Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by A. Steig

I was just about to hit redial when it suddenly began to vibrate in my hand. "It took you long enough!" I didn't even bother with a greeting.

Ben sounded like he was smiling a little on the other end of the line. "Sorry Kelsey. I didn't think it'd take that long." I heard Maggie telling him to hurry up in the background. "It took some haggling, but I was able to call in a favor from an old high school buddy of mine."

I reclined in my hard, uncomfortable seat. Why couldn't they make airports a little more hospitable? I wasn't looking forward to spending the night curled up in one. "What kind of favor?"

"I chartered you a flight. You're in luck, too..he's actually just leaving Portland. Weather permitting, he'll be to you in no time." Ben's words sounded rushed. Maggie was probably tugging at his arm, eager to get to my father's room. I didn't blame her.

"You chartered a flight?" I frowned, looking out the window. I could see lighting dancing across the sky in the distance, an the trees were dancing and swaying with the gusty winds. "Who would be crazy enough to brave this kind of weather as a favor to you?"

"His name is Mauston Marx. Let's just say he owes me a pretty big favor, and it's time to pay up." I could hear the relief in Ben's voice. "He's a little rough around the edges, but he'll get you where you need to be in one piece. He told me he'd radio in and talk to the airport. Go find the charter plane strip and watch for him, okay?"

I didn't know if I liked the sound of a charter plane. Being on a large jet had been terrifying enough for me, and they'd even served booze! What would I do in a plane that was a dwarf compared to the one I'd just been on? Especially in weather this bad? "You trust him? You know how I feel about flying, Ben..."

"If I didn't trust him, Kelsey, I wouldn't be putting my wife's big sister in his hands. Relax. We'll see you soon, okay?"

After we hung up, I gathered my things and made my way up to explain my new situation to the attendant. I was directed to a different terminal across the airport. I didn't mind the long gave me something to do besides worry over what my next ride would be like. Why couldn't I be more like Maggie? The woman didn't hesitate when it came to traveling by air. She'd been to Rome and to Italy, and she and Ben were planning on a trip to Belize after Christmas.

The terminal was empty, so I settled myself in front of the window so I would be able to see when the plane arrived. I pulled out my candy bar, hesitated, then pulled out my laptop as well. Maybe I'd be able to to pass the time with some solitaire while I snacked. In the end, I decided to write instead.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed when the sound of an engine stirred me out of my zone. I watched, blurry eyed from staring at the computer screen as the smaller plane set down on the runway, then taxied in to the gate. I slipped my laptop into my bag, then rose to toss out my candy wrapper. Unable to sit any longer, I picked up my purse and carry on and stood near the window, watching the rain fall outside as thunder growled ominously overhead.

The door to the gate opened, causing me to jump. Apparently, my nerves were more fried than I'd thought. As I turned, I saw a taller man paused in the terminal, his vivid green gaze focused on me. He wasn't dressed like any pilot I'd ever seen, his broad shoulders covered by a thick flannel and his long legs clad in oil-stained jeans. His flesh was a deep bronze, as if stained by the sun, and his cheeks were dotted with at least two day's worth of stubble. There was no smile on his lips as he started my way, but he did nod briefly in acknowledgement.

"Ms. Rivers?" His voice was gravelly. He did not extend a hand in greeting.

"Yes. Mr. Marx, I presume?" I found I was almost intimidated by his rugged, larger-than-life appearance. I had to stand at least a foot taller than I, and my height is five foot three. Even so, I flashed him a little smile to help break the ice.

"That's right. Ben is your brother-in-law?" He was looking at me almost skeptically, and I found that my stomach fluttered nervously under his scrutinizing gaze.

"Yes, my sister's husband."

He frowned, as if something about that troubled him. I could almost see his gaze harden. "You're the book writer. Aren't they making a movie out of one of them?"

I nodded. I had just finalized the details with the producers two months ago. "That's me." My smile felt fake on my lips, but I felt frozen under his narrowed gaze. He looked like he was going to say more on the subject, but instead ran his hands through his sandy brown hair.

"Well, Ms. Rivers...they're refueling the plane right now and I expect to leave soon after. The weather isn't getting any better." As if in agreement, thunder cracked overhead.

"You'll hear no complaint from me. I'll be happy to leave whenever you're ready." The faster our wheels touched a Fairbanks runway, the better.

Mauston stared at me in that odd assessing way for just a beat longer before nodding. "I'll be back for you in a bit. I've got some things that need my attention."

I watched as he turned and headed for another door, disappearing behind it. It was hard for me to picture Ben befriending such a hard-edged man. My sister's husband was rather goofy and good natured, always with a smile. This Mauston seemed to be the exact opposite. I didn't care for the way he had looked at me either. It was almost reproachful, and the more I thought about it, the more aggravated I became. I had done nothing to earn this man's irritation. I had not called to ask this favor of him, and I certainly had not forced him to agree! If he had any resentment because of taking me to Fairbanks, it was surely ill-placed. Or was it because I was a writer? He hadn't seemed to like my answers to his questions in that area, either.

I decided right then that if I would have to spend a long and likely terrifying ride in the sky with the rustic stranger, that he was not about to get away with treating me badly. This ordeal was going to be hard enough without the attitude of some backwoods piolet with a vendetta against fantasy authors!

© 2012 A. Steig

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Added on March 31, 2012
Last Updated on March 31, 2012


A. Steig
A. Steig


Hi there! I've been an avid reader since I was little, so it's really so surprise that I love to write as well. It's my dream to be a writer one day! I love all genres, but my favorites are romance/su.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by A. Steig

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by A. Steig

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

A Chapter by A. Steig