A Death in the Almost Family

A Death in the Almost Family

A Chapter by Babyrhinos

There is a special dinner coming up. Will John be able to ask Christy to go with him?


"Okay class," Mr. Op said as the bell rang, "Don't forget to find dates to the special dinner party on Monday night! And remember to be appropriate..."

        Roy smiled, "Define appropriate..." he whispered to John.

        Mr. Op continued, "And most importantly, remember I'm going to show you a special experiment on that same night, so be prepared to be amazed!"

        John sighed, "I thought he was encouraging us to come..." he picked up his backpack, "So who do you think you'll take, Roy?"

        Roy shrugged, "I'll look around for a date, there are a lot of girls at our school you know. How 'bout you? Are you going to ask Christy?"

        John scratched his head, "Maybe... but isn't it weird, since she is a criminal, that Spiderman takes her to dinner?" John sighed, "I'll see..."

        Roy grabbed John's shoulder, "Never let this Spiderman thing get in the way of your feelings..."

        John shook his head, "No... with great power comes great responsibility, that is what my dad always told me, and I know it's true... I mean, if I put Spiderman second I would go out for the football team, or something. My responsibility as Spiderman always comes first..."

       Roy sighed, "What I mean is, don't let what you have to do as Spiderman effect your feelings towards others. You can still like Christy, but you should keep in mind she's a criminal. But remember, as long as your friends with her you may be able to change that around..."

       John nodded, "Thanks for the advice, whether or not I completely understand it. You're a good friend."

       Roy laughed, "I know!"


       At the Apartment


       John sat down on the bed, "Well since Roy already left for football try outs I guess I have the place to myself..." he thought. He sat down and looked at the phone, "Well maybe a conversation with Christy couldn't hurt..." John picked up the phone and dialed the number.

(Ring, Ring)

Christy: Hello?
John: Hey Christy! This is John. Are you busy?

Christy: No not at all! What's up?

John: I don't know, just have some free time you know...

Christy: Yeah me too.

John: (Silence)

Christy: (Silence)

John: So... have any plans for this weekend?

Christy: Umm... no not really...

John: Oh... how 'bout on Monday?

Christy: No I don't have any plans, why?

John: Well... umm... you know the dinner thing?

Christy: Yeah...

John: Well... would you like to go to that with *cough* me?

Christy: Sure! Sounds great! When will you pick me up?

John: I'll just swing over at around 7:00... (Very clever...)

Christy: Okay, sounds great!

John: Umm...

Christy: Yeah?
John: I guess I just haven't really *gulp* gotten the chance to talk to you about some stuff... (Thought: WHAT AM I DOING?! I CAN'T TELL HER I LIKE HER!)

Christy: What stuff?

John: Well you know...(thought: I LIKE YOU! Wait, we can't tell her that... how do I bring it up? How do we stop the conversation, AHH!!!) Umm... (Thought: Why do we need a girlfriend anyway, we have the cool suit...) Well I just thought you should know that I am alergic to tears... (Thought: Brilliant!)

Christy: Oh... great...

John: *Sigh* Yep... so... I gotta go, bye!

       John hung up the phone, "IDIOT! I can't believe I said that! Alergic to tears? OH COME ON!" John slammed his head against the bed. The bed collapsed, "Great..." John sighed, "Just great..."


       The Next Day


       Roy smiled, "I finally got a date!"

       John returned the smile, "With whom?"

       Roy rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, remember that girl Hannah from school? I asked her out..." He coughed, "And... she said, yes!"

       John laughed, "SCORE! Haha! I guess we both have dates now!"

       Roy frowned, "But you didn't ask Christy out, you just asked her to go to the dinner..." Roy shook his head, "Wow you really aren't Superman!"

       John shrugged, "You should have heard what I said back there..."

       Roy smiled and elbowed John, "What'd you say?"

       John looked around, blushing. He looked back at Roy and smiled, "Umm... well..." he quickly shot a web over Roy's face then took off.


       On Monday Night


       John rung the doorbell, "Okay, stay calm... just don't go gaga or anything, girls hate that... I'll just tell her she looks GOOD, then take her to the car... Okay! Easy..."

       The door opened, and there stood Christy in a dress with a cut through it at the side. She was wearing high heels and had her hair out long. Christy smiled, "Hello!"

       John's mouth dropped open, "Uhh...you look...uhh..." he stuttered. He looked around for something to distract him, "Umm... you look good! Uhh, lets go!" he said almost passing out.

       Christy nodded and headed for the car, "Umm, you might want to close your mouth..." she giggled.

