A sad short sory.

A sad short sory.

A Story by August R Lalanne

Two friends that speak to each other by sending messages and letters.


Hello friend

Its nice to be here, as you can see, I am just as free as a bee.

Hello buddy

I can see it’s nice to see you be free.

Hello friend

I am going on a trip.

Hello buddy

That’s very cool where do you plan to go?

Hello friend

I plan to go very far; far away to happy place I want you to be happy all right?

Hello buddy

Why so far away don’t you enjoy being where you are? Also if so why leave anyways?

Hello friend

Im afraid I don’t really like this location since I am free there’s no point in staying in one place right?

Hello buddy

I wouldn’t know im still in one place don’t you recall?

Hello friend

Im afraid I just don’t care anymore I love the talks we have had threw the years don’t you?

Hello buddy

Well yes but why change our convo is there something on your mind?

Hello friend

Im sorry I heard them talking they say that your bad and I cant talk to you anymore im sorry.

Hello buddy

What do you mean how can you say that ive done nothing wrong?

Hello buddy

Are you there I didn’t get a message are you okay?

Hello buddy…

I feel sad I don’t know if you still get these letters or read them... im sorry for what ever I did please forgive me…


It’s been months I hope your okay, im very ill, doctors say I wont live much longer, I hope that you’ll forgive me for what ive done. Please be well my buddy.

Buddy… last years left they said… im sorry this is my last letter I am too weak and ill they say tomorrows my last day… I hope your okay... Goodbye my dearest buddy…

Hello friend

Im sorry ive been away they told to stay away are you okay?

Hello friend

I got your letter your alright aren’t you?

Hello friend?!

Please speak to me I, I am sorry I left!

Hello friend!!!!!!

Friend please don’t be gone before me

Friend… I loved you; you’re the best friend I ever had im sorry I left for no good reason.

© 2017 August R Lalanne

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Added on July 26, 2017
Last Updated on July 26, 2017


August R Lalanne
August R Lalanne

Indianapolis, IN

My name is august I love art, music and writing among many other things. I wish to be a artist and a writer. Look i don't know if ill get far in life no matter how hard i try but im still going to.. more..
