Demons fly high before there very own eyes.

Demons fly high before there very own eyes.

A Story by August R Lalanne

A short little story of a event that never was. (Me) is a writer who was doing a story about life in the city and then this event happens. Part 1 Of a short story. Part 2 Demons walk among the room.

I walked out side to the clash.
I looked and i seen a flash.
i was shook and heard a loud bash.

We were inside just so calm like everyday.
When suddenly a large sound was heard.
We ran and we saw.
Such bright lights such loud sounds.

Mother yelled and grabbed me and my sister.
We heard a BOOM!
And then a very bright light shinned everywhere.

(News man)
We were on the air as we always were.
Then the building started to rumble.
Some of us ran outside while others stay on the air.

( Window washer woman)
I was outside the tall building cleaning the windows.
I was a bright reflection on the glass.
Suddenly the platform started to shake.
I thought for sure that i was going to die.

(Strange person)
There was nothing but silence.
Clear calm silence.
There world was no longer there own.
For our time was now.

(Tall dark figure)
We are here we are now and forever.
Your life is ours.
We are among you all now.
We don't plan to go anywhere.

Please if anyone is out there they are here help me.
Please they are going to kill me.
Oh god please help *Cough*
... They Got in...
They Just grabbed the Man i talked to early today.
Oh god they ripped him in half!
We are running up the floors.
I think we are safe for now i hope.

(Mother of the children)
They are so large what are they?
Why are they her?
Please we must protect my children.

They look like demons.
Did you see them come from the bright light?

(Window woman)
I did they came from the light.
But why if they are demons why are they from the light?
What about aliens?

(News man)
Okay well maybe it is demons or aliens or something but what do we do?
This is terrible they are huge and didn't take a second to kill him!

We need to go come on i don't think it's safe here we need to get out of the city.
There is a road heading out of here it's about a 5 mile drive.
Who has a car that is close by?

(Mother of children)
I have a van... But its around the corner of this building.
Them giant beasts are everywhere though.
We are doomed we can't get out of the building.

(News man)
I also have a van it's a news van but it's in the Parking lot of the studio.
That's a road down that way.

Well which should we go to or try to?

The van is a street down.
But her van is around the corner.
Perhaps we can do both?
*crash sound*
What was that?!

(Window woman)
I don't think a car can help us.
*Points outside the window*

*Looks  outside*
Its a plane!

Mommy i'm scared i want dad!
*crying and screaming*

(News man)
We need to go the demons there coming up the stairs!
*Locks door*
We need to do something.

What can we do hide, run, die?!
We can't out run them for ever!
We can't hide from them we will just die.

Cover the door and grab a weapon.
We will all be prepared and we will, we will fight them!
We should we should hide the children and the mother.
In fact we all block the door and grab a weapon we will hide and wait.
If they find one of us we will all attack at once.
If they don't find anyone we stay hidden till they pass alright everyone go!

Dose what was suggested.
Hears banging and clashing.

*Speaking some kind of unknown words.

*peeking through door*

To be continued. 

© 2017 August R Lalanne

Author's Note

August R Lalanne
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Added on December 17, 2017
Last Updated on December 17, 2017


August R Lalanne
August R Lalanne

Indianapolis, IN

My name is august I love art, music and writing among many other things. I wish to be a artist and a writer. Look i don't know if ill get far in life no matter how hard i try but im still going to.. more..
