swords “So what are they suppose to do make me flutter?, Oh, wait nevermind.” Derek said as he saw the swords “I like it, make sure to remind me to thank Ares when we get back.” “And I have a Magic bow for you Katlin, because he said you would be good with it,” Jason said as he handed the Bow and a Quiver to her “As for Angel, he told me to give you these Daggers.” “Where’s Sarah’s weapon?” Derek asked “I want to see it.” “Oh, well Ares said She had it covered.” Jason said “Well what is it?” Derek asked “All it is, is a Kusarigama made of shadows.” Sarah said “I was trained to be a Shadow Assassin, so my weapon needs to be fitted for an Assassin.” “God it’s cold!” Katlin said as she was shivering and huddled up with Angel “Wow, I think it’s pretty moderate.” Derek said as his teeth started to chatter “You moron, it’s 30 degrees outside,” Jason said “Even with our training to live in harsh temperatures, it’s still cold.” Jason said “So Mercury Express Carriage is the cheapest way to travel to the Forgotten World...oww” Derek said as his head bounced off of the ceiling again “But not the most comfortable ride now is it?” “You know it’s better than walking right?!’ Sarah said “and on the bright side I finally used my last discount on the express carriage, and I won’t be getting those annoying ad mails to get more discounts, so that’s bonus.” “Look at that Sarah, seems you're warming up to these two faster than you expected.” Katlin said “I said that I didn’t want to deal men for a while,” Sarah said “But it seems that as long as I live, I will always be surrounded by boys for the rest of my life. At least you two aren’t gods of the underworld, so that’s great.” “Glad you see it that way!” Derek said with a grin as his head hit the ceiling once more “Goddamn it, That Hurt!” “We should almost be there,” Sarah said “A building should be appearing any second, that’s how we know through this blizzard.” “So when we see a building called Hybor’s Bar, we would be there right?”Jason asked “Yeah, why?” Sarah asked “Well, we are here!” Jason said as he pointed out the window “Stop the carriage!” Sarah said “We’re here!” After a minute or two of grabbing the little luggage they had, The carriage left without a trace. “Well, there goes our way home.” Derek said as he looked at the bar “Anyone up for a drink?” When they walked inside all Jason could smell was liquor, cigar smoke and cooked food. There were blue men and women dancing, gambling, drinking, and laughing with one another. “We need to find the Mayor of this town, so he knows we are here.” Sarah said “I’ll go ask the Bartender if he knows where the Mayor is. You guys see if you can pull any information on the wolves from these guys.” “So what can I get you Miss traveler?” The Bartender asked “I’ll just take some warm milk please.” Sarah said While the Bartender got her drink ready, she recalled what Osiris and Hel told her. “I don’t need to go, I’m one of the Guards of the Underworld,” Sarah complained “I can’t just leave!” “You are a mortal, that is not dead, but has a never ending life, because of this place.” Osiris said “I like to live in the shadows, and why do I need to make friends with people I don’t know?” Sarah asked “Do you know why we helped you out?” Hades asked “Because no one else could.” Sarah said as she looked at the ground “Because everyone who got near you died a horrible death, and the way people treated you was one of the most horrible thing that even us Immortal’s couldn’t hold our stomach’s for. Even Asclepius and Apollo had trouble piecing your body back together, but somehow you were still alive when they were bringing you back to normal.” Osiris explained “That is why you lived in our Palace for as long as you have, because you were someone that deserved a second chance.” “Fine, but I have a question what happened to Hel?” Sarah asked “I would’ve thought that she would have came too, since she is also one of the Warlords of the Underworld.” “Well, Hel and the other Warlords have been disagreeing on how the three worlds could interfere with one another.” Hel explained “So it might not be odd when you don’t see her around.” “Why are they disagreeing?” Sarah asked “The reason the worlds are separate, is because it would be all out war, between the three.” “Yes, but Hel wants to have the underworld have more power over the other worlds.” Osiris said “So we have to talk to her, but he went into hiding with some of the other Warlords and we have no idea where they went.” “So