![]() The Lawns - episode 5A Screenplay by T M Atkinson![]() The Exam Factor![]() The Lawns " tales from a summer school by T M ATKINSON EPISODE FIVE " THE EXAM FACTOR
(Cut to the main hall. It is set up for the exam with one student to a table. Verona and Katie are putting papers on each tables.)
NARRATOR: Judgement day has finally arrived at Stepan-Briggs. The students will be taking their final exams today. The results won't have a massive bearing on their own academic future, but for Katie and Norman, the pass rate is vital to determine if their school is a success.
(Cut to a talking head of Katie)
KATIE: This is the day of reckoning...until the next one. All the students were up exceptionally early this morning and I've seen a lot of nervous faces already...and that's just the teachers.
(Camera pans quickly round to show Jack walking in towards Verona who leaves the papers and starts kissing him)
KATIE: Its a long and a trying day for the students and then they've got to wait until tomorrow to the results. We'll know how they've done about two hours later, but we like to add a touch of drama to things and let them know the following morning. That's the way we do things around here...always drama...
(Paper falls on the floor as Verona and Jack continue to kiss. Katie turns and sees them)
KATIE: For God's sake can you stop trying to eat each other and get back to work?!
(Both Jack and Verona stop. Jack leaves and Verona gets back to work)
KATIE: Always drama... 1 END OF SCENE
(Cut to the staff room. Everyone, except Tom, is in there)
NARRATOR: In the staff room, all are gathered ready for briefing. The day will seem very long to the staff and they need to know precisely what they will be doing.
NORMAN: Right, good morning everyone. Is everyone fit and healthy? Everyone is here aren't they Mike?
MIKE: I don't think Tom's here yet, Norman.
NORMAN: Christ! Anyone seen him this morning?
MIKE: Nina, have you seen him?
(Nina looks at Sarah who just shakes her head)
NORMAN: Of all the days to throw a sickie...
(Tom runs in)
TOM: Sorry I'm late.
NORMAN: Never mind lets get on...
(Tom tries to get Sarah's attention. She ignores him)
NORMAN: Right, it goes like this. Teachers, you will all be invigilating. All two hours of it and remember, no speaking to the students and no pointing out answers, no matter how tempting it might be. When time is up, collect the papers, then dismiss the students. They get one hour for lunch, then bring them back in for their speaking exam. 2 CARL: (Whispering to Tom) By the way, in case you're interested, everything worked last night.
TOM: I couldn't care less.
CARL: Five times...he was a stallion...and he cuddled me after.
TOM: (Shouting) For the love of God, I don't care about your bum sex!
(Stunned silence)
NORMAN: OK...Jack and David, you have the half of the speaking test and Tom and Carl, you have the the other half. Maybe you could keep talk of bum sex until after the exam. Right that moves me on to tonight and its the dreaded staff talent show. Now, I'm not going to force any of you to do anything...but you're all going to do something. The list is going up during lunch, rehearsals at five, show starts at eight. Any questions?
NORMAN: Lets get going then.
(Staff talk to each other. Tom goes up to Sarah who starts walking away)
TOM: Sarah, could I talk to you?
SARAH: There's nothing to talk about.
TOM: I think there is.
SARAH: There isn't. We not a couple. You can sleep with whoever you want. 3 TOM: Listen, can we go for a drink later?
SARAH: Can't. We've got that talent show. I've got to go, I've got work to do...so do you.
(Sarah leaves. Tom looks down. David comes up behind Tom with all the other teachers)
DAVID: Come on Thomas. Lets go invigilate.
CARL: We are a new breed of superhero " coming to a cinema near you, they pace up and down the hall, they seek out the copying cheaters and hand out spare pencils, they are the invigilators!
IAN: Shut up Carl!
(All leave)
(Cut to show the students queuing up outside the main hall)
CAMERAMAN: (To a group of six students) How are you all feeling?
(Students murmur)
STUDENT 1: A little nervous.
STUDENT 2: Really scared.
CAMERAMAN: (To another student) How are you feeling?
STUDENT 3: I'm fine. This is going to be the easy test I've ever taken! 4 CAMERAMAN: How can you be that confident over your English speaking skills?
STUDENT 3: Because my father works at the Spanish Embassy in London.
CAMERAMAN: Oh...you stand a good chance then?
STUDENT 3: For sure.
(Katie, Verona and the teachers arrive and stand in front of the students)
KATIE: Good morning everyone. I do hope everyone had a good night's sleep and that no-one is scared about this. All we ask is that you do your best and you will pass easily. OK, in you go quietly and find your seat...