       John closed his mouth and smiled, "Uhh, right! Sorry!" He tried to act cool but everytime he saw her he almost fainted.

       John helped Christy into the limo then stepped in himself, "How did you afford this?" Christy asked in amazement.

       John rubbed his neck, "Well... I have been saving up..." he lied, "I couldn't tell her the truth... I mean... I just wanted to impress her with this limo... I feel terrible..." John thought, "I can't believe i did that..." John suddenly had a flashback:


       "Okay bank, prepared to be robbed, by the not Spiderman..." Spiderman said as his suit disguised itself, "This will confuse them..." Spiderman broke through the window of the bank and heard the alarm go off, "Now prepare to be shut down..." he jumped into the air and shot a web that destroyed the alarm system, "Okay now..." he jumped beside the vault and webbed onto it, "Okay suit lets see what you got!" He pulled back with all his strength. He finally pulled it off and sent it flying into the wall of the bank, "And there's my escape..." he said as he grabbed all the money.


       John suddenly came back to the present, "Oh well," he thought, "at least I impressed Christy..."

       Christy sat back and enjoyed the ride, "This is amazing..."

       John shook his head, "No you are..." he said.

       Christy looked at John curiously, "What do you mean?"

       John sighed, "Nevermind..."

       Christy reached out to take John's hand, "What? Tell me."

       John hit her hand away, "I said, 'Nevermind'..."

       Christy pulled her hand back, "Okay then..."


       When they arrived


       John walked into the gym, "Wow they really decorated this place up!" John looked around at all the decorations, "I sure wouldn't want to have to decorate this!"

       Christy shrugged, "I decorated it..."

       John looked at Christy, "You did? This is amazing!" John sighed.

       Roy ran up and waved, "Hey Christy. John, Mr. Op needs us to help him set up for the demonstration."

       John nodded, "Okay. Christy just find a table or something and I'll be right there!"

       Christy smiled, "Hurry back!"

       John started running with Roy, "Where's Hannah?"

       Roy pointed to Hannah who was getting some punch, "She's right there! Isn't she cute with that dress?"

       John nodded, "Yeah. But what does Mr. Op need our help with?"

       Roy shrugged, "Just setting up, he said he'd give us a sneak peek of his experiment!"

       John smiled, "Oh joy!"

       They ran up to Mr. Op who was just setting up behind the curtains, "Hello boys! Could you set that big bottle of liquid over here." he said pointing to a specific part of the desk.

       After setting up a little Roy asked, "So could we see a sneak peek?"

       Mr. Op nodded, "Certainly!" he picked up the bottle of liquid,  "Well you know how a lot of humans are, well, big... oversized..."

       John laughed, "Fat?"

       Mr. Op sighed, "Mr. Parker that is not appropriate... but yes, well according to my experiment I should be able to put a sprinkle of this little potion on, and next thing you know, they get super strong! There are however, some bugs... For instance it turns them green, and would give them a tail... luckily I'm just going to use a hamster for the demonstration!"

       John nodded, "Sounds cool to me!"

       Mr. Op winked, "Now get out there boys and don't ruin the surprise for everyone..."

       The boys nodded and left to sit with their dates.

       Mr. Op opened the curtains and stepped by his stand, "Hello students! I am Mr. Optomus! I have a real treat for you today. Before me lies an innocent hamster, and now watch as I transform it into a strong healthy hamster!" Mr. Op lifted up the bottle and took off the cap.

       Suddenly, the earth started shaking, "EARTH QUAKE!" Roy yelled as his table collapsed.

       Everyone darted under every strong table and door way. John got Christy to safety then checked everyone else, "Okay everyone's good..." he looked up at Mr. Op, "OH NO!" he yelled. Mr. Op had poured the potion on himself!

       Mr. Op screamed, "AHH!!! I'm turning green!" his skin became green and got bumpy. He roared as a tail appeared and his whole body turned green. Then his muscles grew stronger! And he got spikes running along his back, "WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!?" Mr. Op went into a rampage! He picked up his stand and tossed it at one of the students, luckily he was able to get out of the way before it hit him. Mr. Op then gurgled and shot out a ball of acid! It went right for Hannah! But Roy tackled Hannah to the ground to prevent her from getting hit.

       John opened the door to the gym, "GET OUT QUICK!" Everyone darted out of the gym, except Roy and John. John closed the door and faced Mr. Op, "Stop Mr. Op! Control yourself!"

       Mr. Op ignored him, "I will be called a freak... that can't happen, it can't!"

