This is the first poem I have written in a while due to writer's block. Sorry it isn't that good.
(I will find a picture soon by the way)
Thank you for any reviews :)
My Review
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This is a decent poem however the given advice isn't. It is not right to suggest living a lie which is what the persona of the poem is doing. As I said though the poem itself is well done.
Half expected to read something about nesting duplicates... (a little bit too much Doctor Who? Never...)
Anyway, I really appreciate the honesty in this poem. It's simple compared to a lot of poetry, and that's perfectly okay. Great job!
Isn't that good! Did you just re read what you wrote cause, Girl, its that great. I love the imagery this brings to my mind, then again I'm a bit more twisted than most so I'm sure its not quite the images you were thinkin bout when you wrote this
A very nicely written and portrayed poem. I really liked the honest and true feel to this. Some people are living a plastic reality, but they think they're leading an honest life. A great piece. :)
Welcome to my world!
So, as you see my name is Naomi Rose. Other people may know me as Naomi the lost the ninja. Or just as plain old Naomi XP.
I am fifteen years young (bahaha).
I write poems a .. more..