The Sinister Six vs The Three Amigos

The Sinister Six vs The Three Amigos

A Chapter by Babyrhinos



  "ROY!" John yelled. He leaped from his chair and just about tackled Roy to the ground, "You're back!" John hugged him tightly... too tightly...

       Roy groaned, "Looks like I might have to go back to the emergency room..."

      John let go of Roy, "Sorry about that... but you're okay!" everyone crowded around Roy.

      Roy smiled, "Well, since all of you are celebrating Mr. Op's return... why don't we celebrate mine as well? We could go to Central Park!"
      "A great idea Roy." Mr. Op said.


       John, Christy, and Roy talked as the class headed for Central Park, "So how did you recover so quick?" Christy asked.

       Roy gave a proud smile, "Well, I'll have to tell you the story when other kids aren't around... but I think Spiderman has a new sidekick..."

       John looked at Christy, "I think so too..."

       Christy blushed and started speeding up, "I'll catch up with you two later. I'm gonna go and chat with Robert. Chow!" she ran ahead.

       Roy sighed, "How come you two aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, yet?"

       John shrugged, "It's a complicated time for everyone right now. In addition, it seems like she has drifted away from me... she used to feel that way, but I think her seeing me with Julie kind of spooked her..."

       Roy frowned, "Julie?"

       John looked away, "I'd rather not talk about it right now..."

       Roy groaned, "You leave this guy for two days and he already got himself in a whole new adventure..."

      John chuckled, "That's right Roy." John put out his hand and stopped Roy, "What did you want to tell me? I want to know now if you don't mind..."

      Roy looked around, "Could you swing us up on a high building, that way we'll be sure no one can... you know, eavesdrop..."

      John nodded, "Mr. Op! Roy and I are going to find a bathroom!"

      Mr. Op nodded and kept walking. John smiled and led Roy into a black alley. He quickly swung them onto a tall building, "Okay, now tell me already..."

      Roy sighed in relief, "Okay..." Roy took off his shirt to reveal a costume, an odd looking costume at that. Roy smiled, "So... what do you think?"

     John raised an eyebrow, "Umm... if you're expecting me to let you be my sidekick or something... the answer is a diffident no..."

     Roy started to whine, "But you haven't even seen what this suit can do! It is the reason I got out of the hospital early! I was going to have to stay in that hospital for another month or two, but I put on this suit that I had been working on... and I was okay again. As long as I wear this, I'm safe. The suit has some special energy component that I had gotten from the symbiote that attacked me, and I put it in, and it gave this suit amazing power! Not to mention it has great battling capabilities! And soon, I'll heal under the suit, and I can take it off whenever I want..."

     John sighed, "That's great Roy... but I don't think that you can fight crime in that suit. Nevertheless, I don't want to loose you like I almost lost you that one day..."

     Roy frowned, "Watch..." the suit suddenly grew over his whole body, "See! So I can have a secret identity! And..." he spun around and fired an energy beam into the ground, "That's only a little bit of what this suit can do. And check this out!" he jumped up into the air and started to fly, he looked at a telephone pole and shot an energy beam around it and sucked out the energy, "I can take energy and then turn it into an energy blast!"

     John's mouth was open, "Okay I have to admit that is pretty cool... but still... I don't know..."

     Roy landed on the ground, "And I already came up with a name for myself! What do you think of this? Ray!"

     John laughed, "That's very original, Roy. Okay... I'll THINK about it..."

     Roy leaped into the air, "WOOHOO!!!"

     John sighed, "It's just a maybe... now let's get back down to the class!"


     Roy laughed, "Haha! You got soaked!"

     John frowned and looked down at his soaking clothes. The water was at a good temperature, which is rare in the pond. He smiled and splashed some water back at Roy, "HAHA! YOU GOT MORE SOAKED!"

     Roy rolled his eyes, "You're so immature. Now let's go warm up over in the sun."

     John nodded in agreement and followed him over to a sunny grassy area. He sat down, "I'm glad you're back Roy. And I've been thinking about your offer... and I think that it might be okay to give you a chance."

