Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by b!tchgirl1618

Heavy breathing

My first thought is “who’s?” Shawn, my boyfriend, was asleep with his arms around me, Raven, no my best friend had been asleep last night when I went to bed.

A quick glance at the clock proved my point. It was 6 am no one in their right mind would be up at 6 am on a Saturday (Saturday or not no one should be up) gently I tap Shawn. As soon as he opens his eyes I mouth “intruder.”

He nods and gets up silently (why did that stupid intruder have to come, I was so comfy). As soon as he’s up he hands me my knife. I stand up and take it, and as soon as it’s in my hands I feel better. He walks towards the kitchen (our room is in the middle of the house Raven’s room, the office, and the workout room are in the back the kitchen, living room, and dining room in the front).

 I start towards the back. After checking the office, and workout room I head to Raven’s room.

Suddenly a hand grabs my wrist and another covers my mouth.

I hear the deep sexy voice whisper in my ear “nobody in the front.”

Shawn! A sigh escapes my lips. The hands and voice belong to Shawn.

“Are you alright?” he mummers his lips toughing my ear, his hands wrapping around my waist.

I turn and wrap my arms around his neck and pull his head closer and whisper into his ear, “Yea you just startled me that’s all.”

“Good, don’t want my girl hurt,” he murmurs his lips touching my ear, “sorry babe” with that he lets go and whispers, “ladies first” and makes a sweeping motion with his arms gesturing towards Raven’s door.

I roll my eyes and give him a quick peck on the cheek (the lips & other places are for later AND TOTALLY PRIVATE) turning I open Raven’s door.

1 Year Ago

“Happy 18th birthday Ray.” Ray is Raven’s nickname for me.

Raven is naturally a red head but dyes her hair blue, she has her left ear pierced three times and her noise pierced once, her right eyebrow is pierced twice, oh yeah and her bottom lip pierced two times.  She is 5’10, slim with a perfect hour-glass figure.

When she was 7 years old her dad passed away in a car crash with a drunk driver. Her mom re-married when she was 10, and her step-dad would beat her and sexually abuse her.

When she turned 13, I entered the picture.

She was a 7th grader and I was an 8th grader, I befriended her through 6th grade and finally half way through 7th grade she told me about the stuff going on. I told her to call the cops. That afternoon, he got arrested.

Now all you normal people calling the cops is the right thing to do. I’m not normal. I know every kind of fighting known to man-kind (by the time I was 10 I was the most dangerous person in the world). Ok, so you’re probably asking why I didn’t handle this a*****e myself but first off I was trying to be a good influence on Mary Writter (at that time she hadn’t changed her name to Raven yet). After all Raven was like a little sis to me and I didn’t want her to get sucked into my world. And also, I was trying to lay low for various reasons. 

When she was 14 her mom died of cancer, and when that happened then she got sent to her step-dads house (because he was friends with the judge then he got off easy with a 6 month sentence).

When that happened I had to do something so I offered to let her come with me, not knowing what she was getting herself into, she chose me.

We moved from Greenville, South Carolina, to New York, New York.

Ok maybe I should tell you a little about myself.

My names Rachel Allen, I am 5’8 with light brown shoulder length hair, I have a pretty decent figure if I do say so myself, and very thin. I probably don’t even weight 110 lbs. Now I may sound like I can’t kick a*s, but believe me, I can when I have to (or want to). 

So here’s my story.

Dad left the day I was born, and when I was two my mom gave me to one of her friends to take care of me and went off looking for my dad.

That “friend” happened to be a Russian spy. By the time I was 7, I could handle myself. So I had to. When I was ten when I was wanted in 7 states, when I was 14, I was wanted in 16 states and 2 countries.

That’s when Raven and I moved to NY, (now do you get why I was trying to lay low)?

I got a regular job, (well regular for me and on a regular basis) from this guy, Cobra that means I got to teach Raven how to fight and fend for herself.

I was number one in NY, best there was. If you had a job and money, then I could do it, I was seen but never noticed, I could blend anywhere and everywhere.

Well when this one guy Shawn, was hired to take out Cobra, Cobra hired me to find out who wanted him dead (it’s a long, long, long list believe me) and to take him out I did my job, well the first part anyway.

Shawn was 18, other than that all that I could fine was that he worked for the government. The government (just one more name to add to the list) is who hired him, I was just cleaning up his hotel room of all evidence that I was ever there when he came in.  Long fight short (see what I did there? Fight instead of story as in long story eh… eh… eh…? Oh why do I even try?)  The fight ended with him holding a knife to my throat and me holding a knife to his. He was very badly injured, and I didn’t have a scratch on me.

And that’s not the weirdest part.

He starts laughing. Then he tells me, “Drop the knife or go to jail for the rest of your life” (and knowing the countries I am wanted in I doubt it would be all that long, my life that is) “Or work for the government, with government protection, doing what you do best, spying.”

Then in a matter of seconds the hotel room was filled with gun’s men and choppers where outside. So, naturally I did what I do best, Raven-preservation (self-preservation to but mostly I’m worried about Raven.  Oh and did ya catch what I did there? Ugh why do I even try)?!?!?!?

“Does my friend get the same protection?”

“Only if she promises to stop supplying um certain er people with umm well certain weapons.”

Oh yea nobody makes a bomb like Raven.


That’s how I am where I am now, 3 years later, 18, with Shawn as my partner, Raven as my mission control and life is good plain and simple.

~ A few hours later~

“Miss Allen, Mr. Stars is going to be a little late today, so if you don’t mind please, wait in your office for him to arrive.”

The messenger boy was familiar, he was about 5’11 with dark brown hair and brown eyes, and he was wearing a light blue polo shirt and light blue jeans.

“Just like Shawn to be late” I mutter under my breath. Shawn Stars, my partner. (To the best of my knowledge) He doesn’t have any tattoos or pricings; he has blond hair that he dyes black and has bright yellow tips and highlights. He also had ocean blue eyes.  He is super muscular and about 6ft, and the hottest guy ever, at least to me he is.

Now don’t get me wrong, we aren’t boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, and wife, we are barely even friends. I just have a little crush on the guy that’s all, besides he’s 21, (actually he just turned 21 on December 2nd) and I’m only 18, (I just turned 18 today June 3rd) how could he ever like me anyway?

I had just gotten to my office when I heard someone coming up behind me. Turning I see Shawn.

“Traffic bad?” I ask sarcastically, as always because I’m just that smooth with guys. (now if you didn’t get that you’re just totally out of it.)

“Well good morning to you too.” He rolls his eyes. “You look nice” blushing a little as he says it he adds “I got you something.”


© 2013 b!tchgirl1618

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Added on December 17, 2013
Last Updated on December 17, 2013



Greer, SC

I'm a 15 year old who loves to write if you want to know anything just message me ═════════════ ೋღ♥ .. more..

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