I am very much enjoying the concept of this write. I like how it turned out, but I think there are a few ways where you can build on what you have going here.
I like the title, it pulls me in very quickly.
I was thinking, that you could compare what drugs do to a person, to what this person does.
for example, how a drug alters your concentration, keeps you up at night, can get you hyper, get you mellow, get you angry, sad, change your perception.
It can do a lot of things...and I would of liked to have seen what your love does (keeping this thought of what drugs do)
Another tangent I would like to see is what it's like WITHOUT his/her love.
Somebody that uses drugs, without them, they go through withdrawals. They get headaches, aggravated, depressed, shakes, get cold, etc etc...
I think some sort of explanation like this in your poem would be awesome!
I definitely hope to see this develop into something more.
I enjoyed this. I felt this way once or twice. Now that I'm close to having a "completely" finished book I'm not trying to fall hopelessly in love with anyone. lol
Did you mean to spell concentrate that way, to prove the point of not being able to concentrate? If so I thought that was brilliant and a great way to incorporate real human emotion into the poem.
Great job