![]() Chapter Four ~ WonderfulA Chapter by aubreydiamondHoly s**t. I spun around immediately, as if that
somehow was going to make me invisible. I was panicking. Luke was standing right behind me. I was NOT prepared for
this. I could feel sweat trailing down my forehead within seconds; my heart was
in my throat. I couldn't move. Thank f**k Juniper was standing right in front of me. She must've just
felt my whole energy change because she came closer to me and grabbed my hand.
She knew everything that'd happened between us, so right now she was playing
the role of my brain. Zeb was standing to the side, looking
conflicted between loving the drama and supporting his best friend. He hadn't
had enough alcohol in his system to wipe out his common sense yet, and he came
over to stand with us both, careful not to get his shoes in the water. I felt like I stood here in this
panic-stricken-state for an hour, but after a mere five seconds I turned my
head to look back at Luke's direction. He hadn't moved. Apparently he hadn't
expected to see me either. But he was here. Standing there with his sandy blonde messy hair, peachy skin
and dark blue eyes: the boy I'd been with since I was allowed to have a
boyfriend. The boy who held my hand on the first day of college, who I lost my
virginity to, who I spent almost every day and every night with. We were best
friends and then some if there was another level above that. But then I
remember how things changed. How he turned into the boy who thought we were
drifting apart, who thought we were going in different directions, who left
town and moved away without a f*****g word, who showed up on the f*****g island
weeks after he vanished and… I'm FUCKED OFF. ‘You okay, babe?’ Zeb asked quietly. ‘Fine.’ I said through my teeth. I stormed across the shore towards the
crowd, completely ignoring Luke as I went. I could see from the corner of my
eye that he was following me with his, I wanted him to feel how fucked off i was, really feel how much he hurt me when he disappeared. I didn't do anything
wrong. There was one time my mother tried to break us up but that was just
because she considered him a low life with nothing going for him. Kinda
starting to wonder the same myself. Juniper and Zeb followed after me. I
was really grateful they were here right now. I don't know how long it would
take me to get back to the mainland but I wouldn't say I'm the best swimmer
exactly. Whether or not Luke followed us, I
didn't care. He'd be brave if he did. We rounded the corner of the inlet and
made our way to the hub of the party, which had begun to increase within the
short time we’d been here. A couple of the girls were already
dancing on the bench tops, and the boys were competing with one another to see
who could finish their drinks first. I didn't want to join in with anyone other
than my real friends. If I had known the night was going to pan out like this
I'd have most definitely found some kind of excuse not to be here. Now I really
feel like getting drunk. ‘Pass me the wine,’ I said, brandishing
my hand out to Juniper. She looked at Zeb with wide eyes and handed me the
bottle slowly. I took such a long and deep gulp that I
just about choked and coughed it all back up through my nose. ‘Whoa, whoa! Take it easy!’ Juniper
cries. ‘Alright, Arie!’ Zeb cheered. It tasted like s**t, but immediately I
felt a kind of weight lift off my shoulders and my brain. Jesus I really am a
light weight. Suppose that's a good thing though. Luke appeared from the corner, hands in
pockets and head bowed like a dog who knew he was in trouble. He wasn't looking
in my direction, but heading towards the other boys. I hadn't noticed before but Carzel was
here too, blended amongst the masculinity of the other guys, I'm surprised I
hadn't noticed his dreads; they were out of their usual large bun and almost
reached his knees. It always amazed me that someone as chilled and calm as
Carzel found company with the boys from our school. They weren't all bad, don't
get me wrong, he was just so level headed compared to them. But each to their
own I guess. Carzel noticed Luke approaching, and
judging by his expression he didn't look happy to see him either. The two had
always been close, so something must be really up for Carzel to be mad with
him. Maybe Luke didn't tell Carzel he was leaving either? If that somehow could
have made me feel better, it didn't. Luke looked awkward and uncomfortable.
And so he should. I turned my back away from him and faced the ocean. I think
this alcohol was starting to make me feel a bit better, as long as I can block
him out. I had both Juniper and Zeb on either
side of me. We were sharing one of the benches furthest away from the group but
close enough not to look like we were excluding ourselves. Not that we cared
about that. Chloe was sitting not too far from us,
glancing up and down from her book that she hadn't put down. She really was an
unusual girl but there was something about her that I quite liked. ‘So where the f**k are we sleeping,’
Zeb asked out of the blue. He still had his copious baggage perched next to
him. ‘Are you moving over to the island?’