     Roy jumped in the air, "WOOHOO! Thanks John!"

     John shook Roy's hand, "Good to have you on the team." they laughed.

     Suddenly, a car flew by them and slammed into a lampost, "What the-" John began, he spun around to see Venom pick up Mr. Op, "Hello Mr. Optomous... might I say that you look absolutely stunning today?"

     Shocko came out from behind a building, "Quite..." he laughed as he shot an energy blast at Mr. Op and stunned him, "Very stunning..."

     John stood up and looked at Roy, "Looks like it's time to test out some team work..."

     Roy nodded, "let's do this..." the suit started crawling over him. John stopped him,  "What?" Roy asked.

     John sighed, "Not with people around!"

     Roy slapped his forehead, "DOH! Right!" he spun around and jumped behind a tree and came out as Ray...

     John rolled his eyes, "Yours is easy... I'll be back!" he turned around and ran towards a black alley.

     Christy just stood there, she didn't move. Ray scratched his head, "Why isn't the White Cat getting dressed for battle?" he sighed, "Oh well... I can take them myself!" he ran towards Venom and yelled, "HEY PUNK! Put 'em up!" Ray started running towards him.

     Venom sighed and smacked him back into a lampost with his tentacles, "How 'bout you put 'em down?"

     Suddenly, Spiderman landed on the side of a tree, "He doesn't give up that easily!" he webbed the top of a building and brought himself in towards Venom and gave him a kick that sent him into the wall.

     Venom picked himself off the ground, "Neither do I!" he picked up a car and hurled it at Spiderman, but he easily dodged it, "Shocko give me some help here!" he yelled.

     Shocko leaped into the air and blasted an electrical blast at him. Spiderman gasped as the electricity neared him, but Ray shot an energy blast that intercepted it.

     Shocko looked at Ray, "HOW DARE YOU?!" He shot an electrical blast that hit Ray back into a line of trees.

     Spiderman sighed, "I shouldn't of let him come..." he looked at Shocko, "So why are you working for this clown? He doesn't wear deoderant!"

     Shocko laughed, "It's nothing personal! Then again... YES IT IS!" he blasted an electrical blast at Spiderman again, but he jumped out of the way, "Hey could someone give me a hand?"

     Suddenly, Spiderman felt a pain in his side, he looked down to see some teeth dug into him, "OUCH!" he yelped.

     Jaws stepped out from behind a building, "I've been waiting to do that for a long time now..."

     Spiderman frowned, "JAWS?" he pulled off the jaws and threw them at the ground, "You're working for him too? Does no one care about the scent of their boss anymore?"

     Jaws chuckled, "That's a good one, but you've just made your last joke!" he tossed another jaw at Spiderman.

     Spiderman dodged it and swung in to give him a kick, but Jaws grabbed his leg and tossed him into the wall, "Not today, bug..."

     Spiderman groaned, "I don't remember you having this strong of a grip last time we met..."

     Jaws growled, "I WORK OUT!" he tossed Spiderman into the air and punched him into the ground, "A lot..."

     Spiderman jumped off the ground and threw a punch at Jaws's face, but it was as hard as steel, "OUCH!" he yelped as he grabbed his hand. Shocko leaped into the air and blasted Spiderman with an electrical blast.

     Ray jumped out of no where and punched Shocko three times then blasted him into the ground. Then Jaws threw a pair of dentures at him, it hit his mark and Ray yelped.

     Spiderman jumped into the air and webbed up Jaws, "Stay boy!" then he faced Shocko and started shooting web balls rapidly.

     Shocko got hit many times in a row and fell back into the ground, "Where's Venom?"

     Jaws smiled, "probably mutating Mr. Op... in the meantime... Father Nature!"

     Father Nature leaped out of a tree and shot vines out of his arm, "Long time no see Spidey!"

     Spiderman gasped as the vines tossed him into the wall, "HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE WORKING FOR VENOM!?" Ray yelled as Father Nature threw him back into the ground.

     Suddenly, Shrinkerman appeared, "I know you can't count... so I'll do the counting for you... four..."

