My Vampire Life

My Vampire Life

A Story by Casey Emeigh

This is only the first chapter and part of the second chapter. I hope to continue to write this story.


Chapter 1

            I always thought that I was meant for more.  This is not what I had in mind.  I mean sure, being super fast and super strong is nice, but the no sun and blood and fangs thing, not really working for me.  I think I’m getting ahead of myself- let me start from the beginning.

            I was born into a very rich family in 1866 in Liberty, Missouri.  In February we had all heard about the bank robbery supposedly committed by Jesse James and his gang, though no one really knows.  After that my parents never let me out of the house.  About a week later I couldn’t stand being in the house any more.  So I snuck out and took a walk.  The sun was setting just as I was leaving home.  I never bothered to put shoes on because the grass around the estate was very soft.  I kept walking even as the sun had left the horizon.

            What happened next I never saw coming.  I head a very low chuckle from behind me.  I gasped and turned around and saw a tall, lanky man in the distance.

            “Whose there?” I asked.  My voice wavered when I spoke.

            The man just laughed. I kept staring at him, afraid to turn my back to him.  I blinked and he was gone.  I started to panic, not sure where this man had gone.  Then I could feel a warm body behind me.  I was so scared and shocked that I was frozen in place.

            I had seen this girl before.  It was only once before and she was with her mother.  Her mother was a frantic woman that reeked of expensive perfume.  To my heightened senses, I could barely breathe.  Her mother worried over everything her daughter did.  The daughter sometimes looked ready to snap.  Even though I only saw her once, I knew she was the one.  I wasn’t sure when I would claim her, but I would know the perfect opportunity when it presented itself.

            When I saw her walking by herself at night I knew that it was chance.  I couldn’t help but laugh at the frightened expression on her face when she first saw me.  I sprinted out of her line of view to her back.  I laughed again when I saw her go completely stiff with fear.  I lowered my lips to her ear and whispered “You’re very pretty for one so young.”  Before she could make a move, I sank my teeth into the side of her neck.

            When I awoke, I had no idea where I was.  I sat up and looked around.  I was in the middle of nowhere, sitting on the cold, hard ground; the only warmth came from the camp fire in front of me.  Then I noticed a man sitting up against a log.  He looked like one of those criminals that roam the desert, running from the law.

            I was suddenly very afraid for my life.  If he is a criminal, then what was he going to do with me? I thought.  I tried to stand up, to at least put some distance between me and this man.  But I sank back to the ground, feeling very nauseous

“I wouldn’t move around to much if I were you.”

My head slowly turned towards the man.  He lifted his head to look me in the eye.  His eyes were a vibrant green.  He didn’t look much older than me; he was maybe 20 years old.  He had very pale skin, for being in the desert.

“Here,” he said, “drink this.  It’ll make you feel better.”

  The man handed me a tin cup.  I looked inside the cup, but I couldn’t see what was inside.  Only that it smelled amazing!

I drank out of the cup and tasted something very foreign to me.  But my throat hurt so much that I drank everything from the cup.  It didn’t completely solve the problem, but it helped.

“Thank you,” I said to the man.

He tipped his hat to me then said “That was the last of it, so we’ll have to go hunting soon.”

“Hunting?” I repeated.

“Yes.  I better explain what happened to you.  I am, if you couldn’t already tell, a vampire.  You are a vampire now too.”

“What? I said, “No I’m not.  How could I be?”

“What do you think it is that you just drank?  It tasted different from what you normally drink, right?  But it tasted good.  That’s because what you drank was blood.”

I just stared at him, unbelieving.  How could I be a vampire?  I’ve always to be in the sunlight.  Except for last night, when I took a walk; then it finally dawned on me.  I’ve seen this man before.  I saw him on my walk!  I remember seeing him, and then he was behind me.  There was a sharp stab of pain on my neck, and then I woke up here.  I looked at the man terrified.  He just watched me, with no expression at all.

I slowly lifted my hand to touch my neck, and felt two holes.  They weren’t very deep, and they felt small.  I then realized that everything this man said was true.