why don’t you send me to go track them down, you know I can do it!” Sarah said “Yes, but you already have a mission.” Hades said “And you should get ready to leave because school starts tomorrow!” “THANKS FOR THE WARNING!” Sarah yelled “Calm down,” Osiris said as he placed a hand on her shoulder “Before you go, I need to tell you something.” “What?” Sarah asked “No matter how calm someone may be they will always hold a dark past. Your job will be to help that person.” Osiris said “You have felt a great amount of pain, don’t let others feel what you have felt.” “Yes sir.” Sarah said “Now I want you to get packed because you're leaving tomorrow morning.” Osiris said “I’ll send you there myself.” “Okay.” Sarah said as she started to walk off “One more thing Sarah, it’s been an amazing experience for Hades and I to raise you.” Osiris said as he and Hades disappeared in the shadows Ever since she met Jason she could feel his aura, she could feel his aura battling against itself like water and oil. But what caught her eye was how every time he talked and moved he was trying to show that nothing could get to him, but in reality he was hiding something dark from his past and it was holding him down. Miss...MISS! Sarah was snapped out from her flashback “Welcome back,” the Bartender said “Here’s your warm milk, hope you enjoy!” “Um…before you go, Can you tell me anything about the Dire Wolves?” Sarah asked “And who’s asking?” The Bartender asked “A student from Hidden Academy.” Sarah said “A skilled Shadow Assassin at your service.” “WELL THANK THE GODS!” the Bartender said “You have no idea how much those mutts have been affecting this town!” “That bad huh?” Sarah asked “Like I said, those damned mutts have been destroying this town.” The Bartender explained “But before we get started, I’ll tell you how this all began.” “At first they were just the regular passing mob of wolves, so we would chase them away and keep the cattle safe. But these wolves acted differently from all the others smarter and faster, it’s like they combined forces with other packs and made a plan to attack the village. When the cattle started to get low, the wolves started to attack and kill some of the townsmen so that’s when the mayor decided to call for some help.” “So, can you think of any reason why the wolves got smarter?” Sarah asked “Well, there is the story of the old man cooking his children, but I don’t remember his name…” the Bartender said “It’s on the tip of my tongue!” “I’m gonna guess this one, Lycaon right?” Sarah said “But that would be out of the question because Lycaon has been gone for the past few hundred years, no one has seen him since Hercules wounded him.” “That is true but, it could also mean that it could be Fenrir!” the Bartender said “that would be very bad.” “Yes, so let's stick with Lycaon.” Sarah said as she shivered a bit “Do you have any idea of where the wolf lair is?” “That’s the thing, when they attack, they attack from the south and head up north.” the Bartender explained “but even with that knowledge they still seem to catch us off guard. But if I had any clue they might be up on that mountain that’s to the east of here.” “Well, that’s a start, I’m going to go check on my friends, thanks for the help...um what’s your name again?” Sarah asked “Oh, my name is Bestla, and you're welcome.” Bestla said as she handed Sarah the check After she payed for the drink she walked over to Jason and Derek who had challenged a few frost giants to a poker game and an arm-wrestling match. “Straight flush!” Derek said as he threw his cards on the table and drew a grin “And this is all mine now!” “Damn, how are you so good?!” One giant said as he threw his cards all over the table “Luck my friend, plain old good luck and fortune along with it!” Derek said “Want to go another round?” “Bah, Tyche and Fortuna can kiss my blue hide!” Another giant said “Oh come on, don’t be that way Chuck.” Derek said “I’m just a wanderer who got paid!” “Yeah, well nice job, and when I have the money again I would like to face you again!’ Chuck said as he got up and put his cowboy style hat on “Until then, I’ll see you again.” “So I see you back from talking to the bartender!” Jason said as he was rubbing his shoulder “Man, those guys really know how to arm wrestle, so what’s going on?” “Okay, so we need to set a perimeter around the town before the wolves get here,” Jason said “But the question is how will we see through the Blizzard?” “Oh. you needn’t worry yourself about that, The Blizzard goes away at 11 pm, but the wolves always come around 12 pm, plus the storm starts to brew again around 6 in the morning.” Chuck said “After that if you're not back in the town before then, you’ll be lost and freeze to death.” “Well, that’s good to hear!” Derek said “We can see ourselves turning into ice sculptures before we die.” “Always optimistic Derek,” Jason said “Like I was saying, We set up a perimeter around the town, while Sarah, you Derek, and I will lead the defensive side around the perimeter, while Katlin and Angel protect the farm animals. When they do decide to leave, Sarah and I will chase them and scout out where they made themselves at home.” “Okay, before I say yes to that,” Sarah began “Please tell me Ares helped teach you two a few things about using magic?” “Well yeah, he helped us channel certain elements to form from our palms.” Jason said as he held up his palm and made a small ball of green fire “When Derek rubs his hands together he can make a small ball of electricity.” “Okay, well do you have any training hunting animals?” Sarah asked “Actually, that’s one thing we haven’t done yet.” Jason said “And yet I’m surprised why is that?” Sarah asked “Well, I wouldn’t know why…” Jason said as he scratched his head “Anyway, can you do anything else besides summoning balls of fire and lightning?” Sarah asked “Yeah, we’ve got a few tricks but it might take a while to explain.” Jason said “Okay, now that we have a plan, the only thing bothering me is our numbers, wolves travel in packs and these wolves come in many different sizes.” Sarah said “Don’t worry bout that miss,” someone said behind her “I’ve had second thoughts and I asked some of my friends to help me help you.” When she turned she saw the blue giant Chuck. “I see you took up my offer!” Derek said as he stood “Well, I did lose a bet, so I’ll help you with this and I’ll have your favor tucked away for later.” Chuck said “I’m glad to hear that.” Derek said with a giant smile “Now who’s ready to get rid of some wolves.” It was 12:29 and still no sign of the wolves. “Are you sure the wolves come from the south?” Derek asked “Besides they aren’t even on time.” “Yes, this is disturbing, they attack every night always at the same time…” Chuck said “Where are they?” “I agree, because if this wasn’t an important job, then you wouldn’t have sent out a job right.” Jason asked “Yeah, The Mayor sent out the request, but I’m feeling off, they are normally here” Chuck said “I agree, something is off.” Jason said as he summoned a ball of flame and shot it up in the sky “Sun Flare!” That’s when he saw them, dozens of red eyes staring at him “Get your guard up!” Jason said as he raised both mowing scythes in a defencive position As soon as he did that a howl pierced the air, and the wolves came rushing at them. The first wolf that Jason saw came right towards him, it had dark grey hair, and was about seven feet tall standing on all fours, its teeth were as sharp knives, and it’s blood red eyes seemed to stare straight in Jason’s soul showing him pure hatred and disgust. The wolf lunged and Jason dived under it. He then got up on his feet and faced the wolf again, this time the wolf started to circle him baring it’s fangs. Jason looked around him and saw Chuck and Derek fighting their own wolves, Jason also saw a few wolves gather around him as if looking for a chance to get Jason from behind. That’s when he made the mistake because the wolf he was fighting charged him and tackled him to one knee. The wolf started to snarl and bite at his face. “Gah!” Jason said as he felt something sink into his left calf, he looked behind him and saw a smaller wolf holding his leg in place “Get off!” Jason yelled as he crossed his arms and the wolf went limp, then he stabbed the wolf that was biting his calf in the head. The wolves that were watching Jason were now headed towards the farm in the center of town. Jason was about to go chase them, but as he took a step he fell down. “Goddamit, fine I need to deal with this first.” Jason said as he put his hand on his wound and concentrated, that’s when ice started to form encasing the wound “Great it worked, now I need to stop those wolves before…” That’s when he saw the wolves, they seemed to have gotten stabbed by different spikes, but Jason saw that they weren’t ordinary spikes, they were spikes made out of shadows. “I’m guessing Sarah did that…” Jason said in awe “I’m not that skilled, but damn.” Jason analyzed