I tried to write a story about god.

I tried to write a story about god.

A Story by August R Lalanne

This just happened might i add.

I was writing about god and how you don't have to have faith in any religion to be a good person and i tell you what the whole thing crashed just as i was about to be done. I joke not i think i made god mad. That or i just have ironic timing for it to mess up.

© 2017 August R Lalanne

Author's Note

August R Lalanne
I do not like talking about faith and stuff like that. It ends bad all the time.

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Added on November 20, 2017
Last Updated on November 20, 2017


August R Lalanne
August R Lalanne

Indianapolis, IN

My name is august I love art, music and writing among many other things. I wish to be a artist and a writer. Look i don't know if ill get far in life no matter how hard i try but im still going to.. more..