Juniper joked, looking at his portable mountain. ‘F**k no; if I'm going to sleep I'm
going to be comfortable.’ ‘I think it might just be wherever you
can find,’ I said. ‘I don't think a few of these guys are planning on
sleeping.’ The boys were throwing sleeping bags and pillows around in an effort
to measure stupidity. They reminded me of baboons. A few pillows were now
floating in the water, much to their delight. ‘I'm going to find the nicest and
softest patch of Mother Earth and just watch the stars,’ Juniper said dreamily. ‘Eugh,
I’ll sleep in the boat then.’ A couple of the girls were crushing up
something with an eftpos card on the bench top and snorting it through a rolled
up bank note. ‘I would hate to think what's been on
these tables.’ Juniper laughed. The night only continued to escalate to
absolute chaos as time went on. Within an hour practically every single person
here was stumbling and slurring their words, far too intoxicated for their own
good. Girls had lost shoes and cell phones and half of the boys had ripped all
their clothes, bar underwear to wrestle. ‘And I’m the gay one,’ Zeb said watching. The boys with disgust. Considering we were on an island
without the means of first aid or the stability of a sober person - and that
most definitely was not going to be me - no one really seemed to care much
about what was going to happen. I wasn't what I would call drunk, but I
definitely felt sillier than usual; at least coherent enough to know I'll
remember this tomorrow though. Juniper and Zeb had finished the bottle
of wine a while ago and were onto the vodka that Zeb had in his bag. I passed
on the spirits, not trusting the impossibly clear liquid. These two were used
to me turning drinks down, it didn't stop them from offering, but they'd both
be more than happy to drink on my behalf. I have good friends. The speaker that was first brought out
had run out of battery, but another even bigger portable sound system with
amplified bass was replaced and took things to the next level. The music choice
of the evening had gone from classic jams to bullshit mainstream rap which none
of us enjoyed that much. This was our cue to disperse before anything bad went
down. We made our way back to the shore that
the boats were parked up and found a nice little spot underneath a huge native
tree. We sat down on the ground, Zeb putting his denim jacket down to sit on
top of so his pants wouldn't get dirty. I didn't dare tell him there was
already a grass stain on the back of his calf. In the moonlight I could just see
Chloe’s figure over the railing, who had removed herself completely from the
activity and found a spot on the nearest boat to sleep. She had the right idea. ‘Jeeeeesus, I’m rather tiddled.’
Juniper said, half laughing as she fell onto the trunk of the tree. I didn't
notice it until she said it but as soon as we’d left the commotion the alcohol
in my system seemed to double again, even though I didn't have very much it was
enough for me to feel its charm. ‘Yeah, me too to be honest.’ I said. I
realised this was the first time I’d spoken in the last couple hours. I'd been
internalising. ‘There she is!’ Zeb grinned at me.
‘You've been rather quiet this evening.’ ‘Gee, I wonder why? F*****g a*****e,
how can he be so thick? After everything,’
I snapped. I still felt angry. Still pissed off that Luke had the audacity to
show up tonight. But now that I’d had time to process it a little, I knew my
friends didn't deserve to feel the brunt of my rage. ‘S**t... sorry guys.’ ‘Girl,’ said Zeb. ‘You don't need to be sorry,’ Juniper
said putting her hand on my knee. ‘This is his doing. I don't think anyone was
expecting to see him show up.’ ‘Why the f**k did he come then?’ I
exclaimed. ‘Like, seriously. If you’ve disappeared for weeks with no
explanation, why would you want to come back and confused the s**t out of
everyone?’ Confuse the s**t out of me. ‘Maybe he had some intense s**t
happening behind closed doors?’ Zeb wondered aloud, lighting a cigarette. ‘But I know him! Well at least I
thought I did. There wasn't anything going on for him that I thought was out of
the ordinary, and there definitely wasn't anything bad enough for me to be
concerned. Sure he may have had some fights with his mum, but is that really
bad enough to want to chuck it all in and vanish off the face of the earth?’ ‘What is his mum like?’ Asked Zeb. ‘I- I don't really know. I only met her
a few times. She's a bit of a stoner, but she didn't seem that bad. I never
really spent much time at his house or even around his family.’ ‘And you were together how long?!’ Zeb said. ‘Since primary school, I know. We were
always… doing things out and about-
and no not like that Zeb, like going to the movies, or going for walks or just
camping out under the stars somewhere. We were more interested in spending time
with each other than our families. Neither of our mothers are our favourite
people.’ It had been a while since I really
reflected back on mine and Luke's relationship. I'd forgotten how much fun we
used to have together. ‘Maybe there were just some things he
couldn't share,’ Juniper suggested. ‘He might've wanted to keep you away from
some bad s**t.’ ‘By lying?’ ‘Well, you could look at it that way,’
Juniper said. ‘Or you could see it as him trying to protect you. I didn't
really get to know him as well as you did, but I could see the way he cared
about you. I'm an empath, I can feel s**t.’ ‘I don't know…’ I was only feeling more confused now.