“Why did you do this to me?” I asked, “I had a life, family, friends.  I didn’t deserve this!”

“How much of a life did you really have? Being the perfect daughter, doing everything your mother tells you to?  Doesn’t sound like much of a life to me,” he said.

He was right of course, but I didn’t want to admit it.  I started at the fire, hoping that all of my answers were there.  Tears came to my eyes as I realized that I would never see my family again.  Nor would I ever see the sun.  I’d have to feed off of people for the rest of my life.

Watching me, the man stood and said “We need to get more blood.  If you do not get some more soon, you will die.”

My head snapped up, losing all interest in the fire.

“What?  But I thought that vampires couldn’t die.”
“Oh, we can.  In more ways than you think.”

Maybe death was the only way to be rid of this curse.  I never wanted to be a vampire anyway.  Should I let myself die?

The man watched me for a little longer; then walked over to a horse that I never noticed before.  He climbed over and sat on the horse.  “If you want to live you better come with me, if not, stay here and die.”

I was still contemplating if I wanted to live or not.  Is a vampire life any good any good?  Should I live forever or die right now?

Chapter 2

“Faster!” my mentor shouted.

Faster than I’ve ever gone before, I threw a punch at his jaw.  I heard a loud crack and he was on the ground, rubbing his chin.  Despite the fact that he was 200 years old, Gabriel still looked 20.  Maybe it was his green eyes?

“Nice,” he said, still sitting in the dirt.  His jaw had already healed from the purple bruise it was a minute ago to the smooth pale skin it is normally.  I bent over and helped him up.

“That was your best punch yet, Rae.”

I beamed at him.  I was never the best when it came to hand to hand combat, even after 150 years of practice.  It was even better that I managed to knock Gabriel down.

“Let’s eat! I’m starving,” I said.  We hadn’t fed in a few days, so I was hunger than usual.

Gabriel smiled and ran off toward town.  I quickly followed and soon we were almost there.  Hunting had to be one of my favorite pass times.  Gabriel and I are one of the few vampires who didn’t kill when we hunt.  We never felt comfortable to end someone’s life just because we were hungry.

Once we hit town we slowed our run into a walk.  Then we headed towards the park.  There were so many more people there.  It makes it easier to find the meal you’re in the mood for.

Gabriel looked at me and nodded; then he split off to find his meal.  I kept walking along the asphalt path searching for my food.  Maybe that woman jogging?  Her jogging made her blood pump faster, but her muscles made it hard to bite into.  Maybe that man reading a book?  I could see the vein in this throat throb.  I decided to hunt him.  If I waited any longer, I’d find myself gnawing on a tree, thinking that it was a person.  I’ve done it before.

I walked over to the man reading and sat on the far end of the bench.  He noticed that someone had sat down on his bench, so he looked up from his book to see who it was.  That was all that it took.  Vampires look much alluring than any other human.  Our scent also makes humans go a little crazy inside.  I smiled at him then got up and walked over towards the trees that were lining the edge of the park.  Once I left the man got up and followed me, his book forgotten.

I was now in the lining of the tree, and I heard the man follow me in.  I led him to a cluster of trees that made it impossible for people in the park to see me eat.

Once that man caught up to me, he stood watching me, waiting for something to happen.  Of course what he thought I was going to do was far from the reality.

Before he could think clearly, I bit into his neck and drank.  Mmmm, O negative.  I made sure to hold the man against me so then he wouldn’t fall and hurt himself.  I felt that my belly was full before my brain noticed.  I pulled my teeth out of his neck and slowly lowered him to the ground.  I propped him up against the tree that was behind me and I walked away.  I always made sure to drink enough that the person would pass out and not come looking for me afterward.

Like all of the other times I’ve eaten, I headed back to camp.  The sun was just below the horizon by the time I got there.  As I approached the camp site, I saw Gabriel tending to a fire.  We have a rule that whoever gets back to the campsite first has to make the fire.  I’m not very good at making fires so Gabriel made sure to get here first.