(The students file in one at a time, followed by the teachers)
CARL: They pace all around to send cheats down " The Invigilators.
IAN: Seriously Carl, shut up!
(All go in and the door shuts)
(Cut to the staff room where the activity staff are busy preparing the staff talent show)
NARRATOR: Meanwhile in the staff room, the activity staff are busy preparing the staff talent show " the one day of the holiday in which they go the extra mile to give the students the best night possible in entertainment. Just a few minutes of embarrassment for the staff provides a lifetime's worth of memories for the students.
5 ADAM: Has anybody seen the ABBA costumes?
ZACK: I think we keep them in the homosexual closet.
(Adam looks at Zack)
ZACK: Sorry, its in the back cupboard.
(Nina goes over to talk to Sarah)
NINA: Sarah, I'm really sorry. Its just sort of slipped out.
SARAH: (Sarcastically) What did? Tom?
NINA: No! He was more in and out. I meant because I accidentally told Mike.
SARAH: Nina, its fine really. Its not like we're together is it? Anyway, that's not the reason why I'm annoyed with him.
NINA: So what is it?
SARAH: The fact that he thought I would sleep with Mike. The thought of that makes my skin crawl.
(Mike enters)
MIKE: Do you know what else crawls Sarah?
SARAH: Hang on Mike, can I finish this sentence please? Do you know what else crawls Sarah? I've got to say my penis and something else that has a form of sexual innuendo because I believe the only way to get female attention is to act like a total prick. That's my answer! 6 MIKE: (Short pause) No, the answer is a toddler...
(Mike starts pacing around the room)
MIKE: OK people, where are we with this talent show?
ZACK: We have some costumes, some decorations and now we need some talent.
MIKE: Have you put the big dog down?
ZACK: The cook's dog isn't ill again is he?
MIKE: No dumbass! I'm the big dog. Gonna show my moves!
ZACK: Ha! You have the moves of man with super glue on his feet!
MIKE: I'll have you know Zack that Len Goodman once said that my dancing was the best he'd ever seen and that I should turn pro. What else is happening Nina?
NINA: We've got Katie, Norman, Zack and Carl performing Mamma Mia. Marco requested that one. Yourself dancing, we have Ian and David performing Don't go breaking my heart, Jack and Verona will be performing a dance to a love ballad and I've put Tom down to sing as well.
MIKE: What's he singing? Only the lonely? Can't live without you?
SARAH: Ha! That's excellent Mike. No, I don't know what he's singing, but I'll tell you what I'm singing in my intro, two tracks that I've written, the first one is called Mike Black and the small weaponry and the second is called Destiny £100 an hour. 7 ZACK: You called Destiny again?
MIKE: Shut up Zack.
SARAH: Actually, keep talking Zack.
ZACK: Destiny is an escort that Mike knows. Whenever he has a dry spell or needs to make someone jealous, he calls Destiny.
MIKE: If anyone laughs at that, they do double shifts until the end of the summer!
(A short silence followed by everyone laughing. Norman enters)
NORMAN: What are we all laughing at?
MIKE: Something that isn't funny and something that will get them no days off for the next five weeks?
NORMAN: Oh stop it Mike, you're not Pol Pot. I just need to have a word with all of you. First of all, I just want to say a massive well done to everyone here. You've all worked really and deserve a huge pat on the back and I look forward to a great staff talent show tonight.
NINA: It'll be great. You're in the ABBA tribute.
NORMAN: Make sure I'm Frieda. I've got the legs for it! Secondly, £100 has gone missing from the petty cash. I'm not too bothered about it, I just want you to be a tad more careful when making purchases. Remember the receipt for anything. I'll let this go, just remember next time. OK?
8 (Norman leaves. Everyone looks at Mike who realises everyone is looking at him)
MIKE: What?
NINA: You never did?
MIKE: Never did what?
SARAH: You paid for an escort with company money? Mike, that's really low, even for you.
MIKE: Ha! You're talking crap Sarah. Its nothing to do with me. Now, can you carry on please?
(Mike leaves. Others talk about what just happened)
(Cut back to the main hall. The students are working. The teachers, Katie and Verona are all stood together)
NARRATOR: The exam is an hour in and the students are working well. With one hour to go, the teachers have to find a way to kill time.
KATIE: (whispering) Only one hour to go.
DAVID: (whispering) This is the worst part of it. Just clock watching.
CARL: (whispering) Well, lets have some fun to pass the time.
JACK: (whispering) What? Me and Verona type fun?
9 CARL: (whispering) Not that type of fun! Just something like go up and walk behind the student who you think will get the highest mark.
IAN: (whispering) OK, well you start.