the situation before him, Chuck seemed to be doing a good job smashing the wolves heads in with his bare hands, Derek seemed to be doing fine, he only had one of swords but it seemed to be in his favor because he was killing wolves left and right. “Hey Chuck, if this is all there is, why call us?” Derek asked as he stabbed the last wolf “Because that was only the scouts, the main ones are comi-” Chuck was cut off because he got attacked by three new wolves from behind and his wounds started to bleed blue colored blood “Gah!” “Derek!” Jason said as he got his attention “Understood!” Derek said as he rushed to Chuck’s aid Jason started to run to Chuck to but was stopped by another wolf. Jason could tell this one was different because it was all black, like an oreo cookie and it was fifteen feet tall on all fours. The wolf’s eyes kept changing color, from night blue to crimson red. It was weird because the wolf seemed to fighting itself but it was still glaring at him, but with pleading eyes. “Umm...I’m not sure if you can understand me, but are you okay?” Jason asked The wolf’s response was lunging at him. “Okay, nevermind!” Jason said as he ducked under it “run!” someone whispered softly “Who’s that?” Jason said as he looked around “run, stupid boy!” the voice says again “Is that you?” Jason asked as he looked at the wolf as he dodged another strike “You can’t defeat one of the wolf lords, especially me!” the voice said “And who are you?” Jason asked as he blocked a claw strike “My name is Zeff, the son of Lupa and Conri.” the voice said “Why are you doing this?” Jason asked “I can’t control my body, someone else is…” Zeff said “Then who is?” Jason asked as he slashed making an arc “It’s Lycaon, he’s controlling my pack into attacking this village!” Zeff said “Why and how is he doing it?” Jason said as he kept the sword pointed towards Zeff as he circled him “He’s using an ancient ring, called the Ring of Dispel.” Zeff said “Okay, but from what I read Sir Lancelot got that ring from a fairy and he used it to cross Sword Bridge.” Jason said as he blasted Zeff with fire, but Zeff just shook it off “The ring can be used for any enchantment, that includes mind control.” Zeff said “Okay, so is there anyway to stop it?” Jason asked as he jumped back as Zeff ate dirt “You need to find out how to break the spell by somehow blocking the ring’s power.” Zeff said “You know I just realized, I’m talking to you!” Jason said “Yeah, this is the first time I’ve talked to anyone in ages!” Zeff said “How can you hear me?” “It might be because of who’s inside me, but I’ll tell you after I get you from this control.” As soon as he said that Zeff launched at him and ripped one of the scythes out of his hands “RUN! You can’t defeat me!” Zeff said as he suddenly became tense and ran past Jason “He is calling us, we need to leave.” “Okay, but tell me where you hide-out is!” Jason said as he started to chase Zeff “Look to the mountain, that’s where Lycaon’s lair is!” Zeff said as he ran across the roof with Jason tailing behind “DEREK, SARAH, KATLIN, ANGEL IT’S TIME TO GO!” Jason said as a few more wolves pasted him “Why?” Derek asked as he climbed up onto the building Jason was on “Someone told me where to find it.” Jason said “Did I just hear you figured out where the wolf nest is?” Sarah asked as she morphed from the shadows “Yeah, I had a little chat with one of the wolves.” Jason said as he started running towards where the wolf tracks lead “Why are we leaving?” Katlin said as she appeared next to Derek and Angel was running behind her “Jason talked to a wolf,” Derek said “Now how’d you accomplish that?” “Natural Traits!” Jason said sarcastically as he pulled ahead faster “But we need to hurry so we have an element of surprise.” That’s when the ground started to rumble. “Whoa, what is that?” Derek said as he stumbled but regained his ground again “Avalanches, it’s pretty common in Jotunheim especially in the mountain ranges.” Sarah said “Yeah, I think I read that in a book somewhere.” Katlin said “Yeah, what was it called?” Derek asked “Jotunheim 101 For Morons” Katlin said “I was planning on going here when I got older.” “What kept you from doing that earlier, maybe your mom and dad…” Derek began “IT’S...complicated.” Katlin muttered “My family is complicated.” “Okay, then” Derek said new topic “We’ve already traveled a while, do we have any Idea of where they are?” “Yeah, all we need to do is follow the wolf tracks and they’ll lead us to there. “ Jason said
