Your stunning piece has touched upon a delicate topic
of one that keeps these little ones in the shadows.
As heart breaking it may be knowing
Circle widening ...
Never ends?
Or perhaps the start
Of circle made
With no excuse
To rule the day
So many of our children
Remain lost within
The leering touch
Of shadows grin
Takes one to those shadows so well known
a heart that knows the way from these shadows
by revealing that beckon of light
in such a heart rendering way, revealed
and expressed with real emotions from these incidents as such,
all brought out in a very beautiful fashion, as though to touch
that bruised heart, which goes to understanding
that your heart and soul truly understands!
Beautifully rendered with that sad truth behind it!
I am so glad
That you have dropped in
To meet a new face
And experience a new heart
Come along with me as
Aspiring Angel speaks to
Me in whispers that brings
Her thoughts to live.. more..