(Carl nods. He walks, goes up behind a female student, stops and walks back)
CARL: (whispering to Ian) Your turn.
IAN: (whispering) I've got a better idea...Pacman.
CARL: (whispering) I'm listening...
IAN: (whispering) You walk in and out of the tables and David and I have to try and catch you.
CARL: (whispering) That sounds like fun. I'll start.
(Carl starts weaving in and out of the tables)
IAN: (whispering to the others) Anyone fancy a quick coffee? Carl said he's OK for a few minutes.
KATIE: (whispering) Me and Verona will stay, but you guys go, back in ten.
(Teachers leave. Carl continues to walk in between tables)
KATIE: (To Verona) I don't even want to know what he's doing!
(Carl continues walking)
END OF SCENE 10 (Cut to Norman and Mike in the office. They are both on their computers)
NORMAN: Mike, have you arranged the bus for Saturday to take the students to the airport?
MIKE: I've emailed them, just waiting for confirmation.
NORMAN: Good. Are you busy?
MIKE: Just watching a You Tube video of Emile Heskey's greatest performance.
NORMAN: Does such a video exist?
MIKE: Just footage of him holding balls up waiting for support.
NORMAN: Mike, about this money...
MIKE: (looks a bit shocked) What about it?
NORMAN: What do you think happened to it?
MIKE: (pause) Well...I think its been a long week and I must have miscounted when I gave the money to the staff...human error.
NORMAN: (Smiling) Yeah? I think that as well...
(Mike goes back to computer while Norman looks at Mike for a bit, then goes back to his computer)
END OF SCENE 11 (Cut to the teachers in the dining hall having a coffee. All are talking amongst themselves and laughing. Carl comes up to them very angrily)
CARL: (Angrily) Well I do hope you all had a good laugh at my expense!
(Teachers murmur in agreement)
CARL: (Angrily) I was weaving in and out of those tables for three minutes before one of the students asked me what I was doing. I had to whisper “I'm Pacman.”
(Teachers laugh)
CARL: I sounded like a gay Christian Bale!
IAN: Carl, I don't think you really understand the rules of Pacman... you keep going until you're caught.
(Teachers get ready to pounce on Carl)
CARL: No...
(Teachers pounce on Carl. All laugh and get up and start walking back)
(Cut to show the students walking out of the hall. Some are texting, on the phone or talking to friends)
NARRATOR: The final hour passes and the first part of the exam is over. The students are incredibly relieved to have finished.
(Cameraman comes up to group of students)
12 CAMERAMAN: How was that?
STUDENT 1: It was easier than what I thought. Just the speaking to go. I must call my Mama.
(Katie and Verona walk out)
KATIE: (exhales) And breathe! Just one more thing to go and we are done.
VERONA: Until next week.
KATIE: Until next week. At least we were professional about it.
(Carl walks out while the teachers behind him are singing Pacman to the Batman theme tune)
CARL: (To the camera) Make them stop!
(Cut to the staff room where Verona is organising the exam papers for marking. All teaching staff are there)
KATIE: OK, listen up...those that are on speaking exam duty, you know where and when you need to be, everyone, marking please.
(Teachers groan)
CAMERAMAN: (To Katie) Katie, would it possible to film some of the speaking exams please?
KATIE: Not at all. I don't want any of the students to have any unnecessary pressure placed on them. They need to concentration fully on the questions asked. 13 CAMERAMAN: So, what are we meant to film? The viewers won't appreciate seeing a load of teaching marking.
KATIE: (Angry and walking towards the camera) I couldn't give a s**t really. You could go film the activity staff and which one of them is shagging who, you could go film Zack and Mike and their little bro-mance, or you can take that camera and film what's up your a*s, the viewers won't be able to tell the difference between that and anything on ITV2! I'm sorry that we don't allow you to film everything you want, but remember this, when you turn the cameras off, we keep on going. Why don't you keep on going...out of the door? Thank you!
(Katie slams the door and the camera backs off)
NARRATOR: The cameraman later apologised for upsetting Katie and we were able to resume filming later on that night.
(Cut to a talking head of Norman)
NORMAN: I think you got off lightly. She's bitten my head off for less than that. She just wants the best for the students. We all do and I can see it from her point of view. Its a vital exam and the last thing that they need is a camera in their face. Just imagine if that were you taking your exams and you had a camera in your face. It would cause unnecessary pressure.
(Cut to a talking head of Katie)
KATIE: I'm sorry for losing it. Exams aren't just a stressful time for the students you know.
CAMERAMAN: What are you going to do now?