       Roy frowned and yelled, "We just want to help Mr. Op! Come with us and we'll help you!"

       Mr. Op looked at Roy and frowned, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" he yelled as he hit Roy with his tail.

       John quickly ran out of the room and let his suit climb on, "Okay... lets do this..." he said as he jumped back into the gym, "Hello?"

       Mr. Op looked at Spiderman and tightened his fist, "What do you want, freak?"

       Spiderman smiled, "You don't look so bad yourself creature!"

       Mr. Op quickly punched Spiderman out the window, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" he called. He quickly jumped out the window and started running away.

       Spiderman leaped to his feet, "That was assault!" he started after Mr. Op.

       Roy ran up and called, "Spiderman wait! Could you let me help, maybe I could find a cure!"

       Spiderman sighed, "Look you can't help me! There is nothing you can do! You're human, and you have no powers! You are wasting my time! Go now!"

       Roy frowned, "A waste of time? Is that what you think I am?"

       Spiderman ignored him and swung away.

       Roy sighed, "He's right..." he stopped himself, "Wait..."


       One Hour Later


       Spiderman gasped, "HOW MUCH FARTHER CAN YOU RUN CREATURE!?"

       Mr. Op turned around and shot a ball of acid at Spiderman, "GO AWAY!"

       Spiderman easily jumped out of the way, "JUST SLOW DOWN SO WE CAN TALK!"

       Mr. Op turned around then jumped down a sewer hole.

       Spiderman sighed, "Aww come on!" He jumped down into the sewer, "Okay creature... where are you?" He looked around anxiously. SPIDER SENSE! Spiderman swung around and punched Mr. Op back into the wall.

       Mr. Op jumped up and hit Spiderman with his tail then grabbed hold of him and kept him from moving, "NOW JUST LISTEN!" Mr. Op cleared his throat, "I am going to turn you into my kind, then the whole city... for if I don't, I will be laughed at the rest of my life... after that we'll go back to our normal lives but we'll just be different, stronger, and better..."

       Spiderman shook his head, "Why don't we just change you back to normal?!"


       Spiderman frowned, "I'm already a half-spider... I don't want to be a third-of-a-spider-third-of-a-weird-thing-and-third-of-a-human!!!!"

       Mr. Op sighed, "Very well... but now you realize that we are enemies... I am no longer, Mr. Optomus... I AM NOW THE CREATURE!" he threw Spiderman into the air then impaled him into the ground with his tail, "I'm not letting you off that easy!" The Creature yelled as he hurled Spiderman threw the roof.

       Spiderman landed in the middle of the street, "Ouch..." he got up slowly and turned around just in time to see The Creature punch him into a moving car, "DOUBLE OUCH!" he screeched as he slid off the back of the car and hit another car, "OKAY THATS IT!" he yelled. He webbed The Creature then stuck the other end of the web onto the car and that was a real drag (I know it was a bad pun but come on).

       The Creature quickly sliced threw the web and jumped to his feet. Another car was charging straight at The Creature, but he just turned around and smashed the car into the ground. The Creature faced Spiderman, "That was a cheap trick..." The Creature spit another acid ball at Spiderman, but Spiderman just leaped out of the way.

       Spiderman sighed, "I can't hold him off... much... longer..."

       Suddenly, a bolt of lightning striked The Creature! The Creature fell to his knees, "I can't... move..." he said as he collapsed.      

       Spiderman looked up to see Shocko flying in the air and a puff of smoke still giving out from his finger tips, "Why did you help me?" Spiderman asked. Suddenly a thought popped into his head, "He's just trying to act like my friend but he just wants revenge!" he frowned, "NICE TRY!" he leaped into the air and punched Shocko into the ground, "I'm not going to fall for it!" He landed on top of him, "I want to see your face when I end you!" he punched off the mask to see Roy sitting there in shock.

       Roy smiled, "Hi! I kind of fixed the suit."

       Spiderman laughed, "You gave me a scare there for a second." Suddenly Spiderman's suit shot out a blade that pierced Roy's solar plexus, "NO!" he screamed as Roy passed out. The world froze as a million thoughts raced through Spiderman's mind, "I need to get you to a hospital..." he gasped.


       To be continued...

© 2009 Babyrhinos

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Added on July 13, 2009



Oceano, CA

I love writing stories. I started when I was in 3rd grade. I wrote a little comedy series, but soon I came up with new ideas and began writing them on a site called chapteread.com (it was great) but t.. more..

Broken Hearts Broken Hearts

A Chapter by Babyrhinos