Running Through My Mind

Running Through My Mind

A Poem by Jane Bryan

The love that I know can never be shown....


Day by day, tears fall down my cheeks

I get scared I cannot get through the weeks

I haven't talked to you in fourteen days

So you are always in my staring gaze


I finally admitted to being in love

But no one can know that you are my dove

You can take me away in delightful bliss

Or you can be the one I always miss


Mesmerizing thoughts stay in my head

About how you can awken me from the dead

You can make me laugh when I want to cry

And make me happy by telling me no lie


I get tears in my eyes when you are away

But I never tell you that you lead my thoughts astray

It makes me sad that you are with someone unwilling

To show you the love she should be filling


I would fill that love if you ever noticed me more

You think of me as your best friend that you adore

You don't know the truths that says it all

Of how I adore you enough you could break my fall


The truth is I love you forever plus two

And I don't think I can tell you it's always been true

That I love you more than you could ever know

I cover up the truth by only saying "I love you so."


You are my best friend nicknamed Hunny

And I am your hun, who can be very lovey-dovey

Truly, it brings tears to know the truth will never be

Of you and me, and our song "You Belong With Me"


You know that you and I don't like the writer that much

But the words are true, they are my solitary crutch

I wish I wasn't so sad that you and I aren't together

But I clutch your every word then float like a feather


You talk to me like nobody else has ever done

And you can read me like the book, you are the only one

You see me like no one has ever before

You are the only one who can fully open up my door


Everyone thinks that you liked me at first

But I knew I was the only one that thirst

I thirst for you and I to have a Godly relationship

A relationship that could take us on our life trip


You will never know how I feel about you

Or how I see the truth in everything you do

I love you the most, maybe more than I thought I could

And I am not sure that I ever would


I have learned a lot about love from you alone

You are a bright star in my sky that has always shown

I hope you are there for the rest of my years

And I have to say you bring me to tears


Love is in the air and I wish our loves matched

And I know you have told me that it can't be scratched

I love you, my best friend, always and forever

I am glad to know that you wouldn't leave me ever


I can't help but fantasize about you and me

About picniks in the park under the fall leaves

Or of you holding me tight in the cold winter night

Because you are all that sends away my lonely fright


You can read my mind, and you do every day

I can tell because you always have the perfect thing to say

I have known you for awhile, growing closer all the time

And I hope that I can, one day, run through your mind

Exactly like you run through mine.


© 2010 Jane Bryan

Author's Note

Jane Bryan

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this is touching.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 25, 2010
Last Updated on May 25, 2010


Jane Bryan
Jane Bryan

Little Rock, AR

My real name is Sarah. I am a creative person who always cares! I love to meat new people! my friends embrace my dorkiness! I love my friends and family! I am a cliche person full of hopes and dreams!.. more..

Theories Theories

A Chapter by Jane Bryan