Luke and I had always had an honest and open relationship, and there was never
any kind of inclination that he was keeping anything from me. But when he left,
it was like he suddenly died. He'd completely vanished from the world and in
the blink of an eye was gone from the lives of the people who cared about him
the most. Like me. And now I'm left to wonder why. He's
still here; in fact he’s here, here.
And yet I can't help but feel like there this huge explanation that I can't
see, hear or feel, and our entire relationship was built on a foundation of
lies. Maybe I should talk to him. I don't know if I could, my fist might punch
him before I get a chance to open my mouth. Just then, the crunching sound of shoes
on the beach rocks grew louder. Like some twisted stroke of fate I was
expecting Luke to appear around the bend, and judging from Juniper and Zeb’s
faces they were too; but it was Carzel, and he looked incredibly coherent for
what he must have just walked away from. ‘Hey,’ he said. ‘Can I join you guys?’ ‘Of course!’ Juniper exclaimed before
we could. I couldn't tell in this light, but I think she was blushing. Carzel came closer and sat in the
available space of our semi-circle, enclosing it. Looking a bit bothered, he
pulled out a metal tin with a picture of Jesus on the lid from his pocket and
opened it. The unmistakable scent of marijuana erupted from the tiny box. I'd
never tried it myself but I had no issue with it. Most of my friends smoked pot
and the worst it did to them was make them either sleepy or hungry. Usually
both. ‘Do you guys mind?’ He asked us. ‘Only if you're going to pass it
round,’ Zeb said, looking at the tins contents with a happy expression. ‘Of course bro,’ Carzel grinned. He
pulled a Rasta-coloured metal contraption from his pocket. He put some of the
weed in the red, yellow and green device, closed it, and twisted it like a
pepper shaker. Soon the contents had turned to crumbs and he delicately
sprinkled it into a v-shaped paper he plucked from the tin. I'd never seen it
done so eloquently. He licked it, rolled it shut, and
without wasting any time lit the joint. He took a big long drag and held it in
for a few moments before billowing out an enormous cloud like a dragon. Juniper
was definitely blushing. ‘You don't seem too trollied,’ Zeb said
taking the joint from Carzel who passed it to him. ‘I've had one drink,’ he replied. ‘But
then I just didn't feel like. Ya know?’ ‘You okay?’ I asked him. He shrugged,
and I could tell exactly why. ‘Luke?’ He nodded. ‘I don't get it,’ he started. I could
already feel like he'd been waiting for the opportunity to let this out. ‘He's
practically been one of my brothers growing up for my whole life, and one
morning I wake up and find a note telling me he's moved away, and then outta the fucken blue he shows up tonight trying to act like nothing’s happened.’ ‘Nice that he left you a note,’ I said.
I knew how close Carzel and Luke had always been, Luke and his mother didn't
always see eye to eye so he spent a lot of time with Carzel’s family. But I was
his girlfriend, and I didn't even get a visit, a phone call or even a f*****g
text. ‘It didn't say much. Other than he had
already left and that he would still pay me back.’ ‘Wait, What?’ I said. This was news to
me. ‘Pay you back for what?’ ‘I leant him a couple grand, I don't
know what it was for, but he seemed pretty desperate for it. I didn't ask
questions, I don't think he wanted to answer any.’ ‘When was this?’ I could feel my
heartbeat increasing. I think Juniper could too. ‘Earlier in the year, maybe June? I had
some money stashed from birthdays and Christmas’. I wouldn't have given it to
just anyone. Shouldn't have even given it to him to be honest.’ ‘You can't blame yourself for that
though,’ Juniper said, taking the joint from Zeb on its second rotation. ‘You
were only doing a good deed.’ I’d zoned out. I was still processing
this information that Carzel had just unfolded. Why the f**k did Luke need
money, a couple grand at that? He'd never made any inclination that he was in
trouble, s**t, he was never the kind
of person to even get into trouble. He wasn't the highest achiever nor did he
come from the most “successful” family, but i always thought his morals were in
the right place? Right? Aaah, f**k I'm just going in circles with this. But I didn't know where else to go
other than around in circles. When he left I didn't know if that was the end of
our relationship or not. I'd accepted that it was after a month of him gone,
but now I don't f*****g know where I stand. ‘Aroha?’ I jumped at my name. Carzel, Zeb and
Juniper were all looking at me. ‘You alright?’ Carzel said. ‘Sort of.’ I didn't really know how I
felt. ‘Maybe you could talk to him?’ Carzel suggested. ‘Ha - What would I even say?’ I
chortled. I could think of a few sharp words… ‘You shouldn't have to say anything.’
