![]() Just an accident?A Story by A U R i![]() Final Project =]![]() “Oh my god” yelled the lady from the white mini van, “Is she okay?” She was referring to the car accident that had just happened right before her eyes. She texts her daughter and tells her everything that has just happened, There was just a car accident and the lady flew out if the car threw the windshield it was horrible the truck hit the car so hard the bumper flew off and the front of the car stretched all the way to the middle section it was crazy. Another guy saw what had happened from his point of view he calls his mom to tell her. “Wow mom, some lady just got trashed by a truck man, she freaking flew out of her windshield yo, it was nuts and it all happened because he was drunk and didn’t see her car. She’s all messed up mom and the guy doesn’t even know what to do. He’s still in his car.” The lady that was in the accident tries to talk to the police and tell them what happened but can hardly talk because of all the blood. “I was driving normal not even so fast, I went about 75miles an hour and here comes this truck going at least 90mph on the highway he was looking up or something like searching for birds when I tried to get away the end of the truck hit my car so hard I flew out, after that I don’t remember much.” The guys point of view in a non drunk version. “Listen I aint mean to hit her. I aint wanna do no damage but she went in my way she was doing like 150mph no lie I aint even drunk I was looking straight ahead and aint see a damn thing till she hit the back of my truck you see, BUT I AINT DRUNK. Cause if I was you’d notice right. She hit me I aint even go fast I was going about 65mph like im pose to and this lady hit me she hit me I say. Im innocent, innocent I tell you. The cop’s point of view. He just got to the crime scene doesn’t really know what’s going on. “Do you copy?, Okay well what we have here is a drunk man he hit a lady in a red Honda civic, says he (“aint drunk”) but I smell vodka all over his truck. I think were going to arrest him and take the lady to the nearest hospital ASAP.”
Later on while the lady is in the hospital a women walks in. “May I speak to the cop that saw the accident please?” “Yes Mrs.?” “Okay I wanted to talk to you about the accident today, The guy in the truck is my son, I know what your thinking im here to defend him but actually that’s not the case I heard everything because he called me minutes before the accident he wanted to commit suicide he wanted to kill himself, he was drunk and looking for an excuse to die, he did everything intentionally and he deserves to be put in prison im his mother and im telling you hes gone mad. A couple days later they found a tape in their office and it explained everything that happened. It showed that the guy had been drinking excessive amounts of alcohol but he was not the one who caused the accident, it also showed his mom in the seat next to him yelling at him, she grabbed a hold of the wheel and that’s how the accident occurred when they started swerving on the road, the lady was correct the guy did look like he was looking at birds but that’s because his eyes were rolling up, he had ode on liquor. So the guy went to jail for drinking while driving, his mother went to jail for causing the accident lying to the cops about what had happened and trying to commit murder. The lady was in the hospital for about 6months and came out in great conditions.
© 2008 A U R i |
Added on June 3, 2008 Author