Chapter 3 Planning the Battle

Chapter 3 Planning the Battle

A Chapter by Alewis



     "Wake up my love. We have much to do today." I tapped Myrin's shoulder. He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him.

     "Just a little longer," he grinned.

     "Nope. You had your fun last night," I laughed. Myrin moaned and rolled on one elbow.

     "Are you sure about this?" he questioned.

     "You know not to question my motives." I told him. He nodded.

     "I worry about you," Myrin caught me off guard with his words.

     "I know you do. I've loved you since the day we met." I kissed him softly and got ready to meet the others.




     Amira's house was huge. I got lost like five times in less than thirty minutes.

     "Are you lost?" I jumped and turned around. Adrienne was standing behind me sullenly.

     "Yea. I am. What about you?" I asked.

     "Nah, I have a good memory. I'll show you the way," she smiled.

     "Are you okay?" she seemed really down about something.

     "Yea. I'm just nervous about everything." she gestured with her arms.

     "I know what you mean. I was scared when Aidan was shot with the arrow. He is the only family I have left," I whispered. I glanced up to see her expression. It was blank.

     "I lost my dad when i was a little girl. My mom died when i was four." She stopped walking. I looked up and noticed we were at the sitting room.

     "Well, I killed my parents," I told her before walking in. Amira and Rocky were there before us. Mystic hissed when she saw me. I hissed back at her.

     "Mystic. Se comportan!" Rocky told her in spanish.

     "Does your cat not know english?" i asked her, She lifted her haead to look at me.

     "My cat, Mystic knows some commands in spanish. I speak two languages," she replied.

     "Can we get this started?" Adrienne went to sit. I took the seat next to her.

     "Okay then. I would like to know why Klous chose you," Rocky said.

     "Because he found out that Aidan was watching me while i was human," i explained.

     "You said something about visions?" Amira asked.

     "Oh yea. Sometimes the future flashes across my head. They began a year after i changed." i told her.

     "I think thats interesting," Adrienne whispered. I gave her a shy smile.

     "I'm an original and over 500 years old. I never heard of your kind to have visions." Rocky admitted.

     "Maybe she is an exception. I have powers that i got when i was only six years of age." Amira chimed in.

     "How old are you?" Adrienne asked Amira.

     "I'm sixteen...thousand years old. My birthday was about two-four years ago." she looked away. i was trying to add up what she said.

     "I only celebrate my birthday every 1000 years. It's simple." she answered my thoughts. This was so strange to be here with these people and finding out all this information on vampires.

     "We need to fight against the Elders." Rocky's tone was serious.

     "The four of us can't go against the Elders. We aren't strong enough." Adrienne snapped.

     "Why aren't we? Amira asked.

     "Because, they are old! Remy and I are only two years into our change." Its true. I was on Adrienne's side about that. I'm still considered a newborn.

     "We have an adavantage over them." Rocky said.

     "How?" She sat up straight.

     "First of all, you, Amira, and Adrienne have powers. None of the Elder vampires do." she explained. Amira's head snapped up.

     "What do you mean none of them have powers?" she asked.

     "They don't do anything speacial. They are just really old and strong." Rocky responded. Amira nodded and began thinking to herself.

     "So then how is it that some vampires are gifted?" Adrienne asked sounding more like herself.

     "The gifts transfer from your human life." she answered.

     "That means when i was human. i could've controlled water?"

     "Yes, but your human strength probably couldn't have withstand all that power." Rocky said. Adrienne stared into space. There was la lot that i was learning. There was a chance that i was always speacial when i was human. i thought to myself about life before vampires. They were fading day by day.

      Rocky and Amira were talking about plans. I looked to Adrienne who was petting the cat.

      "You actually like that furball?" I whispered to her.

      "She is a really laid back kitty. Do you think we should go through with this?" she asked.

      "Yea i do. I want to continue living my life. I trust Rocky when she says she knows what she is doing." i told her.

      "Thank you for that," Rocky chimed in."Mystic isn't a furball. She barely has hair." Adrienne started laughing. I turned my head and tried to hold back a giggle.

       "We must begin then. There is no time to lose." Amira stood. She actually looked like a queen. I stood up also.

       "Then what are we waiting for?" Let's go!" I yelled. Everyone nodded.




     It amazed me how willing Remy and Adrienne were to help us out. I knew they would though. I walked to the backyard and found Eric sitting with the other guys. They were in deep discussion.

     When i walked up, they turned silent. I just shook my head.

     "Most people would find it rude that people get silent, once someone walks over." i stated.

     "We were just talking about guy things Rocky. Relax." Eric told me.

      "What kind of guy things?" Remy asked sliding into Aidan's lap.

       "Remy, Remy, Remy. Just things that don't concern girls." Aidan responded.

     "Well, we've decided to fight against the Elders." i said. Remy looked nervous. 

     "What? Did you just say that you are going to fight against the Elders?" Aidan asked. Remy slid off his lap.