Zeb piped up, taking the final drag of the joint and stubbing it out. ‘He
should be the one with something to say to you. You were - are his girlfriend after all.’ ‘Am I though?’ ‘Yes.’ A voice that I knew all too well spoke
from behind me. Luke ambled over from the shore, focusing mainly his attention
on Carzel and myself. Carzel however, didn't seem interested in conversing. ‘Shall we go and have another sesh?’ He
said to Zeb and Juniper, sensing his opportunity to leave me and Luke alone to
talk. Great. ‘I thought you'd never ask, Uncle Bob.’
Zeb said, hopping up from his spot. Carzel offered a hand to Juniper and helped
her to her feet, before turning to Luke and giving him what I could feel was a
cold stare. The three walked away a little further down the shore. Juniper was
looking back towards me and mouthed “love you” to me. For a few moments, he just stood there
watching Carzel walk away. The sound of the music was still there but I could
barely hear it. It felt like we’d just fallen into a pocket dimension of our
own. I'm not entirely sure i wanted to be here right now. This was the first time in over a month
we’d been in each other's company. The last time we were together we’d gone to
the movies, had a nice dinner and gone for a long walk. I guess you could say
it was the ideal date, but if I'd known how the next month was going to pan out
I wouldn't have stood for any of it. ‘Can I sit down?’ He asked. ‘I don't know, can you? You seem to be
good at making decisions without talking to others about it.’ I realised how
stupid and catty that sounded but god it felt good to throw it at him. He walked over and sat down next to me.
I could feel the warmth coming off of his arm only a few inches away from mine.
I shuffled over a little so I wasn't so close to him. He could feel my
reluctance, but I could tell he was guilty about it too. Good. ‘Aroha,’ he began. I turned to look at
him properly. He was struggling to find the words he wanted, but in that moment,
even though I was furious, I couldn't help but notice how much older he looked.
His forehead seemed to be more crinkled than I remember, and his stubble had
grown out longer than he'd usually let it. His eyes looked tired too, the kind
of tired that doesn't come from lack of sleep. ‘What's going on with you?’ I said,
finally finding my voice to speak what I wanted to say. ‘How could you f*****g
do this? Do I really have to tell you how much our relationship meant? Because
I was pretty f*****g certain that you felt exactly the same way and we were on
the same page.’ ‘We were- are! And I know how much we care about each other. I at least know
how much I care about you, Aro.’ ‘Don't call me that.’ That was his
nickname for me. Nobody else called me Aro. And I could tell that telling him
not to upset him. He started to cry. I'd never seen him cry before. Ever. It
was scary. His face scrunched up the way a child's does. But almost as soon as
he'd started, he pulled himself out of it, wiping his eyes and taking a deep
breath. This was the first time I felt like there actually was something bigger happening that I didn't know, yet I was still
angry. ‘I'm
so sorry,’ he whispered, not looking at me. ‘I didn't mean for it to all
happen like this, honestly, I didn't. I didn't think I was going to have to
move away so suddenly.’ ‘I didn't think you were moving away at
all. But you did. And it ripped everything here to shreds.’ ‘I know, I know. I didn't really get
much of a choice though.’ ‘Luke,’ I called for him to look me in
the eyes. He turned his head hesitantly. ‘We told each other everything. We were completely honest
with one another about everything. So
why do I feel like there's something that you're not telling me?’ He took a moment to process what I was
saying. He took another few moments to gather his words together. ‘My Dad was murdered. His mutilated
body was found in the car park of a super market.’ he said very quietly. ‘Then
they came looking me and mum. I had to leave otherwise they would have killed
me. Mum managed to pay them off with her weed stockpile, thank f**k, but they
were asking where I was.’ ‘They?
Who’re they?’ ‘The mob, the gangs, all of those
guys.’ He said, eyes glistening with tears. ‘My Dad was an idiot and it
backfired on him when he was pissed. Then we got caught in it. I had to leave
without saying anything. I wanted to come back as soon as I left, I really did.
