Proof that Trickle Down Economics Does NOT Work

Proof that Trickle Down Economics Does NOT Work

A Story by Father Mojo

Every time the Republicans blame the President for the unemployment rate being so high, they are unwittingly declaring that Trickle-Down economics does not work!

The logic of Trickle-Down is that if you give more and more advantages and money to the wealthy, they will spend more and invest in business and jobs are created. So for the last decade we have been granting the wealthiest Americans more and more tax cuts. Yet, the economy for the past ten years did not grow at any spectacular rate, and in fact, it crashed in 2008. That alone should have been proof that Trickle-Down doesn’t work.

Today the Dow-Jones is over 13,000�"that is close to an all time high! The claims that the President is killing the economy is not reflected in the Stock Market. It is soaring and is nearing a record high mark. In addition, corporations have been, and still are, making record high profits. So charges of the President being bad for business and bad for the economy are just not born of fact, but of wishful thinking and bias. The President has in fact been very good for both business and the economy as the Stock Market and corporate profits demonstrate.

So, if Trickle-Down economics worked, there would be a spate of new jobs all over the place. But unemployment is still around 8%, proving that Trickle-Down is a lie. Blaming the President for high unemployment is also declaring that Trickle-Down does not work, because if it did work, then the unemployment numbers would not be so high.

Mitt Romney himself, by his own behavior with wealth, also proves that Trickle-Down does not work. He took his money and hid it offshore in Swiss Banks and the Cayman Islands. He didn’t spend it, and when he invested it, he didn’t invest in American companies or create jobs, he took it out of the American economy where he squirreled it away. A recession is when there is not enough money in the economy and the economy slows down. Giving the wealthy like Mitt Romney more money in a recession takes even more money out of the economy, slowing it down more, costing jobs. Republican economics kills jobs, it does not create them.

Jobs are created when people purchase goods and services. When I buy clothes, there has to be someone employed to sell me the clothes. When more people buy clothes, more people are hired to keep up with the demand. Those people who are hired then have the money to spend, which creates more jobs. So if spending creates jobs, wouldn’t 98% of Americans spending more create more jobs then 2% having more to invest? Why then did the Republicans refuse to cut taxes for 98% of Americans until the top 2% get more tax cuts so they can take even more money out o the American economy?

The fact that the Republican Congress has done everything it could to obstruct the President at every attempt at economic recovery has done nothing to create jobs. They voted on the same abortion bill thirty times, voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act thirty times, and did nothing else�"how did that help to create jobs? They refused to even discuss the President’s Jobs Bill because they do not want to create jobs. Republicans want Americans to suffer and hope that they blame their suffering on the President.

Well blame your suffering on the fact that Trickle-Down does not work. The Stock Market is soaring, corporations are rolling in money, the rich are richer than they have ever been, and yet, the jobs are not there. THIS IS PROOF that Trickle Down does not work. So if you are Republican and you want to blame the President for high unemployment, then realize that as you do, you are declaring that the only idea you have to offer�"Trickle Down�"is a lie.

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem--so Republicans, repeat after me: “I am powerless over Trickle Down�"it is a lie and my life is unmanageable.” Fear not! There is a power greater than Trickle Down, that power is the American consumer. May we stop funding the job killing rich now, and get the money back into the hands of the Middle and Working Classes who create jobs through their spending�"spending in America, not Swiss Banks.

© 2012 Father Mojo

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Added on August 16, 2012
Last Updated on August 16, 2012


Father Mojo
Father Mojo

Carneys Point, NJ

"I gave food to the poor and they called me a saint; I asked why the poor have no food and they called me a communist. --- Dom Helder Camara" more..


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