![]() The Lawns - episode 2A Screenplay by T M Atkinson![]() Title - A Clear Message![]() The Lawns " tales from a summer school by T M Atkinson EPISODE 2 " A CLEAR MESSAGE
(Show all teachers in the staff room quietly preparing for the days lessons, but Verona and Jack are arguing very loudly. Teachers are trying to ignore it, but can't help but listen to it. The argument between Jack and Verona is all about something that happened between the two of them last night " the argument is improvised.)
VERONA: And don't Facebook my sister again!
(Verona storms off leaving Jack stood there. Everyone else stares at him)
JACK: Did you hear that?
(All other teachers shake their heads and murmur no as they carry with their preparation)
(Cut to show the students lining up outside and there is a bus waiting for them. Nina, Sarah, Andy and Zack are with them. Mike and Norman are walking towards the bus.)
NARRATOR: Its a split day at Stepan-Briggs. That means that half of the students are in lessons all day, while the other half are on an educational visit. Today, the students are going to York and Norman Bridge is anxious that the students get off on time.
(Cut to Norman and Mike walking together)
NORMAN: I want to make sure that today goes without a hitch. I want the kids to really enjoy themselves, but I want us to stick to a strict time limit. They have to be back by five ready for the football tournament tonight.
1 MIKE: Don't worry about it Norm. I've got my best staff on it, plus Zack. I'll make sure he stays in line.
NORMAN: On pain of death. I want you to stay here and sort out this tournament and I'll give the money to Sarah. Now, I want you to fix it so our team wins. I'm sick of Spain winning everything.
MIKE: You can count on me. We will be unbeatable.
NORMAN: (to students) OK, everyone on the bus.
(Everyone runs towards the bus. The staff come as well)
NORMAN: (to Sarah) Sarah, here's the money for the Jorvik centre and after that, give them free time to shop, but back for five please, no later.
SARAH: You can trust me.
MIKE: And Zack, keep your hands where we can see them.
ZACK: I told you. It was an accident. She sat on my hand first.
MIKE: Andy, he sits next to you and you don't let him out of your sight.
(Everyone gets on the bus and it drives off. Mike and Norman start walking back towards the centre)
NARRATOR: Fun for one group means lessons for the others.
(Show Katie in a class teaching a group of students. She has written they're, there and their on the board)
2 KATIE: OK, so lets recap...(pointing to they're) who can put this word into a correct sentence for me?
(Students put up hands. Katie picks one)
STUDENT 1: They're going to the cinema.
KATIE: Very good...(pointing to their) what about this word?
(Students put up hands. Katie picks one)
STUDENT 2: The children take their dog for a walk.
KATIE: Excellent sentence...(pointing to there) and finally, this word...
(Students put up hands. Katie picks one)
STUDENT 3: The field is over there.
KATIE: It certainly is. Good work everyone, you've earned a ten minute break.
(Students talk to each other. David enters the classroom and goes up to Katie)
DAVID: Katie, do you have the text book for the advanced levels?
KATIE: I think its in the staff room.
DAVID: No worries. I'll get it after lunch.
(Carl enters the classroom)
3 CARL: Howdy partners, do we have any decent props?
KATIE: Why do you need props Carl?
CARL: For my word challenge, we're using music to help with pronunciation.
DAVID: What music are you using Carl?
CARL: Its raining men. We've got dances and everything. Of course, I'm leading. Why don't you come and watch?
KATIE: This I've got to see...(turns to students) Everyone, we're going to go and watch Carl's group and what they've come up with.
(All students get up and walk over to Carl's class. David's class is there too. Katie and David stand at the back. Carl goes to the front of the class)
CARL: OK, everyone, remember to follow the words to help with your pronunciation and get ready to see the greatest dance in the world!
(Carl puts the music on. He starts dancing and miming the words as the song continues. Some students record it on their phones, some look in shock. David and Katie stand stunned at the back. Carl fades the music out after a minute and some of the students applaud him.)
CARL: OK, despite the fact that that was one of the most entertaining things you've ever seen, what have you learnt from that activity?
(Short pause " a student puts us hand)
STUDENT: That British people can't dance? 4 KATIE: Correct answer. Right, everyone back to their own classes please.
