Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by A. Steig

I must have dozed off after my second drink, because I was startled awake by the feel of the plane's tires touching down on the ground. I let out a muffled sound before I realized what was happening. We were on the ground! Back on the sweet, safe ground! I shoved my laptop back in my carry on, unable to keep the smile from my face as I waited for the plane to stop so we could get off. Sure, I had one last flight between here and Fairbanks, but I'd made it this far! And I hadn't made too much of a fool of myself, especially after I'd gotten a drink in my system. I now understood why alcohol was allowed in the air.

After getting off the plane, I headed into the bookstore to pick myself up a paperback for the rest of the ride in case I wasn't able to sleep. When working on a book, I don't like to write more than three chapters in a sitting. My muse has a habit of playing hide-and-seek if I pressure it, so I find this is a happy medium.

The bookstore clerk did a double take when she saw me, and I flashed her a smile before heading to one of the racks of books. I'm well-known in the reader world. At just 27, I have made the New York Times best sellers list three times with my fantasy novels. I wrote my first short story when I was 12. I had always been a shy kid, preferring to sit by myself an watch little worlds unfold at the tip of my pen. Maggie had been the extrovert in the family, always singing and dancing. She'd done well for herself, getting her first part in a commercial when she was 9. She now stars in a Canadian sitcom, where she'd met her husband. Ben does the music for the show, and he's crazy in love with my little sister. I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law...he does a good job of keeping Maggie in line. Well, as in line as her over dramatic self can be, anyway.

I selected my book, then headed for the register. I set the book down, and the clerk gave me a shy smile. "Ms. Rivers? I can't believe I'm actually seeing you!" She gushed, then looked down to scan my book, looking embarrassed.

"Seeings believing!" I told her with a grin, noting my stomach had begun to clamor. When had I eaten last? My eyes were drawn to the candy and jerky hanging next to the register. I grabbed two snickers bars and handed them to the clerk. "I'll take these too. They'll sure beat the peanuts on the plane."

The girl rung up the candy and named my price, then pursed her lips. As I handed her the necessary bills, she finally met my gaze. "Could you sign my book for me? I have your last one in my bag. It's the second time I've read it." She asked as she handed back my change.

"Of course I will. Why don't you grab it?" She smiled widely and leaned under the counter. A second later, she popped back up, book in hand. "What's your name?"

"Kathleen." She said, still smiling from ear to ear. It always warms my heart when someone gets so excited over my work. I do hate getting the 'celebrity treatment' though. I don't feel I'm any different than anyone else, so it makes me uncomfortable when people gush over me. I wrote a sweet little message on the inside cover of her book, and passed it back to her.

"There you go, Kathleen. Thanks for reading my work." I told her with a smile, before heading out to check to make sure my flight was expected to be on time.

I looked at my ticket, then glanced up at the screens above me. My jaw dropped when I saw the big red CANCELED letters that followed my plane's number. "No. Oh no!" I mumbled to myself, not knowing what to do. I when to the desk, pointing above me. "Are there any other flights going to Fairbanks?"

The man shook his head. "I'm sorry, ma'am. We're experiencing some dangerous weather here, and things are looking worse out that way.. The soonest we'll be departing will be morning, I'm afraid."

I was already shaking my head. "My father's just had a stroke! I can't wait until tomorrow...he's dying!" I could feel the tears threatening in my voice, and berated myself for it.

"I am truly sorry to hear that, miss, but there's nothing I can do for the evening. I can assure you we will depart just as soon as the weather clears." The man looked sympathetic, if a little riled. I was probably the hundredth person he'd had to deal with regarding this issue, and he still had a smile. I thanked him and sank into one of the chairs, unable to believe I was about disappoint my family. I wouldn't be able to hold my father's hand when he took his last breath. I wouldn't be there to comfort Maggie and Veronica. I could feel the tears burning in the back of my eyes as I dialed Mag to share the bad news.

Ben answered on the first ring. "Hey Kels. Where are you?"

I swallowed back my tears. "Hi Ben. I'm in Seattle. Where's Maggie?"

"She's gone to clean herself up before we go up to your father's room. She cried almost the whole way here." Ben sounded concerned, which oddly made me feel a little better. At least Maggie would have him to comfort her since I would be late. "How long is your layover?"

I ran a had through my strawberry blonde curls, looking back up at the CANCELED indicator on the screen. "Well, Ben. I have a problem." My voice quivered a little. "My flight's been canceled. I'm stuck here...there's nothing I can do!'

I heard Ben mutter a word that would have made his mother blush. "I knew this was going to happen. Why does your father insist on living up here anyway?"

"Because he loves to hunt." I muttered, thinking of my father's hunting program that he hosted. It was his passion.

"I might have an idea, Kels. Can you hang tight for just a little longer? I'll call you right back." Ben sounded suddenly a little more hopeful.

"What do you have up your sleeve?" I asked skeptically. Ben had connections, but I doubted he had any good enough to get me to Fairbanks before it was too late.

"Just never mind for now. Keep your phone close." He hung up, leaving me staring at my phone in confusion. Whatever idea he had, I wasn't so sure I liked it already.

© 2012 A. Steig

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Added on March 31, 2012
Last Updated on March 31, 2012


A. Steig
A. Steig


Hi there! I've been an avid reader since I was little, so it's really so surprise that I love to write as well. It's my dream to be a writer one day! I love all genres, but my favorites are romance/su.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by A. Steig

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by A. Steig

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

A Chapter by A. Steig