I want
to die in the sunshine of love. Death would not matter in the face of my love.
I would avert any disaster with its power. It is the power of survival. I will
survive in its darkness. I want to die in the sunshine of darkness. What can be
so tough in finding that eternal love that I so long, from a mortal? It is not
that easy, they tell me, love; it is not easy to find. I have started something
greater than myself, the search for something better than and greater than me,
my soul mate; my better half. I want to meet “the one” who would change my life
forever and will take by hand and lead me to eternal bliss. I will not have to
worry about myself any more. I would not have to worry if my hair looks dirty or
if my cologne is too strong. I would be perfect as I am. Our universes would
collide exactly where it was supposed to, where all the laws of physics, space
and time would collapse. Where everything would cease to exist in our light and
we would be the only beings. Where the particles would be revolving around us
and celebrating the joy of life and singing the rhyme of love.
They say
life is already complicated and so everyone wants to lie off of the
complexities of life. How is that possible? We call ourselves complex organisms
and we can’t handle some complexities in our lives! Is it really complexity or
is it just that we just think how to “get more and more of everything”, that
makes the lives complicated. I know what I want. I know what that beautiful
face should look like and what should there be to resonate with me in a perfect
harmony. All my so called complexities would vanish from my life in an instance
with the soft breeze blowing from her rosy lips.
continues to carry on without me or so it seems. My detachment is only my own
and no one else’s. From the world, from the people, from the dreams of success,
from God and from you and from all the other things which are supposed to be
mine and close to me, I am far. Sometimes it feels as though it’s just a dream
and I feel like echoing in Poe’s words “Take this kiss upon thy brow; and, in
parting from you now, thus much let me avow; you are not wrong, who deem; that
my days have been a dream; all that we see or seem; is but a dream within a
dream.” so wake me up when it’s all over, and so wake me up when it’s all over.