(Students leave the class)
(Cut to the bus on the move. Students are talking to each other. Andy, Zack, Nina and Sarah are sat on the front seats. Sarah is playing with her phone.)
NARRATOR: Back on the coach, the group is approaching York, but the staff have other things on their mind.
NINA: Mike still texting you?
SARAH: Yep, here's the latest one...You're like a parking ticket, because you've got FINE written all over you.
NINA: Pass me the bucket! That's terrible! When are you going to tell him you're not interested anymore?
SARAH: When I've got enough chat up lines to write a comedy act with! He's just a sad, little man.
NINA: I got that impression of him and he spoke just two words to me.
SARAH: What did he say?
NINA: Floury baps! (pause) Is there anyone else you're interested in?
SARAH: Nina! I don't need to be interested in anyone. 5 NINA: You seemed friendly with that teacher, Tom.
SARAH: Yeah, he's a good friend.
NINA: And that's all he is? A friend?
(Sarah brushes her hair. Her phone goes off for a text message.)
SARAH: Can you take me to the bakery? I want a cutiepie like you!
ZACK: I am better at chat up lines than Mike. I'll send you one.
(Zack types a message into his phone. Sarah's phone goes off and she reads the text)
SARAH: I want to chat you?
ZACK: F*****g auto-correct!
(Cut to a scene in the dining hall. Students are queuing for their lunch. Carl, Ian, David and Katie are sat down on a table eating. Tom comes to join them)
NARRATOR: Back at the Lawns and its lunch time and a chance for the teachers to re-energise themselves ready for the afternoon.
DAVID: Alright Tom?
TOM: No! I've had it up to here with irregular verbs.
IAN: Still, only another three hours to go. 6 TOM: Great! Three hours on “the comma!”
DAVID: You should have been in Carl's lesson.
CARL: Oh yes. It was an eye opening experience.
KATIE: I'll say.
TOM: What did you do?
CARL: Correct pronunciation using music.
TOM: And what was the song, he says with a sense of dread!
CARL: Its raining men!
IAN: Oh good God!
CARL: I was dancing and singing. The students loved it.
DAVID: I didn't see it that way Carl.
TOM: Suppose it would have been a lot stranger if you'd have put on 'Man! I feel like a woman!'
IAN: Speaking of that, anyone seen our number one couple since this morning?
TOM: Charles and Diana? They'll be on Jeremy Kyle by now!
7 (Verona and Jack's voices are heard arguing from behind the teachers. The camera pans round to show them arguing)
VERONA: Chicken Kiev? What are you trying to say about me? What kind of girl am I?!
JACK: The kind of girl who would eat a chicken Kiev, maybe?
VERONA: (Shouting) You don't know anything about me!
(Jack and Verona storm off. The camera pans back onto the teachers.)
CARL: She's absolutely right. One minute, she's eating a chicken Kiev, the next she'll be shagging half of Yorkshire.
(Cut to Mike who is sat down at his desk working out his football team)
NARRATOR: Activities manager Mike Black is working hard on his tactics for the big football tournament later tonight.
MIKE: Decisions, decisions. Do I go with the tried and tested tactic of we're one up with seventy minutes to play, lets just sit back, or do I go for a more Lionel Messi style of football of just beating players and scoring beautiful goals?
CAMERAMAN: Are you a Messi sort of player?
MIKE: Definitely. Especially in the clubs on a Saturday night. Very Messi indeed!
CAMERAMAN: Do you take any influence from any current football managers? 8 MIKE: Jose Mourinho, because my Mum always referred to me as a special one.
CAMERAMAN: Because of your ability to build winning teams?
MIKE: No, because I couldn't read and write until I was twelve.
CAMERAMAN: Who's going to be playing for your team?
(Norman enters the office)
MIKE: We've got Zack in goal, Ian and Andy in defence, Tom as the midfield maestro and myself up front backing in the goals...now to work out the tactics that sends out a clear message of our intentions, but what?
(Norman writes “just f*****g win” on a piece of paper, shows it to Mike who reads it)
NORMAN: Is that clear enough for you?!
(Mike nods)
(Cut to a scene outside the Jorvik centre where the students and the staff are about to go in)
NARRATOR: Back in York, the students are about to go in the Jorvik Centre to learn what life would have been like in an Viking city, but the same can't be said for certain members of the staff.
