The frozen daughter

The frozen daughter

A Chapter by August R Lalanne

Ever wanted a to hear a twisted story about some well known story's well here you go the Twisted versions by August L.

Once upon a time in a small kingdom lived a king and queen. They loved each other so much that they decided to build up there kingdom with children. But sadly there kingdom was losing chances of growing when the mother found out she would not be able to have many children. But by great chance the queen gave birth to two children, both were girls, though there was one thing that shocked the king and queen, the first child was born cold as ice. But the child still lived and breathed only due to a spell that was given to the king and queen by a wicked troll. He told the king and queen that someday she will become the most power filled queen of this kingdom to come. That she will grow with beauty and talent to create, but a cold hearted bitter and ruthless. The king and queen wanted the child to live at any cost and so she did. And she did grow beautiful and yet bitter mean and rude despite her mother and father trying to change her. Though soon after they had a second child, and she was more pretty and kind and sweet and the first daughter didn't like that one bit. Now that she wasn't getting her love and full focus from them she had t find a way to get her to watch her. And she found a way indeed she did, she started to sneak out at night and bring snow and ice indoors and blame it on her sister. But that stopped working so she got worse over the years and started to bring animals in the kings freezer. The king and queen began to get scared of there daughter. But they still could do nothing more than punish her. But one day the king and queen had punished her and it struck her so badly that she screamed and didn't stop she ran outside after the maids and cooks tried to grab her to take her to the room. She ran out into the cold of the night the king and  queen tried to stop her but were too late, she was too far out into the storm. nobody could go out there and the kingdom was suddenly under a great and powerful snow storm all the lake froze all the animal froze and all the homes were covered in snow, nobody got in or out of there homes, the kingdom was under snow and ice. nobody could even see where the kingdom started or ends. Many people died from freezing, and starving inside of there homes, animals froze to death, but by the 5th day the snow storm had finally stopped the king and queen in everyone who lived with them were still alive but very sick as well as the king and queen and youngest daughter. But the snow and ice melted suddenly the door fly open and the little girl walks into the king and queens doors, she drops to her knees and is ice cold blue and weak. the king and queen were stunned to see her even alive. And the girl was put in her room and laid to rest as well as many others. The youngest girl snuck into the kitchen to find something to eat hungry, she opened the freezer to find a scary thing she let out a loud scream. The king and queen came running to her and her older sister was standing over cold frozen meats eating them raw and frozen. The mother and father stared at her and pulled the youngest daughter away. But suddenly the older girl lunges at the little girl and the little girl is fighting off her and the king and queen try to keep her off but they are pushed back by the daughter and the queen being so weak as it is falls and cant get back up. the king is then knocked out by slipping on the ice covered floor. The little girl still trying to fight her off she get's one good shove and pushes her into the freezer. The little girl trying to quickly get up, the older daughter gets up and runs at her one last time when the little girl slams the door in her face. THUD and CRACK is heard on the other side of the door. The mother is weakly calling for help and the last maid working there the night finally hears her crys for help. The queen is helped and the king as well the little girl, dosnt move at all she stares at the door and reaches for the door handle but then locks it instead. The king and queen are weak and try to rest but have no idea about the other daughter. And the door to the freezer freezes and can't be opened. The king and queen  soon forget about the older child, and years pass. the king and queen decide to leave the kingdom to find better land to own. And the younger daughter is now of age and owns the kingdom until they return. But sadly for her the ship that they were on hit a large chunch of ice and sinking with the ship was her parents. The youngest daughter now was queen. And one night she was walking through the kingdom and swears she hears a THUD THUD CRACK THUD THUD! She slowly fallowing the sound of the THUDS. She finds her self in the kitchen where nobody has been in for many hours now. THUD THUD! the sound spiing all around her in the room. THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD!!!! Then nothing. She find's herself in front of the freezer door, though nobody has been near it for years there are many old crates and boxes full of junk. She slowly moves the junk out of the way, and see's the once frozen door. unlocked and not frozen anymore. she reaches for the handle slowly and nervous but slowly opens the door to see the cold icy frozen insde of the freezer. nothing but ice and frost, silent and alone. she closes the door and breaths out a cold breath. Crack CRACK crack behind her stood her dead frozen sister. And suddenly everything turned black.
Happy ever after. 

© 2017 August R Lalanne

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You know what, this stuff isnt half bad. The 2nd half and the end Truthfully really took me in.
The style is at first hard to get used beacuse like I said in anther post, its similar to a childsbook with a dark twist. As I read however I am beginning to think this could work as a collection of short scary stories for kids. Similar to the scary stories to tell in the dark books.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

August R Lalanne

6 Years Ago

Srchaud thank you for reviewing my writing i am trying my hardest to become a good writer and this r.. read more


You know what, this stuff isnt half bad. The 2nd half and the end Truthfully really took me in.
The style is at first hard to get used beacuse like I said in anther post, its similar to a childsbook with a dark twist. As I read however I am beginning to think this could work as a collection of short scary stories for kids. Similar to the scary stories to tell in the dark books.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

August R Lalanne

6 Years Ago

Srchaud thank you for reviewing my writing i am trying my hardest to become a good writer and this r.. read more

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1 Review
Added on October 7, 2017
Last Updated on October 19, 2017


August R Lalanne
August R Lalanne

Indianapolis, IN

My name is august I love art, music and writing among many other things. I wish to be a artist and a writer. Look i don't know if ill get far in life no matter how hard i try but im still going to.. more..
