my glitch monolouge

my glitch monolouge

A Stage Play by chaotic katie

my drama monolouge. i made the picture but the description in it dosen't really match the story because i changed it up a bit.


My name is, was Emily. Now, now they call me glitch.  Why do they call me this? Because of my cold-hearted psychopath of a father. he murdered my mother! he turned me into some super computer! Yes, you heard right I am a living, breathing super computer. I don’t feel blood in my veins, I feel electricity, running through wires, wires that ARE my veins. I have a big glowing power button on my chest, shaped like a girl, a human girl, But I don’t feel human I feel like something that should be sitting on the shelf in the electronics section at Wal-Mart. You’d think it gets easier being as I am sixteen now, but it doesn’t, in fact, I see the world colder, because to me it is colder. What’s worse? I am not the only victim. It started with my mother, who was really sick when I was four. I believe she would have made it if it wasn’t for him. He didn’t want her to be sick anymore, and he thought he could fix her, but he couldn’t he was stupid for trying, he made it worse. He murdered her! After that, I peeked my curious head down from atop the basement stairs, not knowing my mother was dead, and not knowing what awaited me. He snapped! He broke! He went insane! He injected me with something that knocked me out instantly. When I woke, the world was different and cold, this was when the innocence faded from my tiny technologic eyes. Remember how I said that there are others that are like me? Well I’m kind of different from them too, I have been upgraded. I can  read minds, feel others feelings, and even control others. My friends think it’s cool but they have no idea of the pain that I go through, I sit in my science classes while other take the gifts they have for granted. I learn how normal people look, how they act, and what they can do, learn how much of a freak I actually am. People pay thousands, just to become someone, something like me. They praise my father even though he has murdered people, and has more in a coma vault. He is praised! Perhaps they are brainwashed by the media, making it seem like he is a savior, but I know the truth and so will the world if I can help it. I have learned that there is another experiment, just like me. He is locked in the coma vault downstairs in his lab. I must get to him, make him see what the others are blind to, and put a stop to this madness, once and for all.

© 2012 chaotic katie

Author's Note

chaotic katie
ok guys so this is what i'll be performing for my drama class, not the actual story. i kinda had to jump into it and get to the point rather quickly because i do have a time limit on it. tell me what you think and suggest any performance tips if you have the time. always love to hear feedback from fellow writers!

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Added on December 17, 2012
Last Updated on December 17, 2012


chaotic katie
chaotic katie

Canton, OH

Greetings darling writers, allow me to explain a bit about myself. I started writing when I was 13 and fell in love with it. Over the years I have won 2 awards for it. I keep most of my old works pos.. more..