ZACK: I'm not going in there.
SARAH: We got to go in and supervise the students. 9 ZACK: But it stinks of s**t.
NINA: But its meant to be a true representation of a Viking city. There would be no state of the art waterworks. You s**t out of a window.
ZACK: That's disgusting. I'm still not going in.
NINA: So what's stopping you?
ZACK: Promise you won't laugh...I'm scared of the mechanical people!
(Others laugh)
NINA: That is ridiculous!
ZACK: Don't laugh! Last year, I suffered nightmares because of the way they look and move.
SARAH: Poor baby! Come on Zack, take my hand and I'll look after you. (To the students) Right guys, we're going in.
(Students and staff go into the centre. Sarah's phone goes off and she looks at the text message.)
SARAH: My love for you is like diarrhoea " I can't hold it in! That's the worst one yet!
NARRATOR: While one group enjoys their educational visit, the other is into the second half of their six hour lesson.
10 (Cut to Ian's class. He is sat behind a desk while his students are working in silence " Tom knocks on the door and enters the room)
TOM: Ian, sorry to interrupt, but could you help me with removing something please?
IAN: Sure, carry on everyone, I'll only be a minute.
(Tom and Ian leave and begin walking round the back of the classroom)
TOM: I just need help shifting something that's beginning to distract my class.
IAN: If its heavy lifting, can I be the one that walks forward so I can see where I'm going please?
TOM: I think its more heavy petting that you need to concern yourself with!
IAN: Pardon me?
(Tom points and the camera pans round to reveal Jack and Verona kissing. Tom and Ian briefly stare at them.)
IAN: I guess Jeremy Kyle worked for them!
(The camera continues to watch the two kiss as the narrator speaks over them)
NARRATOR: Because everyone is here for a short period of time, its very easy for relationship to come and go very quickly. But what about the people involved and what about the message that it sends out to the general public?
11 (Cut to Mike and Norman sat in their office)
NORMAN: Relationships do happen here and some are very successful. Only last week, I received an email last week from a lad who got with an Italian girl last year saying that they're engaged to be married which is brilliant. So love does flourish, even at a summer school.
CAMERAMAN: What about your own relationship with Katie?
NORMAN: We've been together over fifteen years now and I can still remember the first time we met. She said she would take me for the biggest Scampi I've ever seen...and its been wonderful ever since. Never had the scampi, but I don't hold that against her!
CAMERAMAN: What type of message do you think this sends out to the general public?
MIKE: What do you mean?
CAMERAMAN: About students getting with each other and staff getting with each other?
NORMAN: There's nothing wrong with it. Hundreds of people go off to Ibiza and Rhodes on holiday and get with people all the time and its no different here. The message that it sends out is very positive, you come on holiday to enjoy your lessons...and then enjoy yourself.
MIKE: Couldn't agree with you more Norman.
NORMAN: Mike, why don't you tell about the time with those three students from last year?
12 MIKE: What three?
NORMAN: You know, those three who were...and you were...
MIKE: Do you think that's appropriate for the camera?
NORMAN: Its a funny story. (To the cameraman) You can edit this bit out if its not good.
MIKE: I got a call from a student that in the room next to them, there was too much noise coming from them. I went to investigate and the door was open...
NORMAN: Tell them what you saw.
MIKE: There were three of them. Two nineteen year old girls and a twenty year old man at it! So, I told them to stop it and keep the noise down.
NORMAN: Tell them how long it took you to get them to stop.
MIKE: I don't think the time is relevant.
NORMAN: Tell them how long it took you to get them to stop.
MIKE: Well...I noticed that there was a loose cable behind the wardrobe, so I bent down and tried to fix it.
CAMERAMAN: And how long did it take you to tell them?
(Short pause)
13 MIKE: (Silently) Twenty minutes.
CAMERAMAN: Could you say again please?
MIKE: (Clears throat) Twenty minutes.
(Norman starts laughing)
MIKE: It was a very long cable.
NORMAN: I'll bet it was!
(Katie enters the office)
KATIE: What are you talking about?
NORMAN: Scampi.
KATIE: What's that?
MIKE: Its a breaded fish.
(Norman starts laughing again)
KATIE: Seriously, what are you on about?