I just couldn't risk them getting to you just to get to me. Your mother already
hates me enough as it is.’ ‘Is that what the money from Carzel was
for? Running away?’ The way he looked at me was clearly surprise;
I could tell he wasn't expecting me to know that. ‘The less i shared the better. Loose
lips sink ships.’ ‘You know I wouldn't have f*****g said anything.’ ‘I know you wouldn't have, Aro. But
these people can be ruthless; they have ways of finding s**t out. I thought if
I laid low enough for a while it would all blow over, and I could come back.’ I don't know what was harder to
swallow; the fact he was here, or the fact that there was this whole other
mob-affiliated aspect to his life I was only just finding out. I didn't know
how I felt about this. Something still didn't feel right. But looking at his
face told me a story of someone who looked defeated by stress. ‘How did you keep this part of your
life hidden from everyone?’ I said,
thinking of Carzel. ‘You think I knew what my dad’s s****y
life was like before he died?’ He snapped. He looked angry. ‘Once my mum was up
the duff with me he gapped it, never to be seen again. I - I didn't even know
who he was until he was dead, Aro. I had to discover what kind of s****y person
he was from a police report. This was just as much a f*****g shock to me as it
was to you.’ He looked away, and took a deep breath in, wiping his eyes. We didn't speak for a few moments, but
looked out into the ocean that was now glistening under the moon beams. In what
was the most unusual translation of emotion, my anger suddenly transformed into
worry. There may have still been a small ounce of me that was fucked off with
him, but after hearing him speak and watching him battle with his emotions to
tell me, I couldn't help but worry for his well-being. I hadn't seen him this troubled, and it
seemed to have come out of nowhere too. But things didn't still add up
completely. ‘Why did you come back tonight, Luke?’
I said gently. He looked back at me with a sudden sparkle in his eye. ‘I had to come back to see you.’ My heart fell into my stomach. ‘How the f**k did you know I'd be here?
You looked shocked to see me when you got off the boat.’ ‘I wasn't going to come to the island
if you didn't show up tonight. But you did. I just didn't know what to do when
you saw me. I guess I panicked.’ You and me both. He looked embarrassed. ‘You didn't even come to see Carzel?
Not your own mother? Not any of your other friends that care about you?’ ‘No. I just came here to see you.’ I could feel myself blushing, my whole
being shifting. Luke was the only person who could do this to me, start a
mental war inside of my head; I was angry, sad, worried, and even happy, as
funny as it seems. Being here with him, despite the circumstances, felt like
old times. It even felt weird to consider those memories as “old times”. We
were still so young. ‘I have to get out of town by the
morning,’ he said. I felt like a blade was just pushed into my chest. ‘It was
just eating me up knowing you were here, suffering. I had to see you.’ He wasn't breaking his gaze with me. I
forgot how magical his sapphire eyes were. They were always masters of
hypnosis, especially when it came to me. He was edging a little closer to me. ‘When am I going to get to see you
again?’ I said. He didn't answer me. The music from the part suddenly filled
our secluded space. Luke's face cracked into his wide, cheeky signature grin.
It took me a moment to realise, but our favourite song began to play. Did the world get a
little bit colder? Not wiser just a
little bit older So slow that we're
bound to fall over, Did the heart grow a
little bit harder Too much, too late,
too far, too gone He leaned right into me, and our lips
met. I couldn't remember the last time we’d kissed, but it felt like it was our
first time again, when he stayed over in secret or we’d agreed to meet during
lunch breaks at school. It was something so familiar and yet so foreign. But wasn't it kind of
wonderful? Wasn't it kind of
wonderful, baby? Wasn't it kind of
wonderful, wonderful? His rough hands began to trace my legs
and my hips. I couldn't help my own from feeling his chiselled jaw, or the
softness of his messy hair. We shouldn't have been doing this, but if this was
the last time I was going to see him for a while, he had to know that I still
loved him. We couldn't have been in a more beautiful place. You can trip, flick a
switch negative Break the circuit
between us But electricity
lingers In our fingers Oh you can burn every
fuse and refuse Turn your positive
minus Electricity lingers In our fingers ‘You really are the most beautiful girl
I've ever met.’ He began taking my clothes off, and I
his. The cold didn't bother us or our naked skin. There was warmth between our
bodies that couldn't be eradicated. From here there’s
nothing but horizon Near dawn, I'm
searching for the sunrise Remember when you put
the stars into my eyes. We were together. I'd let everything
go. I didn't care. I wasn't mad. I don't know what I was. All I knew is that I
was here with someone I loved with all my heart and soul. That was enough for
me. Wasn't it kind of
wonderful? Wasn't it kind of
wonderful, baby? Wasn't it kind of
wonderful, wonderful? © 2019 aubreydiamond |
StatsAuthor![]() aubreydiamondNew ZealandAboutI come in peace! My name is Aubrey, I’ve been a creative witch for as long as I can remember. Writing, drawing and all of the creative outlets have been my source of magic since I could craf.. more..Writing