“Hey!” I shouted once I was closer.  Gabriel looked up from the firs and smiled at me.  It was nice to finally see him happy, more or less.  He is not the same guy I met so many years ago.  Back then he was always so angry about everything.  So he took it out on me.  He would sometimes withhold our blood reserve from me, forcing me to hunt on my own, which I wasn’t good at then.

Sometimes in our training, he would fight me, instead of the other way around. Most people would have left, but I could tell that something was making Gabriel act that way.

One night by our fire, he just broke down. He didn’t have any anger left. He just cried. So I did the only thing I could think of. I went over and sat down next to him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and let him cry. He welcomed my embrace and leaned his head on my shoulder.

I don’t know how long we sat like that but eventually he stopped crying and sat up.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said. I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s okay. Men can cry, too,” I responded.

He nodded and said “I just didn’t want you to see me like that.”

I decided to take a big leap and learn something about him. “Why were you crying?”

He looked at me and sighed. He ran his fingers through his short, black hair. It looked like he knew this question was coming, but was afraid to answer it.

“When I was turned into a vampire, I was alone,” he said, “My creator left me before I even knew him. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. So I went to my family but they thought I was a demon and tried to kill me. My own family! I was alone for 30  years before I saw you. I was half crazy with loneliness.  So out of greed I turned you into a vampire. I am sorry for turning you. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

I just sat there in shock; not sure of how to react.  This could not be the same man that turned me.  He seemed so kind now.  Still unsure of what to do, I just stared at him.

Gabriel now looked worried.  To try to fix things based on my expression he said “Look.  I know that I haven’t been a friend or a real mentor, but I would like to change that.”

Still wary of this new Gabriel I asked why.

He seemed to deliberate between something.  Either to tell me, or to not say anything.  He must have picked a side because he said “Because of you.  You have shown me great kindness when I have not.  And because of your kindness, I now realize my wrongs and I want to fix them.”

Well that was a shock.  But instead of sitting in silence, I decided to respond.  “How do you plan on doing that exactly?”

“I’m not sure, to be honest,” he said, “But I was hoping that you would help me.”

I didn’t see that one coming.  At this point, I probably should have left.  Left him to figure out his life, alone in the desert.  But for some reason, I felt the need to help him.  He seemed so lost, trying to figure out his purpose in life.

Gabriel stared at me with pleading eyes, like I was his last chance.  I probably was his last chance.

I sighed.  “Alright Gabriel, I’ll help you.”

At my agreement to help, he gave me the broadest grin I’ve ever seen.  On him or anyone else.

“Hey! Rae! Wake up!” Gabriel said as he waved his hand in front of my face.

“What?” I said.

“You were staring off into space.  Were you thinking about something?”

My cheeks blazed a bright red.  I wasn’t about to tell Gabriel I was thinking about him.  He would wonder what it was about, and I don’t have the heart to remind him of his past actions.  He’s worked so hard to fix them.  I also don’t want to see any pain on his face.  He looks like a wounded puppy when he remembers a painful memory.  I hate seeing him look like that.

“Uh, yes.  I was thinking about…” I dragged my sentence out because I couldn’t think of a coherent lie to tell him.


“Cookies!  Yes!  I was thinking about cookies.  I’ve been craving them lately.”  I felt so stupid.  Who gets lost in thought about cookies?

Gabriel raised an eyebrow.  “That has to be the oddest thing you have ever craved before.  Except for that tree.”

I clenched my teeth and said “I told you never to mention that.”

“Yes I know.  But it was just so funny.”  He turned and walked back over to the fire and sat down on a log.  I was still fuming but I waked over to the log and sat down next to him. 

I stared at the fire and remembered so many years ago when I was staring into the fire and contemplating my death.  Becoming a vampire then seemed so wrong.  But now, realize this is what I was meant to become.

© 2013 Casey Emeigh

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Posted 11 Years Ago

iz wants MOREZ this is awesome!!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 1, 2013
Last Updated on October 11, 2013


Casey Emeigh
Casey Emeigh

Westerville, OH

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