(Cut to a scene in York city centre. The camera shows the students shopping and enjoying their time in York)
NARRATOR: Back in York, the staff are having a well deserved coffee as the students enjoy their freetime shopping. 14 (Cut to the staff sat in a coffee shop drinking)
NINA: I thought you did very well in there Zack.
ZACK: Thank you.
NINA: Although you didn't have to grope one.
ZACK: I wanted to check if those t*****s were real or not.
SARAH: And on that note, lets go over to the meeting point to meet the students and get them back.
ZACK: What meeting point?
SARAH: The meeting point where you told the students to be to get the coach.
ZACK: I never told them anything.
SARAH: But I asked you to!
ZACK: Oh...I guess I forgot.
NINA: Zack, you prick! So what do we do now?
SARAH: I don't bloody know! Any suggestions?
(Cut to a shot of the activity staff running through York looking for their students)
15 ZACK: (To random passers by) Are you Italian? Are you Italian? Where do you live, York or Rome?
(The staff continue to run)
NARRATOR: This is an example of something that goes wrong that could easily have been avoided. Luckily for the staff, the students used their initiative and managed to walk themselves to their coach...with the staff running breathlessly behind them.
(Show all the students waiting next to the coach as the staff appear all breathless)
STUDENT: Are you all OK?
SARAH: (Breathless) Yeah...we just...fancied...a run.
(Staff continue to catch their breath)
(Cut back to the Lawns and the teachers staff room where Carl is laid face down on the desk, Ian and David are sat down writing and Tom is walking into the office)
TOM: Can someone just get me a barrel of lager and hook it to my veins please?
IAN: That doesn't sound like a bad idea.
CARL: Tell you what, I'm ready for a six week holiday.
DAVID: Then go work in a secondary school and you'll get it.
CARL: Bollocks to that. I'll just settle for an early night. 16 (Mike enters the office)
MIKE: No time for that Carlito, its the big football tournament tonight and you are my substitute player.
CARL: No way! Not happening! Me and football just don't mix!
MIKE: I thought it would be right up your alley. Sweaty men running about playing with balls!
CARL: As nice as that sounds, I'm going to get stuck into my book and then hit the hay.
MIKE: What's your book, fifty shades of gay?
CARL: Ha! Very funny!
MIKE: How about I get Norman to put it in as over time?
(Short Pause)
CARL: OK, I'll do it.
MIKE: Fantastic. Get yourself something to eat, the food of champions, for tonight, (shouting) WE UNLEASH HELL! Gladiator.
(Mike leaves the room)
TOM: More Russell Grant than Russell Crowe!
17 (Cut to out on the fields and the students and the staff having a kick about)
NARRATOR: Its game time for the Stepan-Briggs football team. To be crowned champions, they are going to have to be at their best, as the students look to be a very tough challenge to overcome.
(Cut to Adam who is writing down a league table with the names on it)
CAMERAMAN: So, how many teams have you've got taking part?
ADAM: Including our team, only four, but it still promises to be a good tournament. I'm just a little concerned about if we win.
ADAM: Our team name. The three others are quite sensible, we've got The Real Madrid, Flying Flamencos and Messi magic... and then, there's us...
CAMERAMAN: And the name is?
ADAM: Inter me Gran!
CAMERAMAN: Crikey! Who thought of that?
ADAM: Who do you think?!
(Cut to a shot of Mike playing football. Show some girl students screaming at Zack who is goal)
18 IAN: I think you've got a fan club there Zack.
ZACK: I know.
(Zack waves at the girls. They wave back)
MIKE: Zack, eyes on the game please.
(The opposing striker runs through with the ball towards Zack in goal who is still waving at the girls.)
(The striker hits the ball and it hits Zack in his genitalia and he goes down very slowly and in a lot of pain. Everyone winces as Zack rolls on the ground. His teammates rush to him.)
TOM: Don't feel 'em, count 'em.
IAN: Not sure he'll be able to continue after that.
ANDY: What are we going to do?
MIKE: Nowt else for it. We'll have to bring on the super sub... (To Carl, who is on the touchline) Carl, get in goal.
CARL: Yes! Nothings getting past Carl the Cat!
(Carl runs on the pitch, jumping up and down. The team watch him do this.)
MIKE: For f**k's sake...