     Then a puddle of water transformed into a man, "Remember me? When you melted me, you just revealed another ability of mine, I am no longer just the Snowman, I am Hydro Man and Snowman combined! I AM HYDROSNOW!!"

     Shrinkerman rolled his eyes, "That's five."

     Spiderman gasped, "AND THE CREATURE IS GONNA MAKE SIX!"

     Jaws broke out of the webbing, "And when you count Venom that makes seven..."

     Spiderman broke through the vines and webbed down the road, "COME ON RAY!"

     Ray broke out of the vines and started flying down the road, "DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME TWICE!"

     Shocko smiled, "We don't need to follow him... we can page him anytime we want..."

     Shrinkerman frowned, "How? We don't have his phone number..."

     Shocko sighed, "Idiot... I mean if we commit a crime, he has to come... he can't help himself..."

     Shrinkerman nodded, "Oh... GOOD PLAN!"


     Venom injected the syrum into Mr. Op, "Goodbye Mr. Op... and hello Creature..."

     Mr. Op screamed in pain, "THE PAIN IS SO INTENSE! I can't take it... AHH!!!" suddenly his arms grew scales and started turning green and a tail appeared, "NOO!!!!" he yelled as he reached full Creature form.

     Venom smiled, "Now Creature... we need your assistance... to destroy Spiderman..."

     The Creature smiled, "Oh... It'll be my pleasure..." he spun around and yelled, "WE HAVE COMPANY!" he charged towards the wall and knocked it down, "Spiderman is nearby... I can hear him..."

     Spiderman landed on the side of the building, "Whoa, so I guess there is a benefit when you have giant ears!" he webbed the top of the building and came in with a kick that sent the Creature into the street. He faced Venom, "So we meet again garlic breath... let's make this quick, I have a date with six other weirdos in an hour..."

     Venom smiled slightly, "Well you better cancel those dates, because you have a marriage with death now!" he shot out a tentacle that tossed Spiderman into the air, and he readied another tentacle to smash him into the ground, but then Ray jumped out from behind a corner and shot a blast that fired him into a wall.

     Spiderman smiled, "Good team work... now it's my turn!" Spiderman leaped at Venom and threw a kick that knocked Venom's head into the concrete, and it was stuck.


     Spiderman winked, "Stay boy!" Suddenly, his spider sense went off, "MY SPIDERSENSE IS TINGLING!" he yelled as he leaped over the Creature's incoming tail and socked the Creature back into a dumpster.

     Spiderman smiled, "Okay Ray, give 'em your best shot!"

     Ray charged up a powerful blast and fired at the Creature. It hit it's mark and sent the Creature flying out of sight. Spiderman frowned, "great.... Oh well.. At least we have," he faced the hole that Venom's head was supposed to be stuck in, but Venom was gone.

     Ray frowned, "GREAT! You let him get away!"

     Spiderman rolled his eyes, "Well, I told him to stay did I not?"

     Ray groaned, "JUST COME ON!" Ray leaped off the ground and took off.

     Spiderman chuckled, "Somebody's being fiesty." Spiderman webbed Ray's feet and just hung on for the ride.



     John laid down on his bed, "What a day... what are we gonna do about those weirdos?"

     Roy shrugged, "I DON'T KNOW! I'm new to this whole superhero thing, you tell me!"

     John frowned, "We need Christy to help us..."

     Roy sighed, "What's up with her? She wasn't getting in her White Cat suit today..."

     John folded his arms, "I don't know. I think Spiderman is going to go over there and pay a visit..."

     Roy's suit crawled over him, "ME TOO!"

     John sighed, "She doesn't even know you're Ray yet."

     "Right..." Roy sighed and the suit went back under his shirt, "Well, then what do I do?!"

     John smiled, "You are going to go and find out where those goons hideout."

     Roy hit his forehead, "Of course, I get the hard job."

     John threw on his Spiderman outfit, "I'll see ya later!" he jumped out the window and made a quick web zip down town.

     Roy looked at the mask he had left on the bed, "IDIOT!" Roy's suit crawled over his body and he grabbed the mask and jumped out the window and started flying, "Now where did he go... AH!" he yelled as he got hit by electricity. Ray slammed into the wall, "OUCH!"

