I am very much enjoying the concept of this write. I like how it turned out, but I think there are a few ways where you can build on what you have going here.
I like the title, it pulls me in very quickly.
I was thinking, that you could compare what drugs do to a person, to what this person does.
for example, how a drug alters your concentration, keeps you up at night, can get you hyper, get you mellow, get you angry, sad, change your perception.
It can do a lot of things...and I would of liked to have seen what your love does (keeping this thought of what drugs do)
Another tangent I would like to see is what it's like WITHOUT his/her love.
Somebody that uses drugs, without them, they go through withdrawals. They get headaches, aggravated, depressed, shakes, get cold, etc etc...
I think some sort of explanation like this in your poem would be awesome!
I definitely hope to see this develop into something more.
I am very much enjoying the concept of this write. I like how it turned out, but I think there are a few ways where you can build on what you have going here.
I like the title, it pulls me in very quickly.
I was thinking, that you could compare what drugs do to a person, to what this person does.
for example, how a drug alters your concentration, keeps you up at night, can get you hyper, get you mellow, get you angry, sad, change your perception.
It can do a lot of things...and I would of liked to have seen what your love does (keeping this thought of what drugs do)
Another tangent I would like to see is what it's like WITHOUT his/her love.
Somebody that uses drugs, without them, they go through withdrawals. They get headaches, aggravated, depressed, shakes, get cold, etc etc...
I think some sort of explanation like this in your poem would be awesome!
I definitely hope to see this develop into something more.