As I sat one night and watched a candle
burn,I realized how much it represented life.When the candle is first
lighted,it burns so bright to me this was birth,so many dreams and
expectations as a journey through a lifetime begins.As the candle burns
the light is not quite as bright,but almost,this was the years we grow
and mature and experience life,we marry,work and build for a future.I
noticed at times the candle would flicker and grow dimmer,to me this was
the times of our lives when we would experience loss of loved
ones,health problems would start and we realize that the years have gone
by so fast.As the candel reached the end of its life,the last few
flickers were dim then nothing.To me this is death.Any
dreams,expectations,anything you wanted to do,there is no time now.You
were born,you lived and you died,you have nothing to leave now but
memories of how you lived your life for others to hold onto.We all make
mistakes,we all have regrets,we all wish we could change things,but we
cant.But you know,I noticed the last flicker of the candle was as bright
as the first.This to me was a soul that wings its way to Heaven to be
with the Father.Do we really ever die?In a way I suppose we do,we leave a
body behind,but the soul is eternal.So maybe death is nothing more than
the beginning of a new journey,Jesus took away the sting of death and
the grave through his sacrifice for us.Moral???I don't really know but
maybe this,If you are reading this there is still time to change
things,when the candle flickers the last time it is too late.