     Shocko came out from behind a rock and smiled, "So... Spiderman isn't wearing his mask today, is he?"

     The Creature appeared from behind Ray and jumped on top of him, "WHERE IS SPIDERMAN? Too afraid to come out and play?"

     Ray smiled and shot an energy blast out of his back which sent the Creature into the wall, "No... I'm just filling in..." Ray charged up an energy blast and fired it at Shocko.

     Father Nature came out of a tree and shot a vine that intercepted the charge then he made lots of different kinds of plants coil around him.

     Hydrosnow came out of a pipe and shot a big water blast at Ray. Shrinkerman took out his gun and fired it. Then Shocko shot a big strand of electricity which sent Ray flying into the ground.

     Ray groaned, "Aww... come on... can't we play nice?" Ray leaped into the air and then boosted away.

     The Creature frowned, "HE CAN'T GET AWAY!" he charged after him. Everyone else followed right behind him.

     Father Nature spotted a car and launched it up in the air using a vine then smacked it towards Ray.

     Ray gasped, "OH CRUD!" the car hit him and sent him flying back into a wall, "Oh..." he slid down the building and fell on the ground. He slowly got up.

     The Creature ran up, grabbed Ray then punched him into the wall, "HOW DOES THAT FEEL?!?" he smashed Ray with his tail, "HOW 'BOUT THAT?!? PUNK!?!?"

     Ray frowned, "Stop... right... now..." he stuttered as he strained to get up.

     The Creature rolled his eyes then kicked Ray back into the wall, "Weakling. Your useless."

     Ray's face swelled up with anger. The Creature came in for another punch, but Ray caught it, "I'LL SHOW YOU USELESS!!!!" he yelled as he punched the Creature into Shocko. Ray charged up an energy beam and blasted all six out of sight. Ray slowly started to fly away.




     "Stupid! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!" the maskless Spiderman said, "HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOT MY MASK?!" Spiderman landed beside Christy's house, "Okay. Let's make a visit." Spiderman said with a sigh. He went through the open window to her bedroom to see her and Robert making out, "crud..." he said as quietly as he could, "Wait... why is she making out with Robert?" he thought.

      Christy spotted Spiderman, "SPIDER-" she stopped herself.

      Robert jumped, "SPIDER?! Where?!" Robert searched the room then looked up at the ceiling, but Spiderman was gone, "POISON IS NOT GOOD FOR MY BODY!"

      Christy sighed, "Nevermind... I thought I saw something..." she sat down, "Anyway, you probably should get going, thanks for rehearsing the play with me."

      Robert smiled, "No prob. Let me just say that you are a fine Juliet."

      Christy smiled, "And you would make a good Romeo."

      Robert winked, "Well I'll just get going. See ya!" and with that Robert left the room.




      Spiderman sighed, "Guess she's too busy making out with Robert to talk to me." then he stopped, "Wait... I need her! I need to put Spiderman first, not my life as John!"

      Spiderman swung stealthily to his apartment and put on some real clothes, over his suit of course. He started making his way back to Christy's house, but this time he took a cab.

      John knocked on Christy's door, "Anyone home?"

      Christy's dad opened the door, "Oh... hello Parker. Nice to see you. Christy is upstairs..." he motioned to the stairs, "Go right ahead."

      John smiled politely and walked in, "Thanks Mr. Morbius." John ran up the stairs and entered her room, "Hey Christy-"

      "My spider sense is tingling..." suddenly White Cat landed in front of John and gave him three punches in the face then gave him a leg lock and threw him out of the house.

      John got up slowly, "What the heck?" he rubbed his head, "Ouch... I feel like I got run over by a truck... ugh..." he came to the door and knocked again.

      Once again Christy's dad came to the door, and he had a surprised/confused look on his face, "Uhh..."

      John tried to be polite, "Thanks!" he entered her room, this time more prepared. He looked around, then his spider sense went off. White Cat landed in front of John and gave him a round house kick into the wall. Then she grabbed him and tossed him at the open window. But John webbed the sides of the window and launched himself back in, giving her a kick into the wall.

