![]() First sightA Chapter by Elizabeth![]() The first chapter![]() My name is Riley
Melbourne and I live in Griswold, Connecticut. I am currently a senior in high
school. I am not the prom queen, but just an average student. Everything about
me is average my grades, the way I look, how I act and even my friends. I am
average height with straight brown hair and brown eyes, like I said average. I don’t go parties or go out much I pretty
much just stay at home. This is the year that I come out of my shell…. The day started
as any other day. I got up and got ready for school. I had a feeling of dread
that I had never experience before. I knew things would be different today as
walked through the school doors. I knew
everyone that goes to school here since we have a little over 700 members at
our high school. We all basically grew up together. When I pulled
up in the school parking lot I was met by my lifelong friends Sarah and Beth.
Sarah who is shorter than average has bright red curly hair and blue eyes. She
has always been the hyper, talkative friend. While Beth is tall and slim with a
dark complexion, everyone says she could be a model. Sarah was going on about
her summer, where her and her folks visited and what they done. All the while
Beth was leaning against my bright red Pontiac Grand Prix. We could hear
the other students talking about the new kids. About how different they were. That
is when I saw them. Tall, dark and handsome. The guy was tall, athletic build
and dark hair. And other one was a small build dark hair girl. She didn’t even
look like she belonged in High School. That was all that I could of them from
where I was at in the parking lot. Maybe we would have a class together or
something and I could get to know them. First period I
was on my own, AP English. AP English was taught by Mrs. Black. I walked to the
back of the class and took my sit next to a few students I had known last year.
Mrs. Black started talking and seemed as if she would never quit. A whole hour
of sitting in her class and listening to her rambling on about what AP English
is and the assignments. Finally the bell rings and we are released to head to
the next class. Sarah was leaning against my locker and bouncing up and down. I
knew she had something to tell me. “The guy from
this morning, he was in my PE class” “Tell me
everything.” I demanded “Well, he just
moved here from New York, I think.” Sarah told me. I knew there was more to
come. “He has an
accent, that seemed liked he should had moved from Europe….and his clothes they
were Armani...he is definitely not from around here.” Right then he walked by
and he was amused. Surely he didn’t over
hear us there is no way I was thinking, but he still looked amused. “I will see you
at lunch and find out what you can about both of them” I told Sarah. My second
period was Algebra. I took my normal place in the back of the class but this
time I was surprised to see the new girl from this morning sitting next to me. “Hi, my name is
Jane Price” she said as she leaned in to talk low. The way she talked made it
seemed as if she did not want to draw attention to herself. “Hello, welcome
to Griswold. My name is Riley Melbourne.” I told her. “Me and my
brother just moved here from New York.” Jane was telling me. “How do you like it here?” I asked “I miss my
apartment in New York…and the city” Then the bell
rang…time for class to start. Mr. Whitman start his lectures early on
equations. It seemed like the bell would
never ring. “After this class I can
leave, being a senior has it perks...only a half day of classes. I wonder if
Jane has the same schedule.” I
thought to myself as the last few minutes of the class was ticking by. Then the
bell rings everyone shot up out their seats and headed for the door…everyone
except Jane. She was standing by her desk looking like she wanted to say
something. So I started talking first, “Do you have the rest of the
day free?” Jane answered shyly with one word “Yes”… “a few friends
and I are going back to my house to hang out would you like to join us?” Jane
started smiling and answered “yes” I told her
“that we could meet up in the parking lot and we can take my car.” As I was
walking out the doors I noticed that we might have a tag a long, her brother. I
approached my car with I
started to smile. “Hello” the boy
said while reaching out to shake my hand “My name is Chris Price. I wanted to
meet the girl the befriended my sister on her first day”… I reached out
and took his hand and said, “How do you do? My name is Riley and I have algebra
with Jane.” Chris smiled at
me and said, “I am just fine, but with you taking Jane to your house I am at a
loss on what to do for the rest of the day.” I told him “if
it was fine with Jane then you could tag along and hang with us.” Chris looked
at Jane, but to an outsider it looked as if they are having a conversation but
without words. Finally Jane shook her yes. Then we all piled into my car and
headed out the parking lot. I turn towards town to head home. Sarah and Beth
had things to do so it was just the three of us. “What do you
two want to do?” I asked them. It was Sarah that answered me with “anything” and they laughed,
like there was some type of secret joke between them. “I have movies,
games or we can go do something…but there is not much around here to do during
the day” I told them. Chris asked me.