19 (Cut to a scene showing the staff team and a student team playing football)
NARRATOR: And so, to the final, the staff team versus The Real Madrid. The chance to be declared the football world champions of the summer school rests on this match.
(Show the two teams playing football. The Real Madrid striker runs down on goal. Carl gets ready)
MIKE: Save it Carl.
(The striker shoots, Carl runs out of the way and the ball goes into the goal. The team celebrate.)
NARRATOR: Despite the heroic efforts of Carl, The Real Madrid take the lead.
(The team kick off and play again.)
(Cut to the first aid room where Zack is lying down. Katie is with him. Zack is still in pain.)
NARRATOR: In the treatment room, Zack is still struggling with his possible career threatening injury.
KATIE: OK Zack, take your time.
(Norman enters the room and notices Zack.)
NORMAN: What's up with him?
KATIE: In some cultures, its called taking one for the team, in others, its called getting kicked in the balls.
20 (Norman starts laughing)
KATIE: Norman! Can you be a tad more supportive?
NORMAN: (clears throat) Of course....(To Zack) Zack, its very painful what you've suffered. It will get better, but no tugging yourself for a few days, OK?
(Norman leaves with Katie looking a little shocked. Zack quietly sobs.)
KATIE: Zack, are you crying?
(Cut back to the football match. Both teams are still playing. The ball breaks to Mike who scores a goal.)
NARRATOR: A great goal by Mike Black levels the score at one each.
(Mike celebrates by taking his shirt and running over to where Sarah is stood and flexes muscles.)
MIKE: How about this for a chat up line?
SARAH: Not a chance!
(Mike runs back to his mark for kick off)
MIKE: Next goal's the winner.
(The teams kick off again. The ball breaks to the one of the students who bursts forward. He is fouled in the penalty area by Andy and a penalty is given.)
21 NARRATOR: A rash challenge by Andy has possibly gifted the game to The Real Madrid. Everything depends now on whether goalkeeper Carl can save the day or not.
CARL: (Quietly) Oh f**k, oh f**k, oh f**k, oh f**k...
MIKE: Right boys, when he saves it, a quick break away and we score...
(The striker places the ball on the spot and starts his run up. The camera pans on Carl and goes to supposed slow motion.)
(Carl starts diving with his hands outstretched ready to save the shot. He lands on the ground. The camera pans back to the striker who hasn't taken his shot yet. He simply passes the ball into the net. He celebrates with his teammates. The staff team look disappointed.)
NARRATOR: Despite the loss, the football tournament has been a massive success with staff and students alike...
(Show The Real Madrid lifting the trophy and celebrating.)
NARRATOR: The end of an eventful day at Stepan-Briggs. A clear message that they can cope with a huge workload and still come out smiling.
(Cut to a talking head of Mike)
MIKE: Even though we lost, you can see just how much the students enjoyed it. Never a penalty though, pure biased towards them. You still witnessed a man of the match performance from moi! 22 (Cut to a talking head of Carl)
CARL: I don't think I'll be challenging Neville Southall for top Welsh goalie, but that was enjoyable. My attempt to save the penalty was a bit Superman leaving a window stuff. I don't think Mike will be speaking to me for a while...so things aren't so bad after all.
(Cut to a talking head of Sarah, who is stood next to Nina)
SARAH: Apart from that minor nightmares of losing the students, its been a great day. Split days are always tough ones, but we get through 'cos we're awesome.
(Sarah's phone goes off for a text. She reads it)
NINA: Another cheesy chat up line?
SARAH: There's wine in the fridge and there are two glasses. Fancy it?
NINA: For Mike, that's quite a nice one.
SARAH: Its from Tom.
NINA: I knew you liked him.
SARAH: Like him or not, I never say no to wine.
(Sarah and Nina walk off. The camera pans to a wideshot of The Lawns)
NARRATOR: So everyone enjoyed their day...well almost everyone!
23 (Cut to a shot of Zack still in the First Aid office. He's sat upright.)
ZACK: I think I'm dying. I need a ball transplant. Not just anyone's balls, nice balls. I would like Usain Bolt's balls or Tom Hardy's balls...just...not these ones.
(Zack exhales heavily)
24 © 2013 T M Atkinson |
Added on August 31, 2013 Last Updated on August 31, 2013 Author