After thirty minutes of running the tracks disappear. “What happened to the tracks?” Derek asked as he suddenly stopped “Sabotage,” Sarah began “But we know it’s still leads forward.” “Yeah, let's…” Jason said as there was a loud thunder noise that made the ground shake “Is it just me or are we getting closer to the thing making that noise?!” Derek said “Yeah, let’s just keep moving and try to stay away from the noise.” Jason said “Our top priority is still the wolves.” “Okay, so…” Derek began to say but was interrupted when a two wolves jumped out of nowhere and attacked Jason and they rolled out of sight “Jason!” Sarah said “D****t!” Derek said as he began to chase after but Sarah stopped him “Derek take Katlin and Angel and try to find the Cave!” Sarah said “I’ll help Jason.” “Yeah, I’m warning you though when you guys get there, there might not be anything left.” Derek said with a smile “Okay, but I’m warning you don’t take on Lycaon by yourself, he is still part immortal so you need to wait until we get there to overpower him.” Sarah said “Fine, just scout and that’s it,” Derek said but sighed “Fine…” “Come on already!” Katlin said as she pulled him away Sarah looked for Jason and followed the trail of destroyed snow. That’s when she saw them. Jason was blasting wolf number one with fire, while defending against wolf number two. She looked at wolf number one, he was about maybe fifteen feet tall with coal-black fur and his eyes were bright red. Wolf number two was a little smaller than wolf number one and it had white long fur, but it’s eyes showed it’s soul was as cold as ice. “Sarah,” Jason yelled “I need you to figure out how to trap these two down!” “Okay, but why?” Sarah asked “Just do it!” Jason said “Trust me!” She’d only known this guy for what one, two days. What’s he going to do?" But with him, she just did it. “Shadow Soul Chains!” Sarah yelled as she thrusted her hand to the ground and the shadows started racing towards the wolves. When the Shadows reached the wolves they started to wrap and loop around the wolves, after it was done all Sarah needed to do was put a bow on them and they would be ready for Christmas. “Well, whatever you're going to do, do it fast because this will last for only seven minutes.” Sarah warned “All I need is six!” Jason said as he cracked his fingers “But you might need to set up camp, because I’m going to be wiped for about thirty minutes.” “Okay, but what are you going to do?” Sarah asked “Hey I see smoke!” Derek said “Do you think it’s the cave?” Katlin asked as she ran besides him “Let’s hope, because I don’t want to become a popsicle in the middle of nowhere!” Derek said “But just in case keep your guard up, because we might be getting lead into a trap.” “Right!” Katlin said “Are you ready Angel?” Katlin couldn’t see her face but all she did was nod her head The ground started to rumble again but it seemed right next to them. “What is that?” Derek asked “It might be a rogue giant.” Katlin said “They roam all around Jotunheim to escape prison.” “Great now we need to worry about more enemies!” Derek said but suddenly stopped “Why’d you stop?” Katlin said as she stopped with him “So I’m guessing that’s a giant right?!” Derek asked as he raised his swords as if preparing for a fight “What’re you…” Then she looked in his gaze and saw it It was about thirty feet tall, and made of old stone or maybe clay. It had the face of a man but the body of playdough. there was also one more thing she noticed, it was barreling towards them. “That’s not a Giant!” Katlin said “It’s a Golem and they are basically indestructible, they’re supposed to guard major cities, why is this one here?!” “I don’t know, but we need to RUN!” Derek yelled as he turned and grabbed Angel and her Then she noticed why he said it. There was a big wall of snow coming towards them. “AVALANCHE!” Derek said “Sorry, I just really wanted to say...gah!” he said but tripped on a branch hidden beneath the snow All she could think was it’s all over. She was going to die by the Golem or the Avalanche. But then it happened the Golem reached them and wrapped around them like a blanket, then the avalanche hit © 2016 barda421Author's Note
Added on February 26, 2016 Last Updated on March 9, 2016 Author![]() barda421Maquoketa, IAAboutI've got an active imagination, that's full of Idea's. But the problem is that I need to take each thing step by step or I'll mess up. I'll except any reviews, and any Comments that people post. more..Writing