“Can we just hang out at your house and watch some TV?” That was when
we pulled into the driveway. I was glad that mom had to work today and that we
would have the house to our self. We walked in and as they made their
self-comfortable I round of some snacks and drinks. Chris was scrolling through
Netflix looking for something to watch when he settled on some movie. I wasn’t
even paying attention to the name of it when he chose it. Not even ten minutes
into the movie the phone rang, picking it up I looked at the caller “damn it” I
said under my breath. I thought I said it quiet enough to where no one could
hear me but Chris looked up at me and quizzical look on his face. I shook my head and answered the
phone. “Hello”…”no James I am busy”… “I know I had only a half day today”…”I
have company over”… “it does not matter who it is we are not together any more”…
“whatever, I will talk to you later” and then I hung up without even a bye. I
looked up and Chris was looking at me like he wanted to say something. But I
excused myself from the room with the excuses of more snacks. But honestly I
just wanted to be alone for second, to collect my thought. I was sitting at the
kitchen table when Chris entered the room. “Are you okay?” he asked “I am fine, it
was just my ex we broke up a couple of weeks ago but he cannot get that through
his thick skull” and Chris laughed at that but he walked over and put his arm
around me. We sit like that for a few minutes and I did not want him to move
but Jane was sitting in the living room all by herself. Stood up a grabbed a bag of chips and
smiled at Chris as walked from the kitchen. I do not even think Jane noticed we
were gone she was into the movie. I sit the bag of chips down on the table and
sit on the empty couch. I figured that Chris would sit next to Jane or in the
recliner, but instead he sit next to me. Chris then put his arm around me and
held me like that until the movie was over. We still had
some time to kill until it got late. Jane decided to play on her laptop with
the excuse of homework but I know she seen how Chris and I was sitting and she
probably figured we would want to do something or just talk. She was right, I
wanted to talk to someone anyone but should lay everything out on the table for
Chris, I just met him today. That was when I decided I would answer questions
but I would offer nothing more about the James subject. I wanted to know more
about him. “Why did you
and Jane move to Griswold?” I asked. “Our dad died about 6 months ago and our
mother knew people that lived around here, so she decided we needed a change of
scenery.” “I am so sorry for your loss, my dad died too when I was young but I
barely remember him.” I told Chris. “Can I ask you about James, why did you get
upset when he called? Chris asked. “I told him to leave me alone after
he...after we broke up. That I could not be around him after what he did.” I
looked over to see that Jane had put on her headphones listening to the lecture
she recorded from her first class. Chris looked like he wanted to say something
or ask about it but I shook my head and told “I might tell you, but not know it is still painful.”
With those words tears began to fill my eyes. And Chris leaned over to wipe one away that escaped. I
looked at the clock and it was going on 8 pm, if Chris and Jane wanted their care we would have to be
going to get it before the school locks the parking lot gates. “Are you all
ready to head back to get your car, the high school locks the parking lot gates
in less than 30 minutes?” Chris answer with a quick nod and right on cue Jane
closed her laptop and said “let’s go”. The car ride back
to school was different, Jane sit in the back and Chris sit next to me. It
seemed as if he could not take his eyes off of me, but there is a hint of
sadness on his face when he looked at me. It was the same look that all my
friends and family had for
after the incident with James. James got drunk one night while he was
over at my house. I said something and did like it so he punched me. One thing
led to another thing and I ended up having to go to the ER, The bruises had
just faded away today and everything is still fresh in my mind. I realized I
was staring at him at the stop light and my face got bright red. A few minutes
later we arrived back at school and I parked next to their car. Jane climbed
out of the backset and headed to the car. Chris just sits there. He reached over and put his
hand on top of my and said, “It is not your fault” He slid of the seat and
where his hand was now lays a piece of paper with his phone number on it. I did
not know what he meant by those words or why he gave me his number. But I sent him a text: I had
fun tonight hanging out we should do it again. © 2017 Elizabeth |