      White Cat groaned, "Leave me alone... go... shoo... please..."

      John kneeled down by White Cat, "What's wrong?"

      White Cat stood up, "It's none of your business..."

      John reached out his hand, "Christy I care about you... more than anyone could..."

      White Cat spun around in anger and tried to punch John, but he caught her fist, "HOW COULD YOU CARE ABOUT ME?!?" she screamed, "YOU AND I HAD A THING GOING! Then you started dating Julie! NOW SHE'S DEAD! NOW YOU COME CRAWLING BACK TO ME?!?" White Cat grabbed her hair, "I get it, okay? I'm not your first choice, but I will not be your second."

      John sighed, "Look... I'm going through a rough time right now... but I don't need anything more than an alliance right now. We're talking about six of the most dangerous bad guys out there, and you are just staying in doors. Does this have to do with me too?"

      White Cat shook her head, "No... I just... I... forget it... GET OUT!" White Cat grabbed John's arm then tossed him out the window.

       John flew out the window and landed on a car, "Ugh..." he groaned as he jumped up, "That's gonna leave a mark..."


 Later when John reached home...


      John arrived and Roy was laying on the bed with lots of bruises, "What happened?" John gasped as he ran to Roy's side.

      Roy rolled his eyes, "It's no problem... really... I just took off to give you your mask, but then I was attacked by those six freaks..."

      John shook his head, "Christy is furious with me... and... she has something else going on too... but whatever the case, she is not going to be helping us..."

      Roy stood up, "WHO CARES? We don't need her... if she won't help protect the city then we'll do it ourselves!"

      John smiled slightly, "Sometimes, Roy, I think you are already more experienced then me." John picked up his mask and slipped it on, "You're right... and I think it's time that those six idiots remembered who it was that put them in jail in the first place..."

      Roy smiled as his suit went over him, "Shall we set up a meeting?"

      John nodded, "Lets..."


That night...


     Spiderman smiled, "fire..."

     Ray shot a big blast into the air, and it went up far into the sky and exploded and spelled out, "SIX MEET SPIDER AT EMPIRE STATE BUILDING AT 7:00"

     Spiderman shook his head, "I don't know how that suit does it."

     Ray laughed, "Me neither!"


At 7:00


     Spiderman passed back and forth, "Come on... where are they?"

     Ray shrugged, "Probably having a coffee break."

     "Cowards..." a voice said. Spiderman spun around to see White Cat, "Hey Spidey what's new? Oh, and who's the dude?"

     Ray's suit went down far enough so White Cat could see his face, "It's me, Roy."

     White Cat gasped, "Whoa! But how-"

     Spiderman smiled, "We'll explain later, but what are you doing here?"

     White Cat blushed, "Guess I can't stay away..." White Cat walked towards Spiderman, "True love can't be denied..."

     "True that..." Spiderman said with a sigh.

     Ray gasped, "Are you guys gonna date now?!"

     Spiderman and White Cat laughed. Suddenly, six shadowy figures came out in front of them.

     The three got into an offensive position, "Okay guys, it's three versus six, you're outnumbered!" the Creature yelled.

     "But you're outskilled!" Ray said with a chuckle.

     Shocko smiled, "Good come back."

     The Creature rolled his eyes, "Beginner's luck!" he then spit acid at Spiderman, but he easily dodged. Then both sides charged at each other.

     Spiderman charged at Shocko and gave an upper cut punch, which sent Shocko into the air. Then Ray shot an energy beam which sent Shocko into the ground.

     White Cat leaped into the air and landed on Jaws, "Be careful Jaws, you bite, but I bite harder..." White Cat said as she kicked Jaws into Father Nature.

      Father Nature frowned, "Get off of me you idiot!" he yelled as he hit Jaws with a vine. Father Nature started to concentrate and summoned lots of seagulls, "Now my pretties... GET THEM!" suddenly the seagulls grabbed onto White Cat and started to carry her.

