The Chase

The Chase

A Chapter by A. L. Allen

Running… running… I had to get away. I had to get away from the huge freak that was chasing me. She was going to lock me away; I wanted my freedom. My sister had already been captured, so now it was just me.

The freak reached out a hand and almost got me, but I quickly danced out of reach. She roared in fury and chased after me all the harder. My heart pounded in my chest and I scurried out of her reach again. We had been doing this for what seemed like hours, but I refused to give up. She wasn’t going to lock me away!

I came across a huge brick wall. It loomed over me with sinister malice. I could hear my pursuer come up behind me, but I didn’t turn. Instead, I waited, letting every part of my body listen for the crucial moment.

She struck out at me, but I was faster. I slipped gracefully between her fingers and ran away. Again, she roared in frustration, but she didn’t come after me quickly. Instead, she took a calmer, more calculated approach. I ran under a huge, circular thing that the freaks had in the yard that I was enclosed in, it’s black surface shadowing my body even more than the night did. My pursuer followed me, having to bend over double to get under it. As soon as she got close enough to touch me, I ran out from under the thing.

                Around and around in circles we dashed. I would hide behind large bushes, and she would try to sneak up on me, but I could hear her heavy, shambling steps on the ground so I would dash away before she could catch me. Sometimes, a smaller freak would come out and shout encouragement to my pursuer, but he would never come out and help her.

                Eventually, it became like a game to me. I was too fast for her, and I knew that eventually she would give up.

                I hid behind a bush yet again, my breathing short and light as I waited for her approach. I could hear rocks crunching under her footsteps as she tried to creep up behind me. My body tensed slightly. I was going to wait until the last possible moment to flee away; luring her into a false sense of success so that it would make her all the more mad when I got away.

                Her footsteps were getting closer. My muscles tensed even more as I prepared to spring away. She came even closer…

                Before I knew what was happening, she used her long arms to scruff me by the neck! No!! I had been caught! I struggled to free myself, but her grip was like iron. How in the world had she gotten me? I was so much faster than her! How could I have been so stupid?

                I knew now that my fate would be the same dismal one as my sister’s. My pursuer roared with triumph.


*             *             *


                “Yes!” I crowed as my hand wrapped around the soft fur of the elusive rabbit’s neck and pinned her down. I scruffed her and held her up in triumph, breathing heavily. “Victory is mine!”

                Too bad my little brother wasn’t out here to witness this gratifying event. He had been so helpful as I chased the maddening rabbit around the yard- behind bushes, over rocks, underneath the trampoline -; shouting out annoying encouragement but not actually taking the time to come and help.

                The rabbit squirmed as she tried to free herself, but I kept my grip firm. I walked over and put her in the hutch where her sister was, and then snapped the lid shut. I made sure everything was locked up tight- I was not going to catch those two again -opened the back door, and turned off the light on the porch.

                “Goodnight goofballs!” I called to the rabbits before I shut the door behind me.  

© 2012 A. L. Allen

Author's Note

A. L. Allen
This story came about when I had to catch our two pet rabbits last night. My brothers are usually the ones to do this, but somehow I ended up with the job last night. Chasing them is so maddening!

I know, you're probably thinking "What in the world can a rabbit do? After all, it is only, well, a rabbit." Let me tell you; they hide under and behind anything they can find, and then as soon as I reach down to catch them they hop away! Aghhhh!!! It drives me crazy! I swear, I had been up, around, down, over, and under our whole entire back yard at least a hundred times before I managed to catch them! (sigh)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! :)


2nd ~ "Simple writings" contest

best <3 ~ "interestingly everything! :)" contest

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Featured Review

Hahaha. At first, I found it interesting that the "freak" is female since normally, it's usually male. :)) And when I learned that it was the point of view of the rabbit, it just cracked me up. Haha. Really creative and original! And I love the small details you added to the scene. Great job! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Loved the humor, very funny:] also loved how you didn't put in that they were rabbits till the last paragraph when you finally caught her! Very entertaining, nice job:D

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i really found the whole story very very creative!! a good, entertaining write!!!! :))

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Haha i'm feel sorry for that rabbit-and you of course LOL
that was really cute, funny, and well written
love it

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

That was really funny. I was thinking of all this dreadful stuff, and then I find out it was from the point of view of the rabbit. Lol, made me smile. Great imagery and a funny story!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hahaha. At first, I found it interesting that the "freak" is female since normally, it's usually male. :)) And when I learned that it was the point of view of the rabbit, it just cracked me up. Haha. Really creative and original! And I love the small details you added to the scene. Great job! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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15 Reviews
Added on December 20, 2011
Last Updated on February 16, 2012


A. L. Allen
A. L. Allen

Logan , UT

Welcome! I have had a lifetime passion for writing. I started when my father introduced me to the wonders of Microsoft Word on a dinosaur of a computer, and haven't stopped since. I have attempted .. more..

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