![]() ITA Poem by Allison Nakasone![]() A poem about rape.![]() It’s eyes were bright bright filled with the promise of future yearning for what it could be. When it was younger it’s mom told it that it would become something, something special. It would look into the mirror every morning It would smile a smile that would travel forever Today would be another day; another day to take on its dreams. It would walk down the street buds in ears, humming along, voice sweet and melodic not a care in the world. It walks down the street listening to music like any other day. It is smiling; you see it; but it does not see you. It does not know of you till your hand is on its mouth, Till your hand digs a knife into its back, Till your whispers breach its ears, Till your whispers breach its ears. It’s clothes are but paper as you rip them off. Your hold its wrists together; it tries to break free our your hold; twisting and turning under you body screaming for help desperately calling out for... You push a knife to its throat. It whispers now: begging you to stop, begging you to let it go. Your sweat drips on it. It begs again now For it to be over, For someone to hear its cries, For someone to make it stop, For someone to end its pain, End it. It walks down the street. It does not listen to music. It does not let its mind wander. It walks briskly to its destination. It does not feel special; in fact, It feels repulsive, Unwanted, Disgusting, Like it’s skin is permanently slimy from your touch It looks in the mirror; but it does not smile. It looks in the mirror and only feels hate for itself It’s eyes are vacant, Lifeless. How dare you rob the brightness from its eyes And How dare you strip its title. For it is a he And he was never an it © 2016 Allison Nakasone |