a field of nothing and you

a field of nothing and you

A Poem by Karina Lindner

am i enough, am i what you want me to be?

a song falls through the blades of glass,
a burning, echoing sound that tears apart all hope
all destiny,
it feels like a familiar mind, a violent sound
that caresses my ears,
a spinning that i can't control, a chaos of never ending torture,
a sound that you can't give me-
not through your hands that touch,
taint, hold and avenge whatever you think is left of me,
god, you whisper a sound to mimic that burning
so, so, perfectly failing that i beg the sky
to drown me, the sound, an
echo in the chaos, over and over and over again
as you try to give me life,
hand in hand and over again, a tainted kiss, a loving
shock, a thought left over
from the field of us,
a time to repent for the vile, the sound that let loose-
as you watch, tainted, as i, forgiven,
spin through the field,
not a single sound willing to be my orchestra

© 2022 Karina Lindner

Author's Note

Karina Lindner
hello, enjoy <3

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Added on May 22, 2022
Last Updated on May 22, 2022


Karina Lindner
Karina Lindner

Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

hello there; my pen name is Karina Lindner. i have decided to join writerscafe because i want a safe space to post my poetry without the blatant judgment from my peers. i hope you enjoy my work! more..
