Why do i write?

Why do i write?

A Story by August R Lalanne

I guess you can say the reason i write is so i can show who i am show what i think. I also want to make it as a career, that among other things. I desire to be a writer and artist and singer, though they all are very hard to do so in life. Though making art is something i enjoy very much, same goes for music i love music and always sing when i feel pain of emotional things. But when it comes to writing that comes deep with in my mind  actions thoughts feeling they all mix into writing such as my art and music. So i hope to  make a career out of my art, music, and writing. And even if i don't i still will make them from my heart. Enjoy life and everything that makes you, you.

© 2017 August R Lalanne

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Added on November 1, 2017
Last Updated on November 1, 2017


August R Lalanne
August R Lalanne

Indianapolis, IN

My name is august I love art, music and writing among many other things. I wish to be a artist and a writer. Look i don't know if ill get far in life no matter how hard i try but im still going to.. more..
