Thoughts of Yourself

Thoughts of Yourself

A Poem by Jane Bryan

The news is so obtuse

It is not of good use

It can cause hurt and lies

Yet no one notices our despise


Our despise is in our mind

It is not worth a dime

To the people who matter

We have to climb up a latter


The latter brings us to the top

Yet we will never know when to stop

Stop the lies that brought us there

We have to stop and stare


Stair at yourself in the mirror

It might bring a sudden tear

It makes me wonder how i am seen

Do i even have a mean?


My mean may mean nothing now

I have failed and i believe i know how

I have hidden myself to the world i once knew

Making myself go from one to two


Two personalities in one

All to prove that you may hurt the sons

Sons and Daughters of the nation

Need help to be patient


They need the patience of two

To bring them trough

The mess of our news that is sad

Making us go utterly mad


I will stand up for us all

Taking down my sudden wall

For all i will stand up 

I will bring to justice my every thought

© 2010 Jane Bryan

Author's Note

Jane Bryan
mind the spelling and grammar if there is

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As Jen pointed out, it really does flow! its amazzziiinnnggg!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I really liked this poem, it flows very well and the rhythm is nice. I came up with my own interpretation of it, forgive me if I'm wrong but everyone sees things differently. :)

The information is so stupid that it’s of no use; it causes damage and deception, yet no one sees the hate. Hate is their mind it has no value though. They have to go to what matters (maybe because what matters won’t come to them?) Once the top is reached it’s realized that there may be a lot more climbing to do, to get to what matter. The deception needs to be ended that carried “them” there. Stopping to stare (maybe because “they” can’t believe “they” went so far for it.)

Gazing in a mirror you might see a hasty tear fall. The reflection makes you question how others may see you. You wonder if there is a meaning behind who you are, then you realize that your mean may have once meant something but now it means zilch. You botched everything up but you think you know how (maybe by going too far to reach what you thought that mattered?)

You concealed yourself from the world you once knew. Then you became two, two personas in one (perhaps who you were and who you are now), just to show someone that they may damage the sons.

You call on the sons and daughters of the land to require assistance and to be tolerant (because maybe what "they" need isn’t that far out of reach and “they” just need to wait for it.) Tolerance is required of two (who you were before and who you are now, maybe?) To carry “them” through it, but the confusion of information in your mind is depressing, making “everyone” go completely mad.

But with your determination you will stand up for “them” all (Perhaps, seeking justice for who and what you are?) For “them” you remove your hasty wall (perhaps to free your thoughts and who you are?) Because you are ready to stand up for “them” all and carry to justice your every thought.

I put they and them because I think that you are referring to the two that is you. I believe that when you say you will stand up for them all, that you mean all of your thoughts, that you're sick of concealing yourself. Like I said before this is just my interpretation and forgive me if I'm wrong. Oh I know you said not to mind the spelling and grammar but you do want to make sure that you capitalize your (I's). I really like this poem, I'm going to add it to my library. It's a great write, keep it up! :) 100/100

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very well written. I enjoyed the simple structure of the poem and how I can relate to the poem myself.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Great write. These things really come parallel to reality. Excellent

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Great write. These things really come parallel to reality. Excellent

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on April 3, 2010
Last Updated on April 3, 2010


Jane Bryan
Jane Bryan

Little Rock, AR

My real name is Sarah. I am a creative person who always cares! I love to meat new people! my friends embrace my dorkiness! I love my friends and family! I am a cliche person full of hopes and dreams!.. more..


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