14 KATIE: Now, I'm going to enjoy myself. Its staff talent show time.
(Cut to the students arriving into main hall)
NARRATOR: Its almost time for the staff talent show. The staff have been rehearsing since five o'clock and the nerves are beginning to show among them.
KATIE: Carl, are you sure you have the harmony right? It sounds like you're out of key.
CARL: I'm in key. I'm so in key, they call me yale! Now, lets get with it and start again.
MIKE: (To the camera) Are you ready for this? The next member of Diversity is right here.
(Tom walks up to Sarah who is warming her voice)
TOM: Sarah, can I talk to you please?
SARAH: Tom, I've told you. You can do and see whoever you want.
TOM: Its not that...I just want to say sorry.
SARAH: For what? For thinking that I'd go with Mike? For not believing me? For thinking that I don't care about you? Take your pick.
TOM: All of the above.
SARAH: I know what you want and a lot of me wants that too, but...
15 TOM: But what?
SARAH: You know why! We're only here for six weeks then I go back to Scotland and you go to your academy. We don't see each other until next summer, that's if we both come back. Do you know what I'm saying?
TOM: (pause) I do...doesn't mean I have to agree with it.
(Short pause)
TOM: So...what do we do now?
SARAH: There's five weeks left...lets just enjoy the time we have, share a few laughs and just...be friends...
(Sarah kisses Tom on the head)
SARAH: Gotta go. I'm hosting this thing.
(Tom watches Sarah leaves. He picks up a guitar)
(Cut to some dance music as Sarah walks out. The students cheer)
SARAH: Good evening everyone. Tonight is all about us giving you something back. You've worked very hard and now, we are going to entertain you...wait a minute, did I say entertain you?
(Robbie Williams Let me Entertain you plays)
SARAH: Ladies and gentlemen, you know him as Andy, but tonight he is...Robbie Williams!
16 (Andy runs on dress as Robbie Williams and sings the first verse and chorus. The crowd cheer)
(Cut to backstage. Carl, Norman, Katie and Zack are dressed up as ABBA. Mike walks past them dressed up like a rapper. ABBA laugh)
CARL: God, I feel like I'm on Britain's got talent. This is super exciting!
NORMAN: Just remember the moves and who sings which line.
ZACK: Is it wrong that I'm really comfortable dressed like this?
CARL: Hey! I'm the gay one in this band!
(Cut back to Sarah on stage)
SARAH: You are in for a right treat now. You know them as Carl, Norman, Katie and Zack, but tonight...they are...ABBA.
(The students cheer as they walk out. They start singing and dancing. Students are dancing and clapping along. Song finishes and the students applaud wildly)
(Cut to backstage and Mike)
MIKE: (To camera) They think that was good? Wait until they see this!
(Cut back to Sarah on stage)
SARAH: I told you that would be a treat, and guess what? The treats just keep coming. Would you please welcome to the stage, your activity manager, Mike Black?
17 (Mike runs on stage to scattered applause)
MIKE: Chicos y chicas...prepare to be amazed.
(2unlimited's There's no limit plays and Mike dances to it. Its very embarrassing and people start laughing silently, others are just shocked. The music stops after a minute. Mike stands there with jazz hands. No-one applauds)
MIKE: Take your time...you're probably still in amazement...
(No-one applauds. Sarah walks out)
SARAH: Mike Black everyone...
(He walks off to scattered applause)
NARRATOR: The rest of the night went amazingly well, and then it came to the final act of the evening...
SARAH: We've had some great acts tonight and now we come to the final one...you know him as the amazing teacher Mr Atkinson, but tonight, he is...Morrissey...
(Tom walks on stage to loud applause with a guitar)
TOM: Good evening everyone...I hope you like this song... its by The Smiths with a simple message...I'm sorry...
(Tom plays and sings Please, Please, Please. As he sings the camera pans around all the staff and students. Marco and Carl start to hold hands, Norman kisses Katie on the head, Jack holds Verona. The song finishes, the crowd start cheering. Sarah walks on stage as Tom walks off. They brush hands as they walk by each other)
(The camera starts to pan around all students and staff as Tom starts speaking to the camera.) 18 TOM: In this line of work, you don't get a lot of time to make an impression on people. And sometimes, what you think you deserve, you never end up getting. Life is cruel and sometimes, the rewards aren't that great, but if it means sacrificing everything you want to make sure that you make a good impression on others...its a small price to pay. (Short pause " to cameraman) I'll see you tomorrow...
(The camera stays on Tom as he walks away. Students run and walk as well near him)
19 © 2013 T M Atkinson |
Added on September 11, 2013 Last Updated on September 11, 2013 Author