Guilt Trips and Bullshit

Guilt Trips and Bullshit

A Poem by Olivia Jones

I'm just done.

I can't believe all this time I wasted on you
You told me you loved me
You told me I pulled you out of a depression
But I knew that wasn't true, and I was so wrong to let it slide

I kept telling myself I should try to make it work
I kept telling myself it wasn't that bad
That you never hit me, or told me I was worthless, or fucked me as I begged you to stop
Well, what you did was still abuse

You held this guilt over my head
You made me constantly feel like I was horrible, unlovable
And that you were perfect
You made me feel like I owed you something

You cried to get what you wanted
You told me how much you were hurting inside, and I believed all of your bullshit
I believed you and I gave you what you wanted
And I kept giving until I had nothing left in me

Your cruel, heartless manipulation broke me
And I could break you, too
But I'm better than that
I'm better than you

I'm better than anything you've ever done in your life
All you've done?
All you've done is lay on your a*s and break an innocent girl who used to be happy
It's not fair, what you took from me

You didn't do it blindly
You knew all along
Well, here I am walking away
You can go f**k yourself because I'm done with everything about you

© 2016 Olivia Jones

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Added on May 6, 2016
Last Updated on May 6, 2016
Tags: fuck-you, breakups, wasted-time, i-hate-you


Olivia Jones
Olivia Jones

Crown Point, IN

I just really hate a lot of things more..