     "Calm down Aidan. None of the have powers, so it will be a peice of cake," Remy reassured him.

     "I don't want Adrienne to be in this," Alek spoke up.

     "Then we are going to have a problem. I'm not going to sit on the sidelines." Adrienne was walking with Amira. Mystic trailing behind.

     "Myrin, do you have anything you would like to say?" Amira asked him.

     "No my lady. I have found the location of the Elders." he said. He took out a folded peice of paper and handed it to her.

     "Thank you. I'll look over this later." She tucked the paper away.

     There was alot of tension in the air now. Everyone didn't want this war to be here. Even me. I squeezed Eric's shoulder and he put his hand against mine.

     "I don't have a good feeling about this," he told me.

     "Thats too bad then." Amira chimed in." We are older. What we do is our buisness. You can't stop us." Eric just looked at me for support. I just shook my head.

     "Rocky are you going to just agree with her?"

     "I have no choice. She is queen and i got the letter." I explained/

     "What letter?" Remy asked. I grabbed the envelope in my pocket and showed her.

     "It explains about the war. I had forgot to mention it earlier."

     "Theo sent it?"

     "He is one of the Elders." Adrienne stepped over to my side.

     "Why send a letter?" she asked.

     "Because, they only send it to worthier vampires. Amira also got the letter." Amira's eyes peirced me.

     "I'm a queen. I don't care about the worthy or unworthy. I onmly care about me and Myrin's safety." she snapped.

     "Well then thats nice to know. I actually was beginning to like all of you! But you only care for yourselves!" Remy shouted.

     "Ignore it Remy. I care about you." Aidan pulled her close.



     "Don't be rude to the niños. It isn't nice. Keep things like that to yourself." I told her. She flipped her hair before walking away. Myrin followed after her.

     "You need to speak spanish more and we need to get back to work." Remy said. I laughed out loud.




    Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. We were busy planning and training for our upcoming battle. I was still slightly scared about this battle, but i was also willing to fight.

    Amira eased up a lot. She took a liking to getting to know all of us. She is truly something speacial. We learned that her parents were murdered when she was a young girl. Maybe that explained her dislike towards others.

     Remy and I grew close and practically became best friends. Even though we are two opposite people, we managed  to click. Remy had a protective side to her that went off whenever Alek yelled at me.

    "I cant wait!" Remy shrieked. We were all gathered around discussing the battle.

     "You must be patient Remy. The time will come," Rocky told her.

     "I know, but I believe we are ready! Things are only getting worst if we continue to wait."

     "There's  a reason we aren't attacking," Myrin said. Remy shooked her head.

     "He's right. If we rush into things, we can end up in a trap," I told her. She shrugged.

     "What's wrong with you?" Aidan asked. Remy squirmed uncomfortably. She was hiding something.

     "You might as well tell us, or I'll jsut get it from you the hard way," Amira threatened. Remy snapped out of it.

     "I saw your house getting burned before we left. We all get trapped inside." She took a deep breath.

     "Oh my God. Were you ever going to say something?" Alek asked.

     "Don't shout at me. I was going to tell everyone."

     "When?" I asked.

     "I don't know Adrienne. I freaked out. I hate fire," She admitted. I never knew she was afraid of fire.

     "Everyone has a fear they must face. I can understand your reasoning for not telling," Rocky said. Remy gave her a silent nod.

     "Do you see something else?" Amira asked.

    "I saw, the order of which we died, but I also saw humans attacking." I froze and thought back to how my home was destroyed by them.

     "Adrienne? You okay?"

     "No. I'm not. We need to attack first."

     "Told you, we should go now," Remy muttered. The others nodded.

     "Remy and Adrienne both got attacked by humans?" Myrin asked.

     "They shot Aidan," Remy corrected. I rolled my eyes.

     "Same thing, since both of you are one," Amira said.

     "Okay. Stop!" They stared at me. I continued, "We need to get along. Arguing won't get us anywhere. We must work together and defeat the Elders. I say we leave quickly, as in tomorrow."

     "You're right. I don't want to be here when those humans attack," Amira said.

     "The sun," Remy said the words as if she could feel it rising. She was gripping her chair really tight. Her eyes went distant. She was having a vision.

     "Tell us more," Rocky was now kneeling in front of her.

     "They're pulling vampires into the sun. Humans have weapons. They're killing us." Her eyes flickered back to normal and loosened her grip on the chair.

     "That's it. We're leaving right now," Amira snapped.




© 2011 Alewis

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In my opinion you should definitely continue. There is a nice plot here and it can be further fleshed out with just a bit more in the story. I suck at explaining stuff. What I mean by that is like another chapter or something, but then again I am senile.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


In my opinion you should definitely continue. There is a nice plot here and it can be further fleshed out with just a bit more in the story. I suck at explaining stuff. What I mean by that is like another chapter or something, but then again I am senile.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on September 25, 2011
Last Updated on October 2, 2011




i write stories about supernatural or jusst mabe once a normal setting more..

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