20 thoughts 20 answers 2020

20 thoughts 20 answers 2020

A Story by Azsa Wild

Happy New year

Subconscious is my villian that I love to sleep with, it takes away my fear and fuels my desires I'm aware the matrix was a documentary and the subconcious is where the reality lyes and it's beautiful there, so I will continue to amplify the binaural sounds the frequencys and affirmations and mediate just to heal even when I'm foolish enough to believe I'm not broken. Broken... Well we are all flawed but I have spiritual discipline from enlightened beings teaching me we are perfection, I guess we are required to trial our spirituality by the gift of earth or go without.... and still I'm frustrated at hypocrisy and physco-analyzing treason never mind the aimless and negative projection these psychic vampires and narcissistics have... I've evolved like my guides blessed me with because my potential skyrocketed because of obscurity from birth... What more do I need but the power I've possessed all along? I thought the truth was the answer but society's fearful and filled with dreamers which I adore and am inspired of my own fantasies that crept my past.... an presently I'm bidding farewell to the very platform of illusion... all social media will be gone. Humans need the connection that has been lost in technology granted it has it's brilliant pros it still outweighs of cons since I am true to form a lone wolf whose feelings of vini vidi vici from previous lifetimes allures me to the sinister ease of control. I must not battle to gain control because I am free. Nobody controls me and I love unconditionally as visavi... to the mutual ground of hope I've survived. A new year reigns in to what I can feel makes the consciousness shift. Pray to you're God... yes... what I really mean is Pray to yourself. 20 thoughts consume me most of suicide some of sexual conquests few of artistic projects... an 20 answers most that say fail fail fail to succeed some answers anomaly or humour but one answer that will be eternal... Worthy you are. 2020.

© 2019 Azsa Wild

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Added on December 22, 2019
Last Updated on December 22, 2019


Azsa Wild
Azsa Wild

Adelaide , South Australia , Australia

Spotify: Azsa Wild Numinous Asylum By Labyrinth Productions Stage Name: Jolie Mystique "No Age No Race No Religion Lets Respect each others admission and make a submission" more..

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