His name was Nemo

His name was Nemo

A Story by August R Lalanne

a short story of how my best friend made things go from hopeful to very unfortunate.


I had plans that were going great for me for so long in fact now that it happened I should have expected it to go down hill. as always I got dipped in a horrible unfair event for that is life right? a long time ago in the middle of the summer I made a new friend who gave me a job offer and I loved it and it was only a seasonal job but a job was very important to me in fact it was going to finally get me out of a rut that I had been stuck in for so very long. I would have money to get what I need and money to spare oh how the joy of the idea had came to burn in front of my face my friend Nemo told me a better more well paying job was in for me so I join him instead of the other job and well he made the big mistake of not telling me that it was less hours less days and oh how I turned into a rage when he told me this because it was a rage of hatred and anger burning in me I could get the other job now it was to late and he ruined my chance s to get so much more money so now im stuck in a even bigger rut that when if began if spent money and stuff to work and now the work basically is eating everything up stuck in a rut so deep in a hole of deep sorrow I maybe on the street I owe money all because of a  lie all because of a selfless act all because someone didn't tell the right facts now I say this don't trust even your best of friends with out them full evidence to not screw up everything worse!

© 2017 August R Lalanne

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Added on September 7, 2017
Last Updated on September 7, 2017


August R Lalanne
August R Lalanne

Indianapolis, IN

My name is august I love art, music and writing among many other things. I wish to be a artist and a writer. Look i don't know if ill get far in life no matter how hard i try but im still going to.. more..