      Spiderman shot web balls into each bird. Finally the birds dropped White Cat. Spiderman leaped towards White Cat and caught her in mid air, "Woo..." he sighed as he hit the ground.

      White Cat got up, "Thanks..." she faced Father Nature, "HEY FATHER NATURE!" she yelled as she ran towards him, "I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!" Spiderman blocked his view of White Cat, and just heard rapid punching and kicking, he peaked out to see Father Nature unconscious.

      Jaws suddenly jumped onto Spiderman's back, "GOT YOU NOW!" Jaws yelled as he bit into Spiderman.

      Spiderman yelled in pain, "THAT'S NOT VERY POLITE!" he yelled as he punched Jaws off of him.

      Ray picked up the Creature and blasted him with an energy beam, "WHO'S USELESS NOW?!?" he yelled as the Creature hit the ground.

      Suddenly Shrinkerman came up in front of Ray and stunned him with a gun, then Hydrosnow came up and blasted Ray with a bunch of water and snow combined. Then the rest of the six got up and faced Ray, White Cat, and Spiderman.

      "We can't beat these guys!" Ray gasped, "There are too many of them..."

      Spiderman suddenly got an idea, "FOLLOW MY LEAD!" he said as he jumped into the air. He webbed a couple jaw weapons from Jaws's pocket as stealthily as he could. He threw two to Christy and Ray, "You know what to do right?"

      They nodded and charged. The battle continued.

      Spiderman tossed the Creature to the side and threw a jaw into his side stealthily.

      The Creature jumped, "OUCH! Jaws!!!!" he faced Jaws and hit him with his tail, "YOU IDIOT!"

      Jaws frowned, "WHY YOU LITTLE!!!" he tackled the Creature and they started rolling around fighting.

      Then Spiderman leaped on top of Shocko, "Can I borrow this?" Spiderman said as he grabbed hold of Shocko's hand and started firing electricity at all the bad guys.

      The six turned to face Shocko, and Spiderman leaped out of sight. Father Nature twitched with anger, "YOU ARE SUCH A TERRIBLE AIMER!" Shrinkerman blasted Shocko with his stun gun.

      Shocko was stunned, and therefore could not say that Spiderman had been shooting. He merely fell to the side, paralyzed. Spiderman webbed Shocko down into the street, where the police cars were.

      White Cat and Ray had caused some mischief of their own. And soon, the five remaining villains were fighting each other!

      Finally, they were so tired they all just fell over and breathed hard. The three looked at each other, "Let's finish 'em..." and after a couple of punches and kicks, the Foul Five were heading off to prision... one was going to a hospital, to have the mutated DNA removed...


Later at John's apartment


     John collapsed on the bed, "So... tired..."

     Christy sighed, "Me too... I can barely breathe..."

     Roy smiled, "That was awesome..." Roy kept smiling and stayed frozen for a couple of seconds and finally passed out.

     John laughed, "Okay, that was the best teamwork ever! I don't think the X-men could've pulled that off."

     Christy rubbed her shoulder, "Yeah... well I better get going..."

     John smiled, "Okay... have a nice trip home..."

     Christy nodded, then leaped forward and gave John a long kiss. She stepped back, "Oh... sorry... I just... I... gotta go!" she spun on her heel and headed out.

     John touched his lip, "Yeah... everything is finally going my way..."




     Venom kept talking into the phone, "No Moonstar... we didn't go back..."

     Moonstar's voice came back very stern, "WHY NOT?"

     Venom trembled, "Because... we don't want to work for you anymore! We will not be controlled by anyone, we are our own masters!"

     Moonstar's voice came on with anger, "YOU WILL PAY VENOM! You will not survive the night! I'm after you! And when I find you, I'll make sure you  never have the chance to work for me ever!"

     Venom hung up the phone, "We have to get help!"


The End...?

© 2009 Babyrhinos

Author's Note


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Added on July 13, 2009



Oceano, CA

I love writing stories. I started when I was in 3rd grade. I wrote a little comedy series, but soon I came up with new ideas and began writing them on a site called (it was great) but t.. more..

Broken Hearts Broken Hearts

A Chapter by Babyrhinos

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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