The colours of Human Behaviour

The colours of Human Behaviour

A Story by Asif Iqbal Pias

This article explores a lot of about the human behaviour through my eyes.


Colours of Human Behavior

             There are few things in our life that simply cannot be explained or accounted for. Those vague events although very rare in occurrence, but the impact which they have on people’s lives are (most of the time) very memorable/vivid. Let us consider some examples, take the 2008 Tsunami for example which took away the lives of millions of people and more importantly left the amount double of that to live with its sweet memories; the probabilities of expectancy of these events are so very slim, but still they occur and leave behind their trail which we carry on whenever and wherever we go. Since human life is filled with the unpredictable fact that the chain of events which await them are completely unpredictable and unknown (perhaps by the almighty too), we cannot live in the fear of these vague occurrences leaping into action without caring or without showing any kind of mercy for the helpless and retched humankind. The funny thing about these low on probability events are going on every second in our life but we just overlook them or just don’t want to see them. Let us again see an example; let us consider the most important process for evolution i.e. Fertilization. There are millions of cells fighting against the odds and themselves to fertilize one egg in the female ovaries. Then comes the whole process of fertilization; developing of the embryo, growing to be an infant, and the last and most importantly the ‘Labour’ which lets the baby see the world for the first time on its own. This process is so complicated and time consuming that just to get it started that number of times physical intercourse has to be done. But look at the odds of this world; some of the smallest countries in the world are over populated. They don’t have food, money, clothes and resources to take care of them.

             These were a few examples of the odd which happen to our lives. Lets now consider some (what I call Normal) activities in our life. These activities are very random and we actually do it with impulse and not by thinking them. The most important thing about these activities is that we anticipate them all the time as we want them to look or be. The as the truth dawns, most of the times the reality is “beyond our imaginations”. We feel disheartened and let down by the almighty in whose trusted hands we had put our all hopes. Actually we are just humiliating ourselves by doing that. It is because we had all long anticipated the other option for the ‘one’ we had chosen as the expected outcome, in our subconscious. It is very funny as far as human behavior is concerned. We know all the options; we chose one because we have to and all the time aware of the other options, but still we act as if those other options were not present at all; and when the time comes to face the truth that we had been wrong about our choice, we feel sad as if the result was totally unexpected. And we call this wrong habit of thinking that everything will happen our way or we shall have all the good things in life, as Optimism. To be truthful, the basis of human behavior is based on something which is unfathomable and baseless. In simpler words, our most reasonable actions are based on something totally unreasonable.

             Let us go a bit back in time, when the notion of civilization had just begun. The elderly and intellects of that time had made up some set of rules to be abided by. This was done to keep the people getting strayed from the course and giving them some guidelines to lead their life in and also to keep others from the harm’s way. Slowly and steadily the times and civilizations have changed and the rules with it. Before the rules were just to be remembered, but now they have been written and revised in the universal book of laws called the ‘Constitution’. But still the basic rules are the same. The basis of all rules is, don’t do something that might hurt others (doing something wrong) or you will be punished for it. Now these rules made by us have become so prominent that we ourselves think that they are universal truths and are invincible. It is good to abide by some rules to stay away from ruining our lives. But some great person had said the greatest words “Rules are meant to be broken”. Let us go back to the humans from boring rules. The secret of human behavior is these set of rules. We spend our lives acting or trying to act according to these rules or as the people (society) want us to be, and totally neglecting the small part of conscience in us. We are taught from the very beginning of our lives that in this world there are two basic rules: 

1:- Never violate the rules of the society.

2:- and; Survival of the fittest.

             We start to become self-centered and try to figure out how to survive in this battlefield of life. We want to squash everyone and everything that comes in our way; be it someone’s most cherished dreams or something so important that even we cannot exist without it. The people who have gone about doing these may have succeeded but they obviously have walked upon the corpses of others dreams and wishes. Actually the people whose behavior is this way, they are generally very sad, upset and constantly fleeing from fears of getting doomed to ashes; like liars who is always live in the fear of getting caught.

