Headmasters Orientation

Headmasters Orientation

A Chapter by barda421

       Jason was still trying to adjust to what had happened, but just couldn't happen he was still freaking out a bit. But the only way for him to calm down was to get some answers, and the only way to do that...Jason looked down at the paper airplane

"Lets hope this thing works" Jason said as he threw the paper airplane in the air

       It started to circle around Jason's head as if waiting for a command.

"Take me to the Headmaster office!" Jason said aloud and as clear as day

       Then the airplane zoomed in a zig-zag motion down the main street. Dodging the new Students and markets, Jason followed the airplane trying to keep his eyes in sight of the airplane because it could move. He ran through the streets, and alleys, jumped benches and slid under market carts. That's when things started to get silent around him, he stopped and looked around and he couldn't believe what he saw.

      It was a garden, a huge garden that wrapped around a big two-story wood log house. At his feet was a cobblestone path that lead up to the house. When he reached the bottom step he looked up and saw the paper airplane just hovering next to the door, So Jason stepped on the first step and that's when the airplane banged against the wooden door and disintegrated into an array of different mini flowers. That's when the door opened and a women poked her head out.

     Her hair was like silk that only reached her shoulders when it was in a pony-tail, and she seemed to radiant a happy feeling that made anyone want to smile. She looked like a hotels receptionist, And when she spoke...

     "You must be Jason!" the women said "My name is Frigg, come right on in, My husbands office is down the hall, fifth on the right."

     It was like a waterfall that made no sound, and its sound was its complete beauty of the things reflecting off it.

    Jason walked right in and started to walk down the hall, but he turned to thank Mrs. Frigg, but all he could thank was the air, because she disappeared. Jason remembered why he was here.

     Jason got the door Mrs. Frigg told him to go too. He grabbed the circular handle and took a deep breath, and opened the door. What he saw was Derek, the two girls he saved from the alley-way, and another girl he'd never seen before. The Headmaster was sitting at a huge desk.

      "Well, I see the guest of honor has arrived!" The Headmaster said as he clapped his hands together "take a seat"

     There was only five chairs, the three girls had taken the right row of chairs, so Jason sat next to Derek.

      "So I get it you guys and girls know why you here?" The Headmaster asked

      The new girl nodded her head, and one of the girls from the alley said yes.

      "All I know is your going to give me some answers!" Jason exclaimed

      "Before I answer those questions, I want you to figure out my name." The Headmaster said as he put his head on his hands

       "How would I..." he began but he stopped as he put it together

       His wife's name was Frigg, where had he heard that from. He scrolled through everything he remembered, and it hit him.

        "No way...Your name is Odin!" Jason said completely surprised 

        "The One and Only!" Odin said as he stood and changed his appearance

        He went from a...wait a sec he wasn't wearing any clothes, to a robe with a stick.

        "This feels so much better!" Odin said as he cracked his back

        "But your only a myth!" Jason said

        "That's what we wanted you to think!" Odin explained "Because if you mortals knew that we were still alive and real then that would make him stronger" He said as he pointed to Jason

        "Whose we, and why did you point at me?" Jason asked

        "I'm talking about every single myth you humans believe in! Either it to be Greek Myths, Roman Myths, Egyptian Myths, etc. They are all real!" Odin said "We try to keep the balance between the Real World and the Forgotten World"

       "Okay, that makes sense sort of, so why did you point at me?" Jason asked again

       "Well, to put it simply," Odin began "You have the Devil sleeping inside of you!"

       "Oh...WAIT WHAT!" Jason yelled

       "You know the Devil, the evil being of destruction and Chaos, and the Brother of Creation!" Odin explained "The guy who haunts children in their dreams"

       "What is he doing in my body!" Jason asked

       "Because you were the only one to hold his essence, and you know that little shield looking birth-mark you have above your belly-button" Odin asked

       "Yeah" Jason said

       "That's the seal we used!" Odin said "Now about your heritage!"

       That's when Mrs. Frigg came in.

       "I'm sorry my King, but you told him too much, you need to let him process what is happening!" Mrs. Frigg explained to Odin

       "Yes, I believe your right My-dear!" Odin said "Now to get back to why you all are here!"

       "But..." Jason started but Odin snapped his fingers and literally zipped Jason's mouth shut

       "Jason you are here because I want you to keep watch over this girl Angel," Odin said as he pointed his hand at the girl with the head-phones "She is the key to letting that Demon out of you and its your job to make sure nothing happens to her, the same goes with this lovely lady Katlin she has the blood to bring the dead back to life!"

       Jason tried to say something, but his zipped lips wouldn't budge.

       "What was that ... Ohh wait" Odin said as he snapped his fingers

       Jason gasped for air, and began to talk

       "Why would you want someone like me to protect someone else if I know nothing about this world? And what does she have to do with any of this?" Jason said as he pointed to the new girl

       "Because many dangerous people will hunt her down, and if they succeed they will come for you and Miss Katlin, Now for the newcomer," Odin explained "Her name is Sarah she will be yours, Derek's, and these two lovely ladies roommate."

       "How is that suppose to work, and one other thing we don't have a roof to live under!" Jason exclaimed

       "That has already been arranged, you will be living on the top floor of building 4576," Mrs. Frigg intervened "It has six bedrooms, with 5 bathrooms, and it has a gaming area, a living room, a kitchen, last but not least a balcony that can see as far as the eye can!"

       "I ... We don't have much money to go on!" Jason said

       "Don't worry about that, that's been paid off for the first month, so you'll need to get some Jobs off of the Main board in the School, but in order to do that you need to complete the basics in Magic, Summons, and becoming a Weapons Meister," Mrs. Frigg explained "But those are the three basics in our world."

      "Well it looks like time is up for explanations, there is a list of things for you to get on your kitchen table," Odin said "And before I forget I'm going to announce in one months time you will fight Nick Eden in a match in the arena."

      "Wait, wait ... what?!" Jason asked

      "I told you time is up, and so you don't get lost here's map for all of you about the campus!" Odin said as he snapped his fingers and a folded piece of paper appeared in Jason's hand "now I must get back to work, so I'll transport you to your house!"

      "We aren't..." Jason couldn't finish because he poofed out of the office

      "Well he's pretty wild!" Mrs. Frigg told Odin

      "Yes, He's just like his Father and Mother." Odin said

      "Well this sucks!" Jason said as he started to rub his hand on his head "I wanted him to tell me more about this place"

      "Well, it seems you've calmed down a bit" Derek said as he put his back-pack on the kitchen table

      "Yeah, but I'm still trying to get use to it" Jason said

      "Just to get this out of the way, thanks for the help in the alley-way" Katlin said

      "No problem..." Jason began to say

      "He does it all the time, he thinks he can start dating the girls he saves" Derek snickered

      "I do not!" Jason said as he hit Derek over the head

      "Like I was saying, its no problem I see dirt-bags like those all the time," Jason said "I just don't like the way they operate"

      "Well, I'm going to bed!" Sarah said as she pulled a small under her shoulder and started to walk down the hall-way

      "Yeah, I think that's a good idea" Derek said as he showed a piece of paper to them "Its been a long day, and we'll need some sleep, because tomorrow is the first day at the Academy!"

      "Fine, I'll go to sleep too," Jason said with a yawn "You two have a bedroom picked out?"

      "Yeah, The Guys can take the left side of the Hall, and the Girls will have the right!" Katlin asked "sound fair?"

       "Yeah, that's sound fine to me" Jason said as he started to walk down the hall-way "I'm going to sleep now!"

       As Jason entered his room, he looked around and it was like a huge suite. There was a bed on one side of the wall that faced a huge window and the outside was magnificent. It showed the town and the ocean, making it look like a picture you didn't want to take your eyes off of. There were a few empty book-shelves, with a desk. There was a pentagram on the floor, probably for educational purposes with a few glass jars and bottles. Then Jason laid down and took a deep breath.

        "Is this the Place for me?" Jason wondered as he closed his eyes and fell asleep

© 2015 barda421

Author's Note

Well, this is Chapter Two so hope you enjoy.

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Added on June 21, 2015
Last Updated on June 30, 2015



Maquoketa, IA

I've got an active imagination, that's full of Idea's. But the problem is that I need to take each thing step by step or I'll mess up. I'll except any reviews, and any Comments that people post. more..
