When they attack.

When they attack.

A Story by August R Lalanne

A bit of a true story with a mix of fiction to make it less graphic.

Living from place to place struggling every single day, once in a while I think I am safe but I become trapped in a new loop. 
I was blind with all of the smiles and hopes, they gave me feeling of safety and dream of something nice. Taking me out of one bad place to give me a chance but the only thing is they only needed a slave a maid someone to give them money and clean and take care of everything.
I was trapped in a new house with new problems most I just pushed into the ground saying it could be worse but the more I took the weaker I became the worse it got the stronger they gained. I become nothing and then something happened after a good nice for a change i went out with my partner and when I departed his place and man no a monster scooped me to come to hang out and I being tired and being nice said yes lets hang out but when we were finally to the place I was half asleep and said I just want to go to sleep and he defiled me while I was sleeping. He is a monster and after that, I became broken beyond normal I was breaking down into tears and fear struck me a lot more. They came at me one night and I yell out everything I felt. 
The day was terrible I came in from working extra hours, working out and taking care of money problems. I walked into the door and they were all there, You are being kicked out. And so I was kicked out attacked for the last time by them. Or so I had thought a week later after all this has passed I get a notification online, This vile creature she the ones who kicked me out onto the ground knowing all the pain I had been through, she Slander my name cursed at me online said all of my personal things to strangers and friends of her sharing the video over and over everything was out. Only so she could try to make her self-look like not a monster. In the end, I become numb and no justice was given to me.
The man who Hurt me he walks free, the four roommates and 12 animals they mock me and have nothing else done wrong to them.

In short, people will attack you hurt you to destroy you only to get benefits.
And Karma is the only one to help us.

© 2018 August R Lalanne

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Added on October 19, 2018
Last Updated on October 19, 2018


August R Lalanne
August R Lalanne

Indianapolis, IN

My name is august I love art, music and writing among many other things. I wish to be a artist and a writer. Look i don't know if ill get far in life no matter how hard i try but im still going to.. more..


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