              The funny thing about human behaviour is that they are always around something which is very predictable although their actions themselves are most of the time very unpredictable. For example, a girl and a boy love each other. At some point of time they promise to live with each other throughout their lives. One day, sadly, the girl gets married with another man. The girl, although married to another man constantly calls the guy she loves and consoles him that she would come back to him at some point of time. The boy, although in a dilemma, believes the girl for the limited time which he thinks is relevant; although letting the girl know that he would still wait for her throughout his life. The notable part here is, both of them know that neither of them is true. Still they believe each other for sometimes. After a day or two; the boy, who loved her more accuses her and sends her some text saying that he doesn’t want to keep any relation with her and wants to move on; leaving all the blame on her. Actually we are all prisoners of our own device, but we have our own sets of alibis to show people that actually we control them rather than them controlling us. Here again comes into play the most important aspect Human Behaviour. We have attached ourselves to the earth by some aspects like Love, Lust, Greed, Hate and many more which I don’t need to describe anymore. For these we can do anything and everything. But not always are these actions reasonable enough, but actually often they are wrong to the society. According author Harlon Allison “The moment people fall in love, they become liars”. I hope this small quotation will make my statement clearer. 

 Human Behavior is as unpredictable as the nature itself. Though they are affected by different aspects of life; but as Aurther Rubinstein puts it “Behavior is the result of instincts, which are present since birth”. Humans are generally very self-centered, coward and greedy. No bonds of love and life can hold a human to another; they can only be held together by the relation of interest to themselves and by fear and domination. Let me elude the point a bit more. Two persons staying together can easily separate if they are bound by love or something which they feel very heavenly; it would be easier because they actually don’t have anything to keep them together except whatever name they give to their relation a name. But if two people are connected by fear or one dominates the other; then it’s really very hard and requires a lot of courage to snap at the bond. For a simple example, it is very easy to deny something wanted to you by your parents; but you would never dare to deny if it was your boss who had asked you something (even if it was something very stupid). A person will instinctively want to do something that brings profit to him; and by Him, I seriously mean only Him; because many a times the person doesn’t even think about his own family; leave alone friends and relatives. There are few people who show these traits directly, but some few intellectuals try to mask it under their intellects, as an act of intelligence. Just wonder what could possibly be a worse quality in a human being than not caring for someone of his contemporary fellow being. Sadly, there is no one to be blamed for these. There is no one responsible for these actions; even person doing these mistakes are not doing them thinking, they are simply answering to their crude animal instincts. I think I have wasted enough of your precious time in my stupid talks but believe me on this when I say that these are not just my feelings, these are true facts and perhaps you too have been tangled into them at some point of time.

             At last I would like to say that not all people are alike but most of them are; especially on the wrong side. I have written this article, grieved and sad by the actions of human beings; although I might be just nineteen; this is how I see the world to be. Perhaps whoever will read this might realize that this article has been written with so much hate and conviction towards the human kind and their actions. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but it is just that I feel very sad and feel sorry for those who think that life is a race which needs to won any how to earn success. I say this because an imminent person had once said that “Success tempts many to their ruins”. So I would like tell to my friends that life is not a race of success, but it is of sufferance and pain; and to minimize them try not to hurt anyone any more, it would only increase your own problems and hardships. Try to lead the life simple and easy; learn to make through the problems which life will throw at you, and not try to make your own way through it. Some people might think that I am a coward talking like this, but to tell you the truth I am just being thoughtful. Just give my ideas a small space in your vast network of limited neurons and ponder about it for and with the limited amount of them (neurons) you use. Thank You.


© 2015 Asif Iqbal Pias

Author's Note

Asif Iqbal Pias
guys this is my first piece that i am submitting here. i hope everyone will leave their comments and i will be more than happy to review it positively. thank you

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The strong aspects of your writing . . . you tackle a large & complex topic which could be boring but you start out using some significant & relatable examples to show some of your ideas, making it more interesting. Your ideas are fresh & unusual, well-expressed, & conveyed with a sense of compassion even as you criticize humans in a general sense.

Areas for improvement . . . this is WAAAAAY too broad a topic & so you're attacking it with various approaches that don't feel cohesive to me. It's like you're jumping all over the place trying to get your arms around whatever you're trying to say about this overly-large & impossibly-complex area of thought. In short, FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS! You can't say everything there is to say about any topic, ever. Writers always need to pick only one aspect & keep the focus on this even tho it's tempting to stray to other related ideas.

Another area for improvement . . . I'm noticing that the point of view is constantly changing. Sometimes you are speaking in terms of "we" . . . at other times you are describing other people in third person, and at other times you switch to "you" which sounds kind of preachy to me, trying to tell your readers what they need to do to fix these issues that you perceive about human nature. You can never assume to tell your audience how to fix themselves when you haven't even been convincing that there's a problem. It puts your reader off to be told this & that are wrong about them. It's better to stick with "we" as you started out this piece, becuz it's inclusive. People feel less attacked & criticized if you include yourself in the description of what's wrong & what needs to be done.

I hope you don't mind that I offer a wide critique here . . . these are things that every writer must gradually conquer, piece by piece, as we learn to hone our craft. Lots of times in my early writing career, I wrote pieces like this, with my millions of jumbled thoughts flowing out disjointedly & trying to "make a difference" by telling people the problems & solutions from my point of view (not necessarily anyone else's point of view, I eventually learned!) Anyhow, over the years I've often rewritten much of my early stuff, just taking one slice of an early jumbled message & then coaxing it into a cohesive persuasive write.

Thanks for accepting the possibilities I offer . . .

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Asif Iqbal Pias

8 Years Ago

thank you very much...generally people dont give this elaborate criticism of any writings...i am gla.. read more


The strong aspects of your writing . . . you tackle a large & complex topic which could be boring but you start out using some significant & relatable examples to show some of your ideas, making it more interesting. Your ideas are fresh & unusual, well-expressed, & conveyed with a sense of compassion even as you criticize humans in a general sense.

Areas for improvement . . . this is WAAAAAY too broad a topic & so you're attacking it with various approaches that don't feel cohesive to me. It's like you're jumping all over the place trying to get your arms around whatever you're trying to say about this overly-large & impossibly-complex area of thought. In short, FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS! You can't say everything there is to say about any topic, ever. Writers always need to pick only one aspect & keep the focus on this even tho it's tempting to stray to other related ideas.

Another area for improvement . . . I'm noticing that the point of view is constantly changing. Sometimes you are speaking in terms of "we" . . . at other times you are describing other people in third person, and at other times you switch to "you" which sounds kind of preachy to me, trying to tell your readers what they need to do to fix these issues that you perceive about human nature. You can never assume to tell your audience how to fix themselves when you haven't even been convincing that there's a problem. It puts your reader off to be told this & that are wrong about them. It's better to stick with "we" as you started out this piece, becuz it's inclusive. People feel less attacked & criticized if you include yourself in the description of what's wrong & what needs to be done.

I hope you don't mind that I offer a wide critique here . . . these are things that every writer must gradually conquer, piece by piece, as we learn to hone our craft. Lots of times in my early writing career, I wrote pieces like this, with my millions of jumbled thoughts flowing out disjointedly & trying to "make a difference" by telling people the problems & solutions from my point of view (not necessarily anyone else's point of view, I eventually learned!) Anyhow, over the years I've often rewritten much of my early stuff, just taking one slice of an early jumbled message & then coaxing it into a cohesive persuasive write.

Thanks for accepting the possibilities I offer . . .

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Asif Iqbal Pias

8 Years Ago

thank you very much...generally people dont give this elaborate criticism of any writings...i am gla.. read more

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1 Review
Added on February 11, 2015
Last Updated on February 11, 2015
Tags: psychology, human behaviour


Asif Iqbal Pias
Asif Iqbal Pias

Rajshahi, Bangladesh

i am a student of literature. i have a passion for writing and looking forward